Lando Means Business: Star Wars Armada Build

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


Lando is at the command of an MC75 Armored Cruiser, and this bruiser ship can take a beating and keep on going, especially with Lando’s scoundrel luck!

MC75 Armored Cruiser

Lando is blasting off in his sweet ride, but it’s not the Millennium Falcon this time around. This time Lando will be on board an MC75 Armored Cruiser and will be flying into the thick of the battle. With its powerful side and forward arcs, the MC75 can fire at longer ranges from the side and hopefully funnel the enemy into its powerful forward arc, which is more suited for medium to close engagements. The MC75 has an impressive array of offensive output, but its defenses can become quickly overloaded with only 1 brace and 1 redirect. Lando is here to help shore up those weaknesses. Lando Calrissian

Lando is an officer upgrade that can help you gamble against the odds in hope for a big win in defenses. While defending, you may discard Lando’s card to re-roll 1 or more dice of your choice. This ability to re-roll an enemy attack pool while it’s attacking the MC75 can help mitigate a more massive attack. Sometimes it’s best to gamble with the dice rolls instead of taking a 10 damage attack on the nose!Leading Shots

Since Lando will be helping out on defense, Leading Shots can help support the offense. As an Ion upgrade, Leading Shots allows you to spend 1 blue die to re-roll any number of dice in your attack pool. Since the MC75 has blue dice in all of its arcs, spending of 1 blue die can help make those other dice hit that much harder. Since the MC75 will want to move into closer ranges, not much is lost if you can get those re-rolls at long range. Advanced Projectors

Having plenty of shields is the way to go as far as Rebel ships are concerned, so go for Advanced Projectors. This defensive upgrade makes your redirects much more effective by allowing you to redirect to any non-adjacent hull zones. You can even go so far as to spread the damage around to each hull zone, but that would only be viable in an emergency as Rebel ships depend on their shields to survive. X17 Turbolasers

After making your redirects super, use XI7 Turbolasers to make enemy ships feel the pain. This turbolaser upgrade essentially cripples the redirect defense effect by forcing the opponent to only redirect 1 damage during an attack. This can help the MC75 punch through to enemy hull, but watch out for return fire from XI7s as they will destroy your Advanced Projectors!

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