RUMORS: New 40k Aeldari Plastic Kits & Release Dates

aeldari rumors release wal hor warhammer 40k

Huge news and rumors are here for new Warhammer 40k Aeldari miniatures and release dates for more Eldar Aspect Warriors plastic kits!

RUMORS: New 40k Aeldari Miniatures & Wave 2 Eldar Release Dates

We’ve seen new plastic Striking Scorpions for Kill Team hit shelves, but according to these rumors, that’s just the start! This next wave of new Eldar models will focus heavily on the Aspect Warrior side of things, and supposedly, people have even seen the new Asurmen Phoenix Lord model.  Here are the latest rumors for the new Aeldari in 10th Edition.  Remember, these are still rumors, so take them with as much salt as you need. Nothing is set in stone until Games Workshop says it. 

Aeldari Ghosts of the Past Return: New Eldar 40k Roadmap Spotted

Warhammer 40k 2025 Roadmap

The latest updates in Warhammer 40k bring us everything from the stoic resilience of the Astra Militarum to the elegant menace of the Aeldari, all topped off with some tantalizing whispers of Chaos.

Eldar will be getting Aspect Warrior miniatures with new sculpts to “round out the line” in early 2025 (and what we assume will be a new codex book as well.) With new units and updates on the horizon, they’re ready to strike fear—or at least mild concern—into the hearts of their enemies. Spoiler alert: GW said, “What’s next? It starts with swooping and ends with the Hawks, for starters.”

From the looks of it, some or all of this rumor will come true, and judging by Games Workshop’s coy text, we will see, at the very least, new Swooping Hawks for sure.

New Aeldari Phoenix Lords Minaitures


Asurmen new eldar aeldari miniatures rumors codex

Let’s start with the biggest giveaway about new Eldar rumors. Valrak says Auspex Tactics has actually seen the new Asurmen model photos! Auspex is generally pretty close to rumors, and while that doesn’t make it 100% true, it gives a ton of credence to the new line! We initially heard rumors about this release at the end of 2023, but now, with photo evidence, it means GW has started photographing their models and working on press releases. Once they do this, the models are generally about four to six months away. However, it seems like this is only one of eight new kits the Eldar will be getting.

New Plastic Aeldari Aspect Warriors Kit Rumors & Release Dates

New 40k Aeldari Miniatures rumors new plastic aspect warriors

Unfortunately, the Dire Avengers kit is only about 20 years old, so according to these, they won’t be getting any new models. However, there are tons of new kits to look forward to!  Next up, supposedly, GW is aiming to get the rest of the Aspect Warriors’ new model kits. Swooping Hawks may be next up with a new Kill Team, just like the Striking Scorpions got (supposedly, GW forgot to make Karandras, but he will get a new model). This is rumored to be before the 10th Edition codex release, with Baharroth coming once the Swooping Hawks release on their own or with the codex, according to this.

Fuegan new eldar aeldari miniatures rumors codex new plastic aspect warriorsNext up will be Fire Dragons with Fuegan. Given that this said late 2024/25, we expect them to drop with the codex and not some separate release. Both the Fire Dragons and Fuegan are super old models, so it only makes sense they get the new plastic model treatment! Obviously, GW changes its release dates pretty regularly, but for the 10th edition, they have stayed super close to the roadmap, so when they finally show the codex on there, expect the fire dragons not far behind, supposedly.

warp spider new plastic aspect warriorsThe dates are the same for the Warp Spiders are the same as the Fire Dragons, so it’s easy to assume they may also drop with the codex. Maybe the biggest news, though, is that GW will come out with a new Phoenix Lord made just for the Warp Spiders! We’ll have to see on that one, but once this codex comes out, every Aspect Warrior and Phoenix Lord will have a new plastic model (well, if you count the early 2000s as new for Dire Avengers).

Overall, these are just rumors, and it’s important to take them with a grain of salt. However, the prospect of new Aeldari miniatures is exciting for Warhammer 40k players, especially those who favor the Aspect Warriors and Phoenix Lords. It looks like 10th Edition 40k is going to continue to be a great edition for Aeldari players with new miniatures and rules!

As the dust settles from Operation Hivestorm, Games Workshop is refusing to give our wallets a breather and just hit us with more Warhammer goodness at the NOVA Open 2024 with a focus on roadmaps for all the games, so while there might not be the most minis, you will get a look at the future of all these games! Click any of the links below to jump to the info you need the most, or just dig in from the beginning.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about all the new plastic Eldar Aspect Warriors and Phoenix Lords miniatures rumors? 

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!