Top 40k Lists, More Rogue Trader Teasers, & Ork Dreamin’

By Rob Baer | September 4th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The summer is over, but September has lots going on for the hobby as we slide into the Fall. Here are the latest hobby updates from the holiday!

Were you paying attention this weekend? So many things happened! Check out new announcements from Games Workshop, new releases for FFG, and more.

40k Rogue Trader Kill Team: New Preview LATEST

rogue trader kill team

Get the latest on the new Rogue Trader Kill Team previews that are here, as we close in on the release date with a better look at what’s coming next.

Top 5 Lists in 40k Now, Before the NERF Bat Swings

Today, we’ve got Top 5 competitive 40k lists from the NOVA open that dominated the event. Which do you think will change when the FAQ NERF bat swings?

Made to Order: Bretonnians Return for One Week Only


If you’ve been itching to get your hands on some classic Bretonnians, Dwarves, or Seraphon models, you’re in luck. Games Workshop is making them to order.

40k Rogue Trader Kill Team Box First up For September Release

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September’s first pre-order is like a Noah’s Ark of new stuff from Games Workshop: the New Rogue Trader Kill Team goodies are rolling in two by two!

New Black Library: Key of Infinity, Choose Your Enemies & More

BL Feature ahirman Top 40k Lists, More Rogue Trader Teasers, & Ork Dreamin'

More great books are here from GW this week. Key of Infinity, Choose Your Enemies, and more headline the lore side of things from the Black Library.

FFG Previews More Boba Fett for Star Wars Legion

boba fett legion

Today we’ll be taking a closer look at what Boba Fett is bringing to the tabletop for Star Wars Legion in the latest preview from FFG.

What the New 40k Ork Army Lists May Look Like

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka

Orktober is right around the corner, and with all these previews and rumors swimming around, we’ve got some ideas of what some Ork lists may look like.

Forge World’s New Releases Since the Price Increase

Thundehawk crop forge world

Forge World has new releases on their site which is the first we’ve seen since the “regional currency” increase. Let’s take a look at what’s available.

Warhammer Conquest: What You Get For Your $$

conquest 3 Warhammer Conquest: What You Get For Your $$

Warhammer Conquest is looking to be a great way to start your Warhammer collection while learning the basics of hobby. Lets break down the value.

Warhammer 40k Questioning: Blackstone Fortress LATEST

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Check out the latest on Blackstone Fortress; a new Questing-style game set in 40k’s Grimdark future that is coming to tabletops near you soon.

Behind the Scenes Q & A Reveals From GW’s Latest Preview

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Don’t miss a behind the scenes look at the latest GW fall preview with the latest Q&A reveals that Warhammer Community didn’t cover.

And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week. We’ll have it all here on Spikey Bits.

rogue trader skirmish

Latest News & Rumors from Games Workshop