New Eldar Ranger Weapons: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 3

advent-rumor-engine-calendar-games-workshop-warhammer-40k-aos-2021Looks like new Eldar Rangers are on the way as the new Advent Rumor Engine hits with another familiar bit for Warhammer 40k.

Games Workshop brought back the Advent Engine for 2021 with a full calendar’s worth of preview teasers leading up to Christmas!

This is the second year in a row Games Workshop is doing the Advent Engine Calendar where they will be revealing one new rumor engine every day for 24 days. So if you love speculating on what’s coming next for Warhammer, this is the calendar for you!Advent Engine

On the second day of December Warhammer Community just unveiled a rumor engine that looks like an engine maybe an underslung turret. Check out the details of this new bit that looks to be on the way for Warhammer.

But first, let’s recap what we have seen so far!

Hair Blowing in the Wind: Advent Engine 2021

Advent Engine 2Well, first off, the border looks an awful lot like Wraithbone if you ask us. Since this is the first one, we’re not sure if it’s a nod to the faction or if this is just the border they are deciding on for all the engines. With that said, Eldar seems a very obvious choice for this one. However, that ponytail could also easily be for Tau.

Eldar rangersWhile the hair is a little different, we’ve been hearing new Eldar rumors and even saw some artwork for Aeldari Rangers coming in a new Kill Team box. So while the hair is not an exact match, it would match up very well with the rumors we’ve seen so far!


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new eldar modelsWhile they don’t have their helmets off here, this is the artwork we’ve seen on a Kill Team box and you know GW doesn’t even like to make artwork for things they can’t make money off of!

The Tau Option

Darkstrider 2This one is too similar to both factions not to mention the poor Tau boys. We guessed a new Darkstrider is on the way and the hairstyle matches perfectly. So maybe when the codex drops they will grab a new Darkstrider as their new character model.

That’s our best guess for day one!

Totally not Eldar: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 2

advent engine 2021 day 2Day 2 follows the same border style, potentially suggesting a common theme throughout the Advent Calendar of rumor engine bits. This one clearly looks like another Xenos bit, almost certainly Eldar. There is also a slim chance that it might be Tau as well, but with the border and likelihood in consideration, Eldar seems to be the way.

eldar skyrunnerLooking at all of the Eldar vehicles, they all look pretty decent except that dated Vyper model.

Of course, it might also be a new character model who comes with their own jetbike or even some of the rumored Elrar Ranger Jetbikes as well…

New Eldar Rangers: Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 3

New Fire Dragons Advent Rumor Engine 2021 Day 3

Day three of the Advent Rumor Engine from Warhammer Community is here. While this looks like it may just be for a new Eldar Ranger model, when you compare them to the current models, it’s hard to be 100% honestly.

Check out the stabilizer or (solid shot ammo stick?) on the current rifle.

new eldar rangersIn fact, this gun may share more similarities with the Dark Reapers Exarch as well with its underslung styling.

dark reapers exarch

Let’s face it, the majority of the Eldar line is old enough to have graduated High School at this point, some college, so it’s hard to ID a fresh design based on something 20 or so years old!

Either way, there’s plenty of exciting possibilities, but we’ll just have to wait and see!

All the Newest GW Eldar News & Rumors 

What do you think it is? Do you think Eldar will be grabbing an update next year? 

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