Three Ways to Beat 1+ Feel No Pain – 40k Tactics

By Rob Baer | August 14th, 2015 | Categories: Rules Conundrums, Space Marines, Tactics

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If you worried about Iron Hands players going Super Saiyan with a 1+ Feel no Pain, you definitely want to see how to beat it.

While it’s true that the Iron hands can get an astonishing 1+ FNP roll, there are a few things that not only negate it, but straight render it useless in general.

Checkout these tips smart generals are using to beat down the unstoppable roll!

1). Enfeeble – The psychic power from Biomancy has the potential to make all your strength 6 and higher attacks all cause auto death as they will not be double the toughness of a Space Marine at T3 while enfeebled. Remember you can not take Feel No Pain rolls on anything that causes Instant Death (or is double the models toughness)

2). Instant Death – This age old mechanic has the potential to just straight wreck 1+ FNP. Remember to activate force on weapons with it, and lob those S8+ weapons were they need be to negate the effects of that Feel no Pain!

3). Give them The D – While it never gets old to say that, neither will wrecking models that are hiding behind a 1+ FNP with a weapon that has the Destroyer Special Rule!

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There you have it, three quick and easy ways to get around ridiculous feel no pain shenanigans!

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