Wow, these are spicy 40k teasers! TWO Daemon primarchs, Orks, and the Emperor of Mankind all seem to figure into the Psychic Awakening series.
Buried in the Faith & Fury Psychic Awakening book, there are short snippets of what’s going on across the galaxy in 40k. From Fulgrim being mentioned (yes again) to the “Sleeper” waking up, all the way to Orks taking over entire systems, jump in with us as we go over everything in closer detail!
These images were spotted on Imgur.
Guardsman Becomes Psychicly Awakened
Going against some Tyranids, a Guardsman, at the point of death looks to have awakened psychically. With a missing arm and trauma that would put most people on the ground, he ran at the bugs and obliterated them with the raising of his hand. (New Guard character in the near future perhaps?)
Fulgrim Mentioned As the Illuminator?
One of Fulgrim’s titles in the Horus Heresy era was “Fulrim the Illuminator”. And while he’s been living his best life on a hidden pleasure world, he was mentioned once again in a vox message. In short, it said he is coming.
The funny thing about this is that it was a random Vox transmission and nobody else out of the Chaos fleet responded. Some hyped-up fanboy just probably hopped on the mic and gassed up his Gene-daddy.
The Sleeper (Emperor) Awakens?
Looking at the very top text, in a total Dune-style reference, the Sleeper has awoken. This could be a direct link right back to the Emperor. With his “Children” stirring, that might be mentioning their Psychic potential becoming unlocked. And looking back with Mephiston getting a new model, psychic/ Librarian support for Chapters in Faith & Fury, as well as the story of the Guardsman toasting bugs from above, it all seems to make sense.
Orks Gaining Speed and Territory
The Orks might be in the early stages of a massive Waaagh. With the message mentioning that the stars are green as well as local Astropaths falling to seizures (probably as a result of Waaagh energy overcoming their mind), Wardrums in the Glaaxian Corridor are growing louder and louder.
The all primaris Spears of the Emperor are sent to investigate.
Magnus Is Doing Something Wrong
With the latest previews showing Grey Knights, Thousand Sons, and Dark Angels to be piled in the next Psychic Awakening book, we might have just seen the reasoning behind it all. It looks like Voldus has been having trouble breaking through the Psychic Maelstrom of the Sorcerer’s planet. He’s also calling for help on making sure Magnus isn’t hatching some evil plan.
Overall, there are a bunch of exciting off-shoot stories to come from Psychic Awakening. From Fulgrim mentioned once again to the Emperor stirring or actually waking up. Another big event might be in our midst beyond this series of books.
Where would you like to see GW take the story of 40k next? Do you think these mini-stories and reports are just setting the groundwork for more campaigns and events to come?
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