GW Trying Something New? New Character Inside Start Collectings!

fantasy walpaper1 khorne sigmar chaos warrior

Chaos Slaves to Darkness are coming in hot finishing up the 2019 year of releases. But check out something completely new for GW that we noticed.

Slaves to Darkness were just announced and look to be getting lumped in with the Everchosen. Just like the Gloomspite Gitz, Ogor Mawtribes, etc. However, there was a new Hero and Start Collecting announced from the Blood and Glory previews. This looks to be a brand new way of business for GW.

What Makes it So Unique?

mounted chaos lord

This Chaos Lord mounted on a scaled monster is a dark mirror to the Celestant on a Dracolith. All we know about this guy is that he’s a brand new model coming to the Slaves of Darkness and looks to be hitting the shelves first in a Start Collecting box. While GW has put brand new characters inside of larger multi-faction Box Sets, this is one of the first times that we’ve seen a new character come first inside of a Start Collecting box.

Editor’s Note: GW did something similar in 2015 with the Tau release around this very time of the year, but they were not yet called “Start Collecting boxes”.

slaves to darkness start collecting

With that said, the image is blurry but it looks like you can give him a helmet option, The helmet looks to have four horn-like spikes that appear to be metallic, That would mean that the kits inside the box might not be in ETB fashion compared to the Sisters of Battle Army Set, which is completely ETB (like Shadowspear or Dark Imperium).

Editor’s Note: Shadowspear (along with the first AoS Starter Set from 2015) seems to have taken the opposite route and gone from Starter bundle to Start Collecting Sets now.

AoS Box Set Characters are Taking a While to Turn Up




The two characters out of the Looncurse Box Set (Loonboss on Cave Squig and Sylvaneth Revenant model) have yet to turn up and it’s already been months since these Box Sets have sold out. We were initially thinking that the Loonboss would make another appearance insie the huge Holiday Battleforce Box as well. However, he’s still nowhere to be found. With that said, it seems like characters found in bundle boxes aren’t in any rush to hit the shelves in their own individual kit.

If the theme continues, we may be seeing this mounted Chaos Lord stick to the Start Collecting box for months before we see his individual kit. That may entice people to buy up to 3+ boxes at a time.

What do you think about the new hero model making his debut in a Start Collecting? How many Start Collectings do you plan on getting? When do you think we’ll see the Ogor Tyrant, Vokmortian, Loonboss, Arch Revenant models get their own clam packs?

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