All the New AoS Slaves To Darkness Miniatures & Rules

slaves-to-darkness-chaos-knights-army-book-boxMore new Chaos Slaves To Darkness models are here, even though their new Battletome book is coming in Winter of 2022! 

We’ve been hearing about the new Chaos Warriors for what feels like forever at this point, but now we have some pictures!

The new models look much more posable and customizable than the previous minis, which is awesome. Plus, we’ve recently seen some new models overall for Slaves To Darkness, so we expect the release to be huge for the army.

Slaves to Darkness Army Box Set: What’s the Value? November 3rd 2022

Slaves to Darkness Army Set

The Slaves to Darkness rise again, ready to stain the Mortal Realms red with the blood of any who would oppose them. Their army set includes 14 new miniatures – a Daemon Prince, 10 Chaos Chosen, and three Ogroid Theridons.

This boxed set also includes a special launch edition version of the new Slaves to Darkness battletome. There are also Warscroll Cards, which will only be available in this set for the foreseeable future, plus 28 Enhancement Cards, and 34 tokens to keep track of rules and special abilities.

  • Daemon Prince $65 (based on recent releases and the fact it will be usable for 40k and AoS)
  • 10 Chaos Chosen $60-$120 (Recently released Bladelords are $60 for 5, along with Slaanesh Myrmidons, should most likey be 5 for $60) 
  • Ogroid Theridons $60 (based on current prices for similar scale models, could be more)
  • Warscroll Cards $33.50
  • Battletome $55

Army Box Retail Price: $200 Total MSRP: $273.50-$333.50

Savings Versus Box Price: $73.50-$133.50 (estimated)

GW Previews New Slaves to Darkness Models, But There’s a Catch: October 31, 2022

Warhammer Community unveiled the new minis and some more of what to expect with the battletome, but not necessarily in a good way.

Slaves to Darkness new Models


New Slaves to Darkness

Huge swathes of the range are getting updated. First up, and cutting a mean-silhouette in their heavy armour and swirling capes, are the Chaos Warriors. This is a brand new multipart kit with new options, including a choice of hand weapons or halberds, an aspiring champion, a standard bearer, and a musician.

New Slaves to Darkness 2These guys have had the same kit for a really long time, so it’s nice to see a new multi-part kit coming out for them.

New Chaos Knights

New Slaves to Darkness 4


New Slaves to Darkness 5

Charging into battle on blood-caked hooves, Chaos Knights are ready to make a shish-kebab of the enemy. The knights from the Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness box will get a standalone release, with a new command retinue frame. There is also the option of an ensorcelled warhammer for their Doom Knight champion.

New Slaves to Darkness 6We saw the musician earlier, so it’s nice to see the rest of the models for the ETB/multi-part kit.

New Heroes

New Slaves to Darkness 7

Warriors who catch the attention of the gods may be presented with dark powers on the Path to Glory. These Exalted Heroes are armed with rune-etched weapons, tailor-made for taking heads and winning infamy.

The new heroes are definitely cool and really have a great chaotic feel.

New Slaves to Darkness 8


New Slaves to Darkness 9

Those who claw their way to the heady heights of Chaos Lord find themselves on the precipice of great power or eternal damnation – but at least they can always get a sweet daemonic mount.

What’s better than a boring old horse? A daemonic mount of course!

While all the new stuff is really cool, there is a little catch with the battletome…

Here’s the Catch

Battletome catch

** Please note, this edition of the Slaves to Darkness battletome has a minor print error in English language versions only. There will be a small errata available next week alongside the pre-order.

Ah, well, hopefully, the full battletome fixes the issue; just be on the lookout for an errata on day one (or almost minus days considering this is the early access book). Oh well, nothing too big; just annoying to pay for a big battle box and get it with an outdated product…

AoS Chaos Slaves to Darkness Battletome Rules Leaks

These Chaos Slaves to Darkness Battletome rules leaks come from Reddit; let’s check them out!

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Let’s start with the points! Archaon is staying super expensive at 860 points, but we’ll check out his scroll soon, so you can see if he is worth it. Chaos Warriors come in at 220 for 10 and 230 for 5 Knights, meaning they will continue to be an elite force.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome LeaksVaranguard also stays quite expensive at 290 for three models, which makes the Host of the Everchosen even better.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Getting a Varanguard model back on a 4+ is insane… that’s all we have to say about that. Then Cabalists will turn your army into a magic machine!

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Despoilers will make your monsters much tougher, and get more command traits. Knights of the Empty Throne is pretty awesome as you can run and charge, then your Varanguard can just be your general.

New Warscrolls

Archaon warscrollArchaon is insane! With 25 wounds, all the special rules, all the attacks, and a 5+ ward save. He’s going to be near impossible to take down, dish out all the damage, and even cast all the spells. just so much to go over.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks The new knights get three wounds, each with a wide range of weapons and attacks. Plus, with their special rules, they can really get off a lot of damage when they charge.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Dark Master is a super cool ability, and on a 3+, you can take out an enemy hero for an entire turn and just mess up your opponent so much.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Chaos Warriors are also a really tough unit with plenty of attacks, and if you can get them into the enemy’s territory, they will be even better!

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks The Theridons have a ton of wounds, attacks, and plenty of damage. Then, if they are getting hit, they get stronger and once per game can unleash their fury and really smash through the enemy.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Last but not least, are Chosen. They can roll on the Eye of the Gods table and can even inflict mortal wounds!

Massive AoS Chaos Slaves to Darkness Battletome Rules Leaks

The second round of new Chaos Slaves to Darkness Battletome rules leaks come from here on  Reddit; let’s check them out!

Slaves to Darkness LeaksAll four of the Grand Strategies are quite achievable, and the Battle tactics are also pretty doable. However, some might be hard for certain armies, as some will barely have three heroes or three units to charge!

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 2Nothing too crazy here, as it’s close to what we expected.

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 3Rolling two dice on the Eye of the Gods table is awesome, but so is adding 1 to your wound rolls, or getting a 4+ ward save from shooting!

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 4

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 5All 5 of these are decent and pretty flavorful to each god.

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 6It’s always good to see this table around; just be sure not to roll those double 1’s for your heroes, or they will still turn into a spawn.

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 7Last week we saw what the different legions did, and you can check those out here.

Death Dealer is just cool because of the classic Frank Frazetta art, and not to mention you get to fight again…

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 9Striking first is always nice, but so is getting buffs against another character!

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 10They have some pretty sweet spells!

New Warscrolls

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 15With five wounds, tons of special rules, and just everything you need! These guys are still quite strong, and we expect to see them around for a while.

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 12The Gorbeast Chariot is a fun model, and it has plenty of attacks and can ride over units and cause a bunch of wounds!

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 11The daemonic mount can put out some okay damage, but a lord with 10″ movement is always a scary prospect!

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 13This isn’t quite as beefy as the Gorbeast Chariot, but is much faster and still a fun addition.

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 14Last but not least is the Chaos Sorceror Lord on Manticore, and there’s not much cooler than a Sorceror on a Manticore!

AoS Slaves to Darkness Model Leaks!

The images come from Reddit, and while it’s only two pictures, plenty of new minis are included.

AoS Chaos RumorsAs you can see, there are all kinds of new models included! According to the Reddit comments, here is everything new in the pic:

  • Eternus
  • Lord on Daemonic Mount
  • Exalted Hero
  • New multi-part Warriors
  • New multi-part Knights
  • Chosen
  • Ogroid Theridons
  • Horns of Hashut (Warcry)
  • Legionnaires (Warcry)
  • Centaurion Marshal (Warcry)

What can you see from the list, and where?

AoS Chaos Rumors 2Then the other picture we have is this awesome model, which is supposedly Eternus by the looks of the Warscroll that was spotted earlier!

AoS Slaves to Darkness New Army Box & Minis (August 31, 2022)

More new releases are coming in hot for AoS as the Slaves to Darkness army box and models were revealed at the 2022 Nova Open GW Preview!

Slaves to Darkness new minis 2We’ve been seeing rumors and small reveals for the army for a while now, so it’s nice to finally see them actually get the release.

Slaves to Darkness new minis 3

This is the first place you can get hold of the fearsome new Daemon Prince, who has a plethora of build options.

Backing up this terrifying daemon commander is a unit of indomitable Chosen, the most incredible armoured Chaos Warriors ever to have strode into battle. Just look at them – each one every inch the consummate killer, and as ornate and imposing as the Chaos lords of previous editions.

The box has a ton of new models inside with a daemon prince, chosen, and Ogroids! However, they do mention this won’t come right until the end of the year, so still a little way to wait.

New Models

Slaves to Darkness new minis


Slaves to Darkness new minis 4The new Chaos Chosen models are actually really sweet, as each one is about as cool as a character model themselves!

Daemon PrinceWe saw the daemon prince revealed last time, but it’s nice to know what all the options will look like that are coming in the kit.

Age of Sigmar Battletome Roadmap

You’ll be able to buy the box towards the end of the year. Think of it as a spiky vanguard arriving ahead of the main force of iron and hooves slated for early 2023.

So again, they put out the new Battletome roadmap, and it looks like early winter will be the release of this box, with the normal release hitting early in 2023.

Either way, there looks to be a ton of variety in units for the new Chaos Slaves to Darkness Battletome that is slated for release this December according to Games Workshop.

New Chaos Daemon Prince & Warhammer Rules SPOTTED!

Spotted on the Waaagh Studios, what looks to be a brand new Daemon Prince of Chaos is on the way along with new rules for Age of Sigmar as well!

Looks like there’s a new Daemon Prince model coming soon!

Yikes, Khorne seems to be losing its “auto charge” combo in Age of Sigmar in what we assume to be the upcoming Slaves to Darkness Battletome.

Size-wise this guy looks to be bigger than the existing Daemon price of Chaos whose sculpt is nearing college age by workshop daemon price for sale

The existing Games Workshop Daemon Prince even comes in an AoS box but contains the Warhammer 40k version, wild!

But wait there IS more. More images were also spotted of the new Chaos Daemon Prince model! By this point, everyone seems to think it is presumedly plastic as we see it appearing in a Warscroll book as a standard army choice, and is in this background image as well.

Seeing as the current kit has dual builds for Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar, there is no reason to think that this model won’t be for both systems either.

new chaos and daemon princeThe model at the top of this image looks like a variant of the Deamon Prince kitted out more like a Chaos Space Marine with armor and trophy racks.

Of course below that is what we know to be the new Chaos Chosen models and a lord on mount!

This is the New Daemon Prince Kit For Chaos Space Marines & Slaves To Darkness!

Chaos Daemon Prince official GW imageThis is the section of the kit we saw last week, but the one kit will be able to make all kinds of variations!

Daemon Prince

This fearsome arch-fiend can be built in numerous ways, with different options to pay homage to each of the four dark gods, or Chaos Undivided! You’ll note that he bears some of the marks of his former existence as a Chaos Space Marine, now rippling and twisted into a horrifying new form.

Chaos Daemon Prince

Of course, this battlefield behemoth will have a datasheet to match his prowess. We aren’t quite ready to reveal that just yet, but you can bet your bottom credit that he’ll be a match for the best the Dark Millennium has to offer.Daemon Prince 2

This massive, evil-eye-popping miniature – if you can even call it a “miniature” – won’t be out for a while yet. We’ll certainly have more information on what this fantastic fiend can do in due course, however. Incredibly, he’s part of a dual kit – you’re also able to build the Daemon Prince for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, albeit with very different accessories

More New Chaos Warhammer Models & Rules Leaks

According to the new Chaos Slaves to Darkness Table of Contents leaks, it looks like there will be at least five or six new plastic kits, and perhaps even we will see some of the start collecting models released separately as well.

All of these were leaked on Reddit, as someone clearly has the new Slaves to Darkness battletome (among others) way before it is scheduled to be released this winter…

new table of contents Chaos battletome

The new kits appear to be:

  • Ogroid Theridons
  • Chaos Chosen
  • Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount 
  • Eternus Blade of the First Prince
  • Horns of Hashut
  • Chaos Daemon Prince
  • Centaurian Marshal

The new Chaos Lord on Daemonic mount appears to be in the image above with the new chosen, however, that could also just be a model from the Slaves to Darkness Start Collecting box as well.

Here is a better look at the new Chaos Chosen:

new chaos chosen

Eteruns appears towering over what may be more Chosen in the image below, flanked by a new Centaur model that may just be the Centaurian Marshal?

Centaurian Marshal eternus

Ogroids have been a huge hit since 2016’s silver tower, and it looks like they are getting the full kit treatment for Slaves to Darkness with these Ogroid Theridons!

ogroid theridons 1 new rules slaves to darkness

New Chaos Slaves To Darkness Battletome Rules!

Here are some of the new warscrolls rules that have been spotted on Reddit for the Chaos Slaves to Darkness battletome.

eternus rules slaves to darkness

It’s hard to tell from the model images but this *could* be an alternate build for a new mounted Chaos lord as well.

horns of hashut new rules slaves to darkness

Some good news for Chaos Dwarves players as Hashut is making the jump to the main Age of Sigmar. The bad news is they are probably human with a 5″ move lol.


New AoS Slaves To Darkness Ogroid Theridons Revealed by GW!

Theridons are shock-assault infantry par excellence, corded with thick muscle and standing head and shoulders above lesser, human warriors. Their speed and bulk carries them straight through enemy lines with an unstoppable horn-tipped charge, swinging colossal axes as easily as an aelf would flick a paintbrush.


Once possessed of a mighty empire that stretched across great swathes of Ghur, the ogroids – known to themselves as Goroans – fought alongside Gorkamorka’s hordes, seeking the Destruction of all that threatened their civilisation. Unfortunately, the Bonesplitterz aren’t the most reliable neighbours, and the Goroan empire fell to rampaging greenskins. 


Ogroids 2

What remained of the Goroans were enticed by Archaon with promises of a new home, secure against all invaders – the land that would become the Eightpoints. There, under the shadow of the Varanspire, the ogroids raise dark citadels, forge mighty weapons, and serve as overseers in the armies of Chaos. 

And from the recent AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome leaks we may already know their rules as well:

ogroid theridons new rules slaves to darkness

These rules seem to confirm a squad-type unit for the Ogroid Theridons, which looks pretty cool!

RUMORS: New AoS Slaves to Darkness Chaos Warriors Models Pics

The images come from Reddit, and while it’s only two pictures, plenty of new minis are included.

Slaves to Darkness LeaksNew Models

Chaos WarriorsOld Models

As you can see, the new warriors are far more dynamic, have more weapon options, and just look way better! They are keeping the old models’ feel, but just giving them a super update!

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 2Plus, it looks like the Warcry Warriors are getting a permanent home in the Slaves To Darkness Battletome as well!

Some of the Chaos Warriors above appear to be similar poses to the new push-fit ones from the 2020 Start Collecting box set.

slaves to darkness start collecting

New AoS Slaves to Darkness Chaos Knights Revealed by GW!

Warhammer Community unveiled one new mini for the kit so far, but also some of what to expect next. Let’s take a closer look.

Unfortunately, they edited their post, and now there are two versions of their teaser post, one that seems to indicate the new models; both are and are not the Easy To Build versions.

Currently only available in Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness, Chaos Knights are a Warhammer essential – and now these iconic mounted warriors are coming as a standalone kit with a new standard bearer, champion, and that all-important musician.


Currently only available as fixed-pose miniatures in Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness, Chaos Knights are a Warhammer essential – and now these iconic mounted warriors are coming as a standalone multipart kit.

We have no clue which “Scrodingers Knights” version is correct, as there are no update notes on their post.

Rumor is that there will be an additional sprue included with the ETB knights from the Start Collecting Box set that will have bits for the musician, standard bearer, champion etc.

AoS Chaos Knights

Just look at this horn-blowing herald – a gifted Chaos Warrior outfitted with menacing armour and a blood-red cloak, mounted upon a warped steed covered in ornate barding, ready to thunder into the enemy’s craven front line as an avalanche of blood and iron. What could be better than that?

We saw Eternus, Blade of the First Prince a few weeks ago, which you can check out here. So we really wished they would follow up with knights, and thankfully, they have!

While they only showed the one mini, it’s just really cool and a definite upgrade from the old ones. 

AoS Chaos Knights 2

Whether they’re spiking skulls on lances for Khorne, outrunning reality itself with Tzeentch, carrying plagues across the battlefield for Nurgle, riding hell for leather in Slaanesh’s name, or seeking glory and reaving for the Undivided forces, these cruel cavaliers are always ready to rout foes with minimal fuss and maximum carnage.

They kept a similar feel to the old models, but the details look much crisper, and we’re hoping the multi-part kit (if it is real) gives you plenty of options for the different gods. Considering they mention it, there’s a chance there will be something to signify each in the kit and more than just how you paint them.

With so many leaks and confirmed minis by Games Workshop, we hope the full Slaves to Darkness range stays on track for a December/Winter release!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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