Space Marines

Way back in the day before Pre-Heresy was “cool”, I attempted an ambitious project: a Pre-Heresy Iron Fists Army. Unfortunately for me, my painting skills weren’t quite up to the task and I couldn’t quite pull off painting yellow then. But I certainly had fun converting the army, and that’s all that counts. Eventually I went back and started painting them green for […]

Read More | October 9th, 2011

Welcome to Armies on Parade, where I display (in hopefully good detail) some great looking armies from major tournaments all across the United States. If you click on the Armies on Parade label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking armies, all at once. It’s like you were at a major event yourself, all from […]

Read More | October 2nd, 2011

For those of you not familiar with it there is an old board game out there, that was just re done in fact, that emulates a first person shooter. It pretty much combines the play of 40k with the ridiculousness of Duke Nukem, and makes for a lot of fun. The game is called FRAG! and it’s a AWESOME. […]

Read More | September 27th, 2011

It’s the age old question- Magnets how do they work? Some say magic, but I am almost 100% sure Tom Cruise has something to do with it.  Regardless, they just work and its awesome! Today we have a Two-Fer for you, how to magnetize your Stormraven, and how to magnetize stuff in general. So back […]

Read More | September 26th, 2011

A few years ago I wanted to convert up an Ironclad model before it was released. I had a few ideas but after seeing some of the stuff my buddy Plunkett was doing with his stuff, I decided to let him have a go at it. Then I could just detail it out the rest […]

Read More | September 23rd, 2011

Welcome to the new segment here on Spikey Bits called Armies on Parade, where I display (in hopefully good detail) some great looking armies from major tournaments all across the United States. If you click on the Armies on Parade label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking armies, all at once. It’s like you […]

Read More | September 12th, 2011

Welcome to the new segment here on Spikey Bits called Armies on Parade, where I display (in hopefully good detail) some great looking armies from major tournaments all across the United States. If you click on the Armies on Parade label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking armies, all at once. It’s like you […]

Read More | September 5th, 2011

The Orkuisition is back!  “Counts as” is the new black, and this army is hot with it’s conversions innovative theme. Mastershake has been a ball of fire lately converting and painting up his Deff Kult army like a mad man to get ready for the Nova Open. Recently he finished up his DeffKnight conversion, and now all […]

Read More | August 17th, 2011

MBG here with a possibly blasphemous question; why take a Librarian in a Grey Knight army? Sure, sure, the benefits are obvious; extra cover saves with Shrouding, extra Hammerhands, Armor Penetration from Might of Titans, and fun with Sanctuary, etc. just to name a few. But seriously though, is it worth taking a Librarian? I’m starting to say nay my friends […]

Read More | August 10th, 2011

Well believe it or not ‘Ard Boyz prelims are almost here, and all the boys and girls are getting ready for battle!  The thing I’ve come to love about this event, is the complete shift in meta away from any standard tournament circuit type series. At ‘Ard Boyz you’ll see the most random lists in addition to a […]

Read More | August 9th, 2011

So I need to get my creative juices flowing and maybe you can help.  I’ve had these converted Terminators for a few years now, and just got around to augmenting them with newer bits and such for my Iron Hands Army. Originally I wanted them to be all sweet Pre-Heresy style, but eventually I just settled on […]

Read More | August 8th, 2011

I’m back with more on my new Space Marine army that I’m taking to Adepticon! I have to tell you I’m really looking forward to not playing Mech Guard the whole time this year. Anyways back to the army. I’m running a 6 Dreadnought Iron Handish Blood Angels backed up by some mans on foot.  […]

Read More | March 28th, 2011

TIME FOR ADEPTICON 2011!!!! That’s right its spring again and in the 40k universe that only means one thing (besides new releases), it’s tournament time! Besides being the most awesomest tournament in the country to date, Adepticon is a chance to hang out make new friends, and catch up with your old ones. So many […]

Read More | March 22nd, 2011

Well we’re back again with my review of the new Stormraven, which I found to be very innovative and daringly designed. Publishing note- this is the second post of this article due to some mis-communication I had to take it down the first time. Like it or love it the new kit is here. I […]

Read More | March 28th, 2020

This was the third rewrite of my Blood Angels list. I kinda did it on the fly too, and made some mistakes, BUT I knew I wanted to play around with Mephiston. As TPM Blood Angel pointed out Mephiston is a Death Star, able to kill with realitive ease most units in the game.  However […]

Read More | April 20th, 2010

MBG back again with an interesting look at selecting drop pods.  It seems like ever since the Space Marine codex came back out in 2008 pods have been at the forefront of most battles. First came the Kantor/Sternguard lists, then the podding Vulkan He’stan armies, and now we have Blood Angels throwing their weight around. […]

Read More | April 19th, 2010

Hey guys, MBG back again with my first Blood Angels Playtest Video. We tried out the following list vs. my Mech guard. Overall it was a good learning experience for what the new ‘Angels are capable of, and how to go about it. I like the fast moving vehicles, and the psykers, but I don’t […]

Read More | April 8th, 2010

Deep down inside me I knew it was going to come to this. I would fall to the sweet siren song of converting up a Stormraven, and there was nothing anyone, not even my girlfriend, could do about (trust me she tried). Going in I had a good idea of what I had in mind, […]

Read More | April 7th, 2010

MBG here with another guest article by TPM Blood Angel; “To Mech or Not to Mech? Part II” Not to Mech. Troops and Elite Choices – I included them together because they are essentially the same. Ok, I’ve been messing around with army list builds and based on some feedback from a few other ghost […]

Read More | April 5th, 2010

I’d like to intorduce our first guest writer here at Spikey Bits, TPM Blood Angel. Paul has been playing Blood Angels probably longer than most, and even won Baltimore GT with them.  Since the new BA’s are coming out soon I’ve asked him to do a write up on them. With the new Blood Angel […]

Read More | March 31st, 2010