These New Alpha Legion Rules Will Confuse the Enemy!

horus-heresy-alpha-legion-rulesGW revealed some Horus Heresy Alpha Legion rules, but we’ve also seen a ton of rumors for their legion rules as well- here is the latest!

With the release of the starter and new edition imminent, it’s time for GW to start revealing rules. This time around, they are focusing on one of the most confusing legions, but we’ve also seen some Horus Heresy playtest rumors for them.

So while they might change a little, the playtest versions have been pretty accurate so far.

Warhammer Community showed off some new legion-specific rules; let’s check them out!

The New Horus Heresy Alpha Legion Rules Will Confuse the Enemy!

Alpha Legion Rules

At last, something we can be sure about – rules. The Alpha Legion are so good at deception that their foes can’t even trust their own lying eyes. Expertly-aimed shots spin wide, and perfectly-judged Charges find nothing but a note saying ‘Keep Going’. All the Lies and Obfuscation make the sons of Alpharius harder to pin down than the speediest White Scar – you can’t even be sure that they’re where they seem to be on the tabletop.

This is actually a pretty cool rule for the legion and can make charging any of your units way harder, for shooting as well, it would be quite funny to keep your units out of range with this.

Alpha Legion Rules 2

Legions beware – as if their list of crimes weren’t long enough, the XX Legion also has a light-fingered tendency with your best units. The Rewards of Treachery are high indeed – imagine the look on the Word Bearers’ pious faces when their prized Ashen Circle Squad turns up in one of Alpharius’ family photos. Fancy more mystical support? The Thousand Sons can be bribed with limited edition books to supply you with psychic Terminators. 

This is pretty interesting, but harder to take advantage of in games just due to the models. If there are specific models made for the special units, then you will have something to represent the models. It’s actually a super cool rule, just not sure how it will work with different opponents and actually load them out correctly.



They didn’t show off the Primarch rules for Alpharius, but we’ve seen rumored rules, so take them with a grain of salt as they could change, but look pretty good.

Alpha Legion Rules 4Getting to redeploy 3 units or throw them into reserves is pretty nice and can really change up your game plan, then he gets an additional reaction in any phase you choose!

Alpha Legion Rules 5When you combine his deepstriking with the Warlord Trait, he can really get your army in a totally different position than your opponent thought. The Pale Spear has Instant Death, which can be insane, then being able to give the entire army more special rules, he’s going to be a handful to deal with!

Legion Specific Alpha Legion Horus Heresy Rules Rumors

Alpha Legion Rules 3As you would expect, the majority of the rules come in with some really sneaky ways to outmaneuver your opponent.

Alpha Legion Rules 6With BS 5, precision shots, and plenty of other rules, these are going to be a menace. Plus, they all come with Banestrike combi-bolters and can infiltrate.

Alpha Legion Rules 7As with all the special units we’ve seen so far, you get plenty of options for wargear!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

Click Here for all the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about the new rules and rumors for Horus Heresy Alpha Legion so far?