The Shadow King Emerges With New MCP Rules!

SHADOW KINGThe Shadow King has emerged from the darkness and is ready to bring psychic chaos to Marvel Crisis Protocol!

We got to see him previewed at Ministravaganza (along with his card), but now we get to take a further in-depth look at his rules and gimmicks. It’s time to check out the Shadow King himself! If you’re reading this after 3/1/2024, you can pick him up from your favorite local store. Let’s jump into the rules!

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Professor X & Shadow King: $44.99

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Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men Models 7Call Professor X and the Shadow King when you need psychic dominance!

Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men Models 8

Players will dominate the battlefield’s Astral Plane with the Professor X and Shadow King Character Pack. Both Professor X and Shadow King are mystic manipulators, with unique battlefield alteration abilities.

Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men Models 9

Equipped with Team Tactic Cards that foster devious counterplay, these mental duelists are ready to boggle their opponents’ minds! 

Shadow King Has Emerged Onto The Scene With New MCP Rules!

Here is the latest on the new rules for Shadow King in Marvel Crisis Protocol.


Shadow King comes to spread his evil across the battlefield as a Threat 5 character with 6 Stamina on both his Healthy and Injured sides. He boasts a graduating set of defenses that begins with 3 Physical and moves up to 4 Energy and 5 Mystic defense.

The first thing we’ll be reviewing on his card is the active superpower Astral Fiend. This superpower really defines the character, and understanding it is fundamental to understanding the tricks he can pull. This superpower costs him 3 power and an action to use but allows him to place a Projection token within range 3 of himself. This representation of his essence on the astral plane allows you to measure the Range for his attacks and superpowers from the token rather than the character. This means that when this superpower is in play, his attacks have a minimum range of 5! It does have some downsides, though, as enemy mystic attacks can also target the token rather than needing to target the character. Note that you can’t target the token with Physical or Energy attacks, however.

Mental Shackle is quite strong for a basic attack, as it deals decent damage, roots the enemy, and lets him advance! Then, Astral Disintegration is perfect for taking down models, as you can add up to 5 attack dice when they have power.


The first attack the Shadow King employs is his ability to bear down on his enemy with the overwhelming might of his telepathic capabilities, effectively placing a Mental Shackle across their minds. This Range 3, Strength 6 attack costs zero power to use and provides him power equal to the damage he deals. It also has two special rules available to it, one that applies the Root special condition when he rolls a wild and one that allows him to Advance the target character Short if his attack deals any damage.

Shadow King also loves to be able to use an opponent’s power against themselves, which is never more evident than when he unleashes an Astral Disintegration. This is a Range 2 attack that costs four power to use and starts at a base Strength of 5. As a master of fighting in the astral realm, it has a special rule that prevents the target character from rerolling or modifying their defense dice. The real strength behind this attack though is the special rule that allows him to add dice to the attack roll equal to the amount of power the target has. It is capped at a maximum of 5 additional dice, but you have to be careful if you’re lying in wait for Amahl Farouk, as he may just turn the tables on you!

His powers are also pretty strong; as you gain one power every turn, he can remove damage from himself once per turn and can advance, deal damage, and advance again. Then, you can project the Astral Fiend at every turn, even if your enemy manages to remove it.

Don’t miss the chance to add Shadow King to your collection and experience his unique abilities for yourself.

Click Here to Get Your New Marvel Crisis Protocol Minis!

Will you pick up the Professor X & Shadow King pack up, and what do you think of the new MCP rules? 

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