The New Beasts Take Over GW Rumor Engine Previews

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horLooks like GW is hyping the new Age of Sigmar 3.0 edition as the beasts are taking over the rumor engine. Let’s break it down.

Warhammer Community just unveiled one more rumor engine and this time it looks like some sort of beast face. Check out the details of this bit that look to be on the way for AoS!

This engine is the first that seems to be hyping up the next edition of AoS! Here is a quick recap of the upcoming edition from Warhammer Fest 2021.

Age of Sigmar 3.0 Teaser

In the meantime, we know you have a lot of questions, so we convinced Jes, Phil, and Ben of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Studio team to share their thoughts about creating the new edition.

First things first there are a few things worth pointing out from the video:

  • There is still a double turn.
  • Choosing to go second gets you more CPs, meaning there is more strategy involved in going first or second.
  • Warscroll battalions are changing a bit, the mentioned Core Battalions have solid benefits.
  • Command points will interact with different abilities during a phase for less downtime in the phase, making the game more engaging from start to finish.

Another huge point is that the new CORE rules for AoS 3.0 will have no room for ambiguity or interpretation and are more watertight than previous editions. This might lead to a more “competitive” AoS than previously, but it will be up to the player base. While it’s normal for people to be excited about finishing their projects, the AoS team, was very vocal claiming “This is the best edition of AoS yet”. We will just have to wait and see if the community agrees when it comes out!

During the preview stream, there was also mention of a new 3.0 starter box, but there were no hints at contents besides some of the new Stormcasts new releases that were already teased.

A Beast’s Visage: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 5-18-2021This Rumor Engine is hard to place, but luckily due to the WHC post, it is basically guaranteed to be an AoS 3.0 model because the new edition is all about the beasts. With that in mind, it could be Destruction or Chaos. Both factions need a little love, but Chaos is definitely better off currently, so we’d like to think that 3.0 will bring in more destruction support!

Perhaps even another endless spell?

5-18-21 modelAlthough Destruction is getting some love with Kragnos, more could be done with the 3.0 release. This Man Eater has a giant jaw used as a head ornament, perhaps that beast-like face from the bit could be used as something similar?

Anyway, hopefully, we know sooner than later!

What do you think this is? 

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