Tau Corners Guilliman & Marines: Battle Report

Tau Wal Hor

Come see the new Tau codex corner Guilliman and his Marines. Which army will succeed in defeating the other and resupplying its lines for battles ahead? Find out in this 40k Battle Report.

Juice is back in the beats lab to battle Phill from Dark Bunny Creatives with Ultramarines vs. T’au in a 1500 points battle. Using Open War cards, the deployment decided is Vanguard with the objective of Supply Cache.

Supply Cache places six objectives around the board, more than 6″ away from another objective and the board edge. At the start of the player’s turn, they roll a dice for each marker they control. On a six, that is the supply cache and all other objectives are removed. The player who controls the supply cache at the end of the fifth turn wins. The twist is Eager for the Fight, adding 2″ to all movement and 1″ to all advance and charge rolls.

Phill wins the roll to go first with his T’au.

ultramarines vs tau guilliman

Stephen is leading the Ultramarines into battle, fielding Guilliman himself. Supporting the Primarch are three scout squads, two Venerable Dreadnoughts with autocannons, Leviathan Dreadnought, four missile launchers, a lieutenant, and Tigurius.

Phill is featuring his T’au, bringing an Ethereal on hover disc, Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit with plasma guns and shield drones, three units of Fire Warriors, a squad of Pathfinders, three Battlesuits (with three shield drones and marker drones), Riptide with ion cannon and drones, and finally the R’varna Battlesuit from Forgeworld.

tau vs ultramarines tau

At the start of turn one, Phill sets up his T’au to stay back and fire at a distance. He does take down some scouts with his Riptide and all but one missile launcher. The remaining missile launcher does not flee.

tau ultramarines close combat

The Ultramarines’ turn one reveals the supply cache to be one of the farthest objectives in the deployment zone. Everything moves towards the objective and works to fire at some of the threats to the army. Guilliman, however, heads towards the Riptide and R’varna, looking for some close combat action in later turns.

The Venerable Dreadnoughts fire at the R’varna, doing four damage to it. The Leviathan fires at a squad of Fire Warriors, taking out the squad completely.

With the objective revealed, turn two looks to start the fight for supremacy. Who will come out on top? Be sure to press play on the video below and check out the entire battle report for yourself!