The Bad guys are HERE. Checkout the new Warscroll rules for using the Tzeentch’s Denizens of the Silver Tower in games of Age of Sigmar!
Get your rules fix on! Come see how you can use the new models from Warhammer Quest in your games of Age of Sigmar!
Source: IMGUR
It Burns Us!
Where there was once one, now there are more.. Pink, Then Blue, Then FIRE!
Talk about an ‘ead Butt!
They don’t die they multiply!
Well if you were looking to add these models to your AoS collection, now you have a great reason to pick up the set!
Checkout the rest of the Warscrolls for Warhammer Quest for you games of Age of Sigmar, below!
Warhammer Quest Roundup
Are the New 40k Flyer Rules OP? – Long War Podcast Episode 51