GW Reveals New Soulblight Vampire & Lumineth Realm-lords

lumineth realm-lords walGW revealed some high-quality photos of the new Soulblight Gravelords Vampire & Lumineth Realm-lords minis today – check it out!

Today on Warhammer Community they revealed a bunch of new pics for the Kangaroo riders, known as Hurakan Windchargers. They also say they’re not kangaroos but Treerunners despite the striking and we mean striking resemblance. On top of that, they have a single picture of a new vampire and the Vanari Lord Regent. 

There were some leaked pics all over the internet last night, but they weren’t too crisp. It looks like GW didn’t want people to steal their thunder and just went ahead and released the pics themselves, or maybe this was all part of the plan…

Anyway, onto the new minis!

Lumineth Realm-lords Minis: Hurakan Windchargers

Lumineth Realm Lords minis 2


Lumineth Realm Lords minis 3


Lumineth Realm Lords minisWe saw a bunch of teaser pics for these not so long ago, but we usually don’t see the minis come out so fast. They didn’t say much else in the post about rules or anything like that. Just that they will be as fast as the Autumn wind. They are interesting models if nothing else and shows that GW is willing to take things in a new direction with their mounts. Maybe with them being Treerunners, they will get to ignore terrain or something like that? But if nothing else we know one of the factions the new Broken Realms book is going to focus on!

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Vanari Lord Regent

Lumineth Realm Lords minis 4They do say this mount is something entirely different. It definitely has a different look, and if you ask us, we like it more than the normal guys. If you play the Lumineth Realm-lords, you’re getting a bunch of new minis! Because these may not even be everything they are getting.


VampireIt’s not all stuff for the good guys though! There was also a shoddy picture of this minis as well last night. Now you get to revel in the high-quality photo! Overall a great looking mini!


UlfenkarnThey also revealed the name of what looks to be a major location for the Soulblight Gravelords, so we can expect to see plenty more minis for the Dead! You can also watch the video below to see some more shots of the new minis!

Do you like the look of the new minis? Are you excited about what else could be in the preview?

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