Star Wars ARMADA Wave II – Shipping Next Week!


Just in time for the holidays, the new Star Wars Armada’s Wave II ships will be available for all the good boys and girls. Checkout all the details on the eagerly anticipated release!

Many Bothans died to bring us this release information from distributors nationwide:

The following items have a distributor ship date of Tuesday, November 24th.

New Fantasy Flight Games Releases:

SWM11 Star Wars: Armada: Imperial Class Star Destroyer
SWM12 Star Wars: Armada: MC30c Frigate
SWM13 Star Wars: Armada: Home One
SWM14 Star Wars: Armada: Rogues and Villains
SWM15 Star Wars: Armada: Imperial Raider

Looks like Admiral Ackbar and Darth Vader on Imperial Star Destroyer will be heading our way soon, perhaps in time for Black Friday even?

Checkout our first looks at the new ships from the Massing at Sullust Pre-Release event in October!

armada home one mc80


Home One Expansion $40

Admiral Ackbar and his flagship star cruiser, Home One, arrive to Star Wars: Armada in the Home One Expansion Pack!

Featuring one large-size, pre-painted miniature MC80 star cruiser, two ship cards, three command dials, and fourteen upgrades, the Home One Expansion Pack gives the Rebel Alliance a ship that boasts battery armaments of six dice from both its left and right hull zones, making it capable of trading blow for blow with nearly any Imperial vessel and empowering a whole new set of tactics that you can employ in your battles for galactic freedom!


New Home One Upgrades

MC30 Expansion $30

One of the most powerful mid-level ships in the Galactic Civil War, the MC30c frigate presented a lethal combination of speed, high-powered armament, and advanced deflector shields.

Now this fast and nimble Rebel ship arrives to Star Wars: Armada in the MC30c Frigate Expansion Pack as a small-size vessel that can fire as many as five attack dice from its left and right hull zones. You’ll also find two command dials, ten upgrade cards, and all the tokens you need to bring this Rebel ship to battle.

SW Armada Home One & MC30 Expansion Review

And of course where you find Rebels, the Empire can’t be far behind:

Imperial Star Wars Armada

Imperial Star Destroyer Expansion $50

The largest and most powerful of the starships from the Armada Core Set, the Victory-class Star Destroyer formed the core of the Imperial Navy at the outset of the Galactic Civil War. These ships measure roughly nine-hundred meters in length, sport crews numbering over five-thousand, and feature a dagger-shaped design that allows them to concentrate nearly all their weapons on their forward firing arcs.

The Victory-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack bolsters your fleet with one sculpted and pre-painted miniature Star Destroyer identical to the Star Destroyer miniature from the Core Set. It also comes with all requisite tokens and command dials, as well as more than a dozen ship and upgrade cards. The expansion’s two ship cards allow you to outfit your Star Destroyer as either a Victory I or Victory II, and its fourteen upgrades open a wide range of strategic possibilities as they allow you to upgrade your armament, your crew, and even your Star Destroyers themselves.


New ISD Upgrades

Imperial Star Raider Expansion $20

The Raider-class corvette is the Empire’s response to the need for a designated anti-fighter vessel.

The Imperial Raider Expansion Pack brings this ship’s six, accurate dual heavy laser cannons to Star Wars: Armada, where its utility against snubfighters and the disruptive effects of its ion cannon emplacements, along with the efficiency of its localized command, make it a powerful addition to any Imperial fleet. In addition to its pre-painted, small-base Raider miniature, this expansion introduces eight upgrade cards, a command dial, speed dial, and all requisite tokens.

SW Armada Imperial Star Destroyer Expansion Review

If you love broadsides, the Home One and MC30 are the ships for you. However if you like flying the most iconic ship in the Star Wars universe the Imperial Star Destroyer is definitely where you want to be.

Time to add to your wish list?