Games Workshop just revealed their last releases for the month of May to close out their 2017 fiscal year, and it looks like hobbyists will have a more affordable option to get the existing Shadespire warbands now.
Now you can get your favorite push fit Shadespire warbands at a lower price starting this weekend as Games Workshop is packaging them without cards.
According to Warhammer Community, every warband is being released at a lower price point.
Next week, you’ll be able to pre-order every warband (so far…) from Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire in push fit format. Packaged without cards and priced lower than their counterparts, there are all sorts of ways you can use these push fit miniatures in your collections.
Currently, the warbands are $30 each with cards.
Shadespire Warbands
Steelheart’s Champions
Ironskull’s Boyz
Skritch Spiteclaw
Fjul Grimnir
Garrek’s Reavers
Magore’s Fiends
Sepulchral Guard
As of right now, there are rules for each warband In Age of Sigmar, but their warscrolls have not been updated to second edition Age of Sigmar quite yet. There is also speculation that there may be two more Warbands on the way that were hidden in plain sight with the Warhammer Fest AoS previews.
Release-wise, we have also been hearing that the Imperial Knight codex will have at least four new releases with a new terrain set as well to accompany three new knight kits. Look for the new walkers by the middle of June. There have also been clues that Age of Sigmar Second Edition may be releasing on June 9th as well. Plus we know the new Rogue Trader is in the release pipeline at some too.
What do you think about the latest on the news releases for Games Workshop (both confirmed and unconfirmed)? Which are you spending your hobby dollars on if, and when they hit store shelves?
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