It’s Not Over Yet: Ways To Still Help Out Your LGS

fabius bile walUnfortunately, the crisis is not over yet- so before we get back to the tabletops here are some great ways that you can help out your LGS in May!

We live in an era right now where the whole world is feeling the impact of this crisis. From social distancing to lockdowns, we are being forced to go through life in a different way (at least for a time). While our personal lives are affected, so are businesses as well. Perhaps in some ways even more so for small businesses, which are what most LGSs are.

If you’re able to lend a hand in these times, your local game store would certainly be thankful.

It’s Not Over Yet: Ways To Still Help Out Your LGS

cosplay funny space marine wal horMost game stores rely on people coming into the store (for events or purchases) to make their revenue. While a majority of their profit comes from people buying model kits and card packs, there’s also a huge profit to be made in the snacks and drinks. But in order for those to really sell, customers need to have a place to hang out.

Thanks to COVID-19, we’ve pretty much all been forced to distance ourselves. It’s gotten to the point where restaurants are staying open but only have carryout/drive thru’s available.

LGSs and other game stores, in general, are feeling the weight of all this especially hard. We live in some uncertain times and with orders preventing people from hanging out, businesses like hobby shops might be “left out to dry”. We’ve talked a lot about all the hidden expenses of hobby stores already, but essentially a single 4X6 gaming table on average a little over $100 a month in rent alone. With nobody coming in to use the space, stores are paying for something that they aren’t making any money on… period.

The Solution?

take my money chaosWe should preface all this by saying IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT, try to spend a little money at your LGS. Of course, every small business is a little different, but depending on your store owner, they may be willing to do some curbside purchases. You could give them a call and ask for what you want, then they could run it out to you. Check out this handy store locator to see what may be open near you.

If they’re really struggling and don’t have what you’re looking for, you can also always just give them a call and have them charge your card over the phone for a store credit voucher. If the community helps each other out like this in these times, it might be a lot easier for stores to keep their doors open once we get the virus under control.

GW Dropped Voucher Deals, LGS’s Could Too

gw voucher offerIn case you missed it, GW announced that they are bringing vouchers back. Right now until the end of April, if you pick up a Virtual Voucher from GW’s Webstore for £50 (or whatever your local currency is), you’ll get an extra £5 free! If you go to £100, you’ll get £10. LGS’s could do the same.

For store owners: Just announce that you’re offering some store credit deals that’ll give people a little bonus to buying a voucher in the current times. Of course, every LGS is different so don’t over-extend if you’re not in the position to offer some discounts like that. But, this could be an awesome way to get some support from your local hobby community.

While lifestyles may be changed, we still belong to one big hobby family. Lending a helping hand to those who provide a place for you to hang out and spend your days off with friends might be needed. Check-in with your store owner and see what you can do to help.

Have you already been helping out your LGS since we’ve been told to social distance? What are some other good ways to help out? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!