Shadowspear, New Primarch Books & Forge World LATEST

New chaos Shadowspear

From the female Primaris Marine hoax to all the new great releases for Chaos, Primaris Space Marines, and Forge World. Don’t miss the latest hobby updates!

We’ve got the biggest announcements for the tabletop hobby, with our expert commentary that you may have missed over the weekend while you may have been relaxing.

GW Reveals Shadowspear & Units For Next Week!

Shadowspear Starter Box Warhammer Community Downloads rules pdf warhammer 40k

You saw the Shadowspear “leak”… now get the details on Games Workshop’s most anticipated Warhammer 40k starter box so far this year!

Full Chaos 40k Shadowspear Datasheet Rules REVEALED

khorne daemonkin sm wal chaosIt’s raining rules! Don’t miss the 5 new Chaos Space Marine Warhammer 40k rules datasheets and miniature lineup for the Shadowspear box! Read More

Black Library Has 3 New Books On Primarchs This Week!

Screenshot_515Even more great books are here from Black Library, as Sons of the Emperor, The Buried Dagger, and more headline the lore side of things this week! Read More

Helping a Fellow Hobbyist: Go Fund Me Support

Space Marine kneeling wal horOne of the pillars of the hobby community here in the states and just a great all-around fellow has been having medical complications and could use some help. Read More

5 New Sets of Space Marine Primaris Rules REVEALED!

primaris book cover hor marineNew Primaris Space Marine rules are here! Don’t miss the Warhammer 40k rules and miniature lineup for the Shadowspear box that were just spotted! Read More

Forge World Unveils Their Latest New Releases for LoTR

forge world new releases games workshop warhammer community thundehawkForge World released some new pre-orders we can look for on the tabletop for Lord of the Rings. Check out these fighters for Rohan! Read More

Shadowspear Chaos Space Marine Datasheet Rules SPOTTED!

eternal crusade abaddonDon’t miss the new Chaos Space Marine Warhammer 40k rules and the miniature lineup for the Shadowspear box that were just spotted! Read More

Shadowspear Reveals Named Primaris Marine Character

Reiver H&S Wal Hor primaris space marine chapterCheck out the new named character for the Primaris Space Marines! Shadowspear is coming from Games Workshop and it has all kinds of new models. Read More

Female Primaris Marine Spotted In White Dwarf is FAKE!

female primaris white dwarf hoax rumor warhammer space marineA female Primaris Space Marine model was spotted in a fake image of an issue of White Dwarf, and the internet is losing is mind over it. Read More


And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.