RUMORS: All The New AoS Slaves to Darkness Models Leaked!

slaves-to-darkness-new-miniaturesEven more, AoS Slaves to Darkness model leaks are here with some decent photos and a whole lot of new minis- check it out!

We’ve been hearing about the new Chaos models for what feels like forever at this point, but now we have some pictures! The new models look much more posable and customizable than the previous minis, which is awesome. Plus, we’ve recently seen some other models overall for Slaves To Darkness, so we expect the release to be huge for the army.

The images come from Reddit, and while it’s only two pictures, plenty of new minis are included. Let’s first check out some of the new models we’ve seen confirmed from GW, then get into the leaks.

GW Reveals the New Age of Sigmar Roadmap!

After those images were spotted on the internet, GW did their best to either follow up their own leaks, or just one-up the leakers. Either way, they both chose violence, and we get shiny new previews! Yah!

Yes, Battletome: Slaves to Darkness is on its way. Archaon’s armies are riding out from the Eightpoints to stoke the fires of Chaos, and lay claim to the Mortal Realms with an iron gauntlet in the name of the Ruinous Powers.

Chaos Slaves To Darkness Battletome

The new battletome also heralds new miniatures – lots and lots of spiky new miniatures – and the crowning jewel of this release is an all-new Daemon Prince, who towers above the mortals under their command.

Chaos Daemon Prince official GW image

There’s more to this miniature than meets the eye, but you’ll have to stay tuned to Warhammer Community next week for more information.

That sounds like they are hitting at what some photato quality images have already revealed that there is a Chaos Space Marines bits for this model too!

Age of Sigmar 2022 Roadmap for releases and battletomes

We even have a shiny new roadmap for you to check out.

RUMORS: New AoS Slaves to Darkness Model Leaks!

AoS Chaos RumorsAs you can see, there are all kinds of new models included! According to the Reddit comments, here is everything new in the pic:

  • Eternus
  • Lord on Daemonic Mount
  • Exalted Hero
  • New multi-part Warriors
  • New multi-part Knights
  • Chosen
  • Ogroid Theridons
  • Horns of Hashut (Warcry)
  • Legionnaires (Warcry)
  • Centaurion Marshal (Warcry)

What can you see from the list, and where?

AoS Chaos Rumors 2Then the other picture we have is this awesome model, which is supposedly Eternus by the looks of the Warscroll that was spotted earlier!

eternus rules slaves to darknessIf you want a badass leader, then this might just be perfect, and you could easily see this guy walking directly out of an ’80s album cover or piece of art (Death Dealer, anyone?).


With so many leaks and confirmed minis by GW, we hope the battletome is still on track for Fall/Winter!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

What do you think about the new Chaos models? What all can you find in the picture? 

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