New Suppression & Panic Rules Announced for Star Wars: Legion

Star-Wars-Legion-Logo-rew-rulesAMG has announced more changes for Star Wars: Legion with new suppression rules and panicked units- check it out!

Earlier last week, they announced some pretty big changes to Line of Sight and a comprehensive core rulebook coming in January 2023. However, they are not done with the rules changes!

Suppression is normally not too crazy right now and hasn’t had a huge impact. AMG wants to change that in the new rulebook, with it playing bigger roles, especially for objectives. Let’s take a closer look.

New Suppression & Panic Rules Announced for Star Wars: Legion

walker Star Wars Legion

This comes from the December 14th Transmission.

suppression rules

While working on the Core Rulebook and other future developments for Star Wars: Legion, we realized that the suppression and panic mechanics were not delivering the desired impact on the game, especially when it came to objective play and Legion’s scenario scoring conditions. In too many situations, the player’s only option for denying or securing victory points was to outright eliminate the entire enemy unit, because suppression and panic did not affect the unit’s ability to score. Additionally, the intended functionality of panic was at odds with the written rule’s language, leading to ambiguity and problematic interactions.

It’s always cool to get a few more mechanics to stop people from scoring because just having to eliminate the whole unit is quite annoying sometimes.

So, it should be an interesting change.

suppression rules 2

Panic has now been reworked to increase its importance in scenario play and give players additional options for counterplay beyond simply trying to eliminate all miniatures in a unit. When a unit panics it no longer flees from the battlefield. This removes a large amount of ambiguity and deeper rules issues with regards to precisely how players resolve a panicking units’ movement. Now, when a unit panics, it simply cannot perform actions or free actions. Additionally, a panicking unit drops any objective tokens they may be carrying. Then, at the end of their activation, they remove a number of suppression tokens equal to their courage value. Most importantly for many scenarios, units that are panicked cannot be used to satisfy the victory conditions on objective cards. So that lone remaining trooper that’s dug in behind heavy cover with a pile of dodge tokens can now be eliminated from the scenario by the proper application of suppression and panic.

This will make high courage units more useful as they can take away more suppression tokens. Then for scoring, you just have to get a unit to panic and they can’t score the objective!

What do you think about the Star Wars: Legion rules changes? 

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