The Price of a Soul: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 10

advent-rumor-engine-calendar-games-workshop-warhammer-40k-aos-2021Looks like a new Ynnari or Avatar of Khaine model may be on the way in the day 10 Eldar Advent Rumor Engine.

Games Workshop brought back the Advent Engine for 2021 with a full calendar’s worth of preview teasers leading up to Christmas!

This is the second year in a row Games Workshop is doing the Advent Engine Calendar where they will be revealing one new rumor engine every day for 24 days. So if you love speculating on what’s coming next for Warhammer, this is the calendar for you!Advent Engine

On the tenth day of December Warhammer Community unveiled a rumor engine that looks to be pointing to Ynnari or maybe even an Avatar of Khaine. Check out the details of this new bit that looks to be on the way for Warhammer.

But first, let’s recap what we have seen so far!

Hair Blowing in the Wind: Advent Engine 2021

Advent Engine 2Well, first off, the border looks an awful lot like Wraithbone if you ask us. Since this is the first one, we’re not sure if it’s a nod to the faction or if this is just the border they are deciding on for all the engines. With that said, Eldar seems a very obvious choice for this one. However, that ponytail could also easily be for Tau.

Eldar rangersWhile the hair is a little different, we’ve been hearing new Eldar rumors and even saw some artwork for Aeldari Rangers coming in a new Kill Team box. So while the hair is not an exact match, it would match up very well with the rumors we’ve seen so far!


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new eldar modelsWhile they don’t have their helmets off here, this is the artwork we’ve seen on a Kill Team box and you know GW doesn’t even like to make artwork for things they can’t make money off of!

The Tau Option

Darkstrider 2This one is too similar to both factions not to mention the poor Tau boys. We guessed a new Darkstrider is on the way and the hairstyle matches perfectly. So maybe when the codex drops they will grab a new Darkstrider as their new character model.

That’s our best guess for day one!

Totally not Eldar: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 2

advent engine 2021 day 2Day 2 follows the same border style, potentially suggesting a common theme throughout the Advent Calendar of rumor engine bits. This one clearly looks like another Xenos bit, almost certainly Eldar. There is also a slim chance that it might be Tau as well, but with the border and likelihood in consideration, Eldar seems to be the way.

eldar skyrunnerLooking at all of the Eldar vehicles, they all look pretty decent except that dated Vyper model.

Of course, it might also be a new character model who comes with their own jetbike or even some of the rumored Elrar Ranger Jetbikes as well…

New Eldar Rangers: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 3

New Fire Dragons Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 3

Day three of the Advent Rumor Engine from Warhammer Community is here. While this looks like it may just be for a new Eldar Ranger model, when you compare them to the current models, it’s hard to be 100% honestly.

Check out the stabilizer or (solid shot ammo stick?) on the current rifle.

new eldar rangersIn fact, this gun may share more similarities with the Dark Reapers Exarch as well with its underslung styling.

dark reapers exarch

Let’s face it, the majority of the Eldar line is old enough to have graduated High School at this point, some college, so it’s hard to ID a fresh design based on something 20 or so years old!

Rangers On The Way: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Days 4 & 5

advent engine 12-04-21Day four of the Advent Rumor Engine from Warhammer Community is here. And it seems to be more of an acrobatic pose. With all the recent engines and some rumors point towards new Rangers, this seems like an easy bit to add to the list when you compare it to old Ranger feet above.

updated howling bansheesThe base also matches the recently updated Howling Banshees, essentially confirming this to be an Aeldari model. Although the Dark Eldar also had similar bases. So technically if we only consider what we’ve seen before, this could be either Craftworlds or Dark Eldar!

That being said, since this advent calendar is Craftworld themed, they are still the front runners.

advent engine 12-05-21 2Day 5 of the Advent Calendar is here, but it is completely different and instead went full-on text. It reads:

Only in defeat will you know victory

Other than being super ominous, there isn’t much to go off of. Wraithlords Notably are piloted by a dead Eldar’s soul, which might be what this engine is hinting at. Only pretty significant heroes have the psychic power required to go through the process, but if they do, Wraithlords are super powerful Lore-wise!

However, we might just have to wait and see, this might only be talking about spirit stones and not Wraith Lords at all.

Warlocks & Farseers Vanguard: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 6

advent engine 12-06-21Day six of the Advent Rumor Engine from Warhammer Community is here. These robes look very similar to those that the Farseers and Warlocks wear, which means that we are leaning almost exclusively on a potentially new psyker for this rumor engine bit. The spirit stone on the top also adds to that possibility.

farseerThe cherry on top is that we’ve actually seen rumors for new ranger units, which might spill into a sort of vanguard/ranger psyker unit. Or this could just be a new Farseer on Jetbike model that badly needed an update as well.

The single-layer robes might point towards a Warlock instead of a Farseer, but either way, a new psyker is welcome since the faction has a huge emphasis on psychic powers in lore.

Fire Dragons or Special Weapons: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 7

advent engine 12-07-21While we may have called for Fire Dragons before, this bit looks even more like their weapons, pushing the envelope even more. While it might not guarantee it, it certainly makes it more likely that they will be lucky enough to get an update!

We suppose it could also be any of the various special weapons for units like Storm Guardians…

current fire dragonsThe bit has that cylinder component (that’s painted yellow on the model), which is pretty unique, making it even more likely to be a fire dragons gun, however, with all the unit updates we’ve seen, sometimes they consolidate designs, so we may see another unit get their weapon slightly changed and in turn making this bit another unit!

Phoenix Lord Rising: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 8

rumor engine 12-08-21While this plume looks a lot like the ones we have seen for units in AoS like the Light of Eltharion, but maybe this might just be a new Phoenix Lord Asurman or Exarch?

Light of EltharionEven if this looks like the more pompous helmets of the Lumineth Realm-lords… All the there previous Advent Engines seems to point directly at Eldar in 40k, so there’s a strong chance we may see a new Phoenix lord model or at least a dope Dire Avener exarch soon!

asurman phoenix lord old

This is the current Phoenix Lord Asurman model, and judging by the new Jain Zar and even Dhrazar models, a new Asruman could look wild!

Just stay open to the possibilities and you’ll never be disappointed when it is inevitably revealed!

Dark Reapers Ready: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 9

advent engine 2021 day 9This bit is another super easy to place one with one very clear option. Dark Reapers! Thanks to their pretty unique muzzle, it really can’t be much else. However, the same thing goes for these as we said about the Fire Dragons… Games Workshop has consolidated designs before, so there’s a slight chance this could be Maugan Ra, another heavy weapon (for infantry or even a vehicle), or even something brand new!

dark reapersAs far as the current range and designs go though, this is very clearly the normal Dark Reaper gun muzzle, and even better they could really use the update as they are getting pretty dated. With all the great models GW has been pumping out, it goes to show these could really use the ‘pick me’ up in detail and posing as well.

The Price of a Soul: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 10

advent engine 2021 day 10

This Advent engine is another full-on text engine. It reads:

Steep the soul price for slender hope.

Other than being super ominous, there isn’t much to go off of (again). Wraithlords Notably are piloted by a dead Eldar’s soul, which might be what this engine is hinting at. Only pretty significant heroes have the psychic power required to go through the process, but if they do,

avatar of Khaine Eldar

Other options include Ynnari for their emphasis on death or maybe even the Avatar of Khaine which kills the person it inhabits. Plus we know is very likely to get a new model with an updated scale.

Either way, we think Eldar players will be happy so far with this tidal wave of Eldar news and rumors for all things Aeldari. Use the links below to check out our other coverage:

All the Newest GW Eldar News & Rumors 

What do you think it is? Do you think Eldar will be grabbing an update next year? 

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