New Sisters Pricing, Space Marine Rules & Models LATEST

By Caitlyn Cumberland | June 24th, 2019 | Categories: News & Rumors

Reiver H&S Wal Hor primaris space marine chapter

Don’t miss the latest new rules for Space Marines, Ad Mech, and Apocalypse. Plus new pricing for Sisters of battle, and 40k bundles!

These were the biggest announcements from the wargaming hobby, along with our expert commentary that you may have missed while you were relaxing.

40k Apocalypse Battalion Pre-Order & Values LATEST

apocalypse bundle headerWanna save some hobby cash? Don’t miss the latest on the new Apocalypse 40k bundles that go on pre-order this Saturday, June 29th! Read More

GW’s Secret Pricing for New Plastic Sisters of Battle?

GW Raising Sisters of Battle Prices Substantially For US Customers? wal horWant to know how much Warhammer 40k’s new Sisters of Battle may cost you when you step up to the register later in the year? Read More

New Space Marine & Ad Mech Tank Rules LATEST

Space Marine walpaperThe new Warhammer 4ok Space Marine and Ad Mech tanks are here! Check out the latest from the rules to the kits themselves that have been revealed! Read More

GW Teases New Chaos Daemon 40k Apocalypse Rules

khorne daemonkin sm wal chaosDaemons are also getting their own rules even though they might have been overlooked in the Apocalypse faction bundles. Check out the latest! Read More

Imperial Guard 40k Apocalypse Rules REVEALED

imperial guard hor walWanting to see what the backbone of the Imperium will be bringing to the table? Get ready to see tons of bodies and tanks! Read More

New Forge World Space Marine Terminators Hit Pre-Orders

forge world new releases games workshop warhammer community thundehawkLike clockwork, Forge World is back with another pre-order option. New Terminators are here for White Scars in the Horus Heresy. Read More

New AoS Abilities, Merc Rules & Points Changes SPOTTED!

sorcerer age of sigmar new model bitsDon’t miss new AoS Command Abilities, Mercenaries and more points changes that were just spotted in the Generals Handbook! Read More

5 New Fyreslayers Matched Play Rules SPOTTED!

Duardin Army fyreslayers age of sigmar wal horFyreslayers might have just gotten their battletome but the rules train hasn’t quite stopped for these guys yet. Check out this month’s White Dwarf. Read More

Look Out! GW Publishes Player Code of Conduct For Events

Tabletop bullies and slow players beware, GW has published how they expect players to conduct themselves at their events. Check out their new Code of Conduct Read More

Why GW Downloadable 3D Space Marine Files Could Happen Soon

3d printing tabletop miniaturesIs it only a matter of time before Games Workshop starts selling downloadable 3D printer files for miniatures (like Space Marines) to us? Here’s why! Read More

GW Teases New Ork 40k Apocalypse Rules

ork hor walThe Orks just got some new rule teasers for all the goodies they’ll be getting in all the large scale 40k Apocalypse games that will be happening soon! Read More

And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.

About the Author: Caitlyn Cumberland