The Horus Heresy Word Bearers Rules Will Cleanse the Galaxy!

Word-Bears-rules-horus-heresyMore previews are here for Horus Heresy and this time we’re taking a look at the powerful Word Bearers rules for the new edition.

With the release of the starter and new edition imminent, it’s time for GW to start revealing new HH rules. This time around, they are focusing on a legion known for its tendency to bend a few rules…

Warhammer Community showed off some new legion-specific rules; let’s check them out!

The Horus Heresy Word Bearers Rules Will Cleanse the Galaxy!

Word Bearers Rules

Their iron-clad faith gives the XVII Legion an unshakeable bravery in battle – faced with the most terrifying foes, these True Believers trust that a higher power will deliver them from doom. This infectious belief is hard to resist even for their opponents, who find themselves shouted down by Legionaries bellowing bellicose battle sermons. That’s diplomacy for you.

Winning combats is big in Horus Heresy, so counting all draws for your side will be something really sweet! Never having your LD reduced either is pretty nice as well.

Word Bearers Rules 2

Faith is its own reward, of course… but the Ruinous Powers are generous masters. The Word Bearers piled up heaps of confiscated occult lore over the Great Crusade, and not all of it was turned into kindling – while prosaic Legions waste time with technological trinkets, Lorgar’s most dedicated preachers study the Burning Lore of the empyrean, learning to command soul-scourging Hellfire. Well, mostly command it.

An S7 AP4 template is strong in itself, then when you add rending, it’s really strong. However, you have to take a psychic test every time you use it, so just hope you’ve said your prayers and you get to use this weapon without killing your own unit!

Lorgar Rules


GW didn’t show off any, but we’ve seen leaked rules, so take them with a grain of salt as they could change, but look pretty good.

Lorgar 2With a decent statline for a Primarch and plenty of special wargear and rules, he should really kick some butt! His special rule is really strong as if you position correctly, you should be able to get the bonus to most of your units, where you get +1 to charge and use his LD for all checks. Plus, you get an additional reaction in the Assualt Phase.

Lorgar 3Obviously, he knows a decent amount of psychic powers. However, his biggest power probably comes in the fact that he, and any squad he joins, gain a 4+ FNP! Not to mention he can pass that off once per game.

Legion Specific Rules Rumors

Word Bearers Rules 3As you can see, the first rule is identical, so this gives some good credibility to the other rules we’ll look at. The rest are all just based around what special wargear and traits you can take.

Word Bearers Rules 4Every legion grabs an advanced reaction, theirs could actually be super strong. If you have a unit you need to survive, you just send one poor model to their doom and no matter how much firepower was coming your way, it just doesn’t matter!

Word Bearers Rules 5The first one can really make your warlord very strong and tough. Then, you get one for additional combat power and one for keeping your units on the board. Plus, each gives you a different extra reaction.

Word Bearers Rules 6Now to their special units. The Gal Vorbak Squad has a serious statline, some awesome special rules, and can take all kinds of special weapons. Perfect for smashing through the enemy lines!

Word Bearers Rules 7Last but not least is the Ashen Circle Squad. They are made to get close and hit hard! The Inferno Pistol and hand flamer are both super strong up close and can be used for either anti-tank or anti-infantry.  Then, with Scorched Earth, you can wrack up a serious amount of hits at high strength. However, just remember, if you fully kit this squad out, it will be quite expensive!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about the new rules and rumors for Horus Heresy Word Bearers so far?