RUMORS – Eldar Coming in APRIL?

By Rob Baer | March 30th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Are Eldar coming soon? Everyone says YES, but no knows specifics. Here’s the latest juicy morsels.

Looks like multiple reputable rumormongers are at odds when it comes to Eldar Rumors.

Today’s latest is from Lords of War (Facebook) who says:

“-Lords of War Gaming Yes. After Admech it will be codex Craftworld: Eldar. Plastic jetbikes and Artach.”

Now as recently as two days ago, other reliable rumormongers have been pointing to the Eldar receiving an update shortly alongside 2-3 new plastic kits replacing previous finecast ones.

But only 2 weeks ago, Lords of War themselves said to look for Space Marines and Tau later this year.

So is it Space Marines and Tau OR is Eldar in there somewhere too? Now Lords of War have Eldar rumors that conflict with what other people have said about an upcoming Eldar Release.

Plus there is no solid indication from any of them if Eldar will get a full codex update, or be rolled into a campaign book.


Now we have groups saying opposite things – But they both seem to agree that Eldar are coming back in some form with new minis in April.

Also note little hints like the Holofield wargear update that happened in Codex Harlequins.

Is it time to kiss the Wave Serpents goodbye?