The A-Team LEGO Set Still Needs Votes to Become a Reality

A-Team LEGO set feature rThe A-Team LEGO set needs our help to become a full-blown LEGO kit, there’s still time, but we want it to become a reality!

If you haven’t checked it out yet, LEGO IDEAS is a really cool program where people come up with ideas, and if they get to 10,000 votes, LEGO will make them a real set. Recently, the Knight Rider set was fully supported, so let’s keep the nostalgia going and get another awesome set supported.

You can support the project here, but we’ll cover the details below as well. The idea started on July 6th, so it looks like the project will go through as it already has over 6,000 votes. Still, it’s not there yet.

The A-Team LEGO Set Still Needs Votes to Become a Reality

A-Team LEGO setThe user who designed and suggested this kit,  HenkvdL05, had this to say about his inspiration:

I recently got the inspiration to design a certain A.I. Car with its accompanied Semi-Truck from a popular TV series from back in the 80s and while in the process of the design, I though, what other popular vehicles from 80s shows would translate well into a LEGO format, and the first thought that came to mind was the black and grey van with its distinctive red decal used as main transport by the A-Team.

10 LEGO Idea Kits You’ll Want To Build This Year!

Idea-Series-Top-LEGO-kitsThe LEGO Idea Kits are generally amazingly cool, and worth more than a second look, so here are our 10 favorite ones that you may want to build too! Read More

A-Team LEGO set 2The van is such an iconic part of the series and who doesn’t want to ride around and gon on missions with the A-Team? The kit doesn’t have an insane amount of pieces but is still a decent challenge with 470 pieces.

A-Team LEGO set 3The top and sides open up so you can really admire the team inside and all the work they are doing. This really brings back the nostalgia, and we want this project to become a reality!

A-Team LEGO set 4The A-Team van was designed in scale to fit in with the new 8 stud wide vehicles that were introduced by LEGO in early 2020, which allow your minifigures to sit side by side while still maintaining a build that is within scale with minifigures.

Will you be voting for this project? Do you like these fan-made IDEAS kits?

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