New Sisters of Battle, Chaos & Beastgrave: FIRST LOOK

warhammer gw store first lookNew Sisters, Chaos Marine Sorcerer, 40k start collecting boxes, Beastgrave- plus dice and sleeves to match. Don’t miss this first look at sprues and more!

New models for Chaos Space Marines, Beastgrave, and Sister of Battle! Currently, the Sisters release is only in the box, but just like all things GW, a lot of it could be available separately if you wait a little bit (just like the start collecting boxes this week too).

Let’s check out all the models you can get your hands on starting November 23rd!

WHU: Rippas Snarlfangs Warband

Rippas snarlfangs


Rippas snarlfangs sprue 1


Rippas snarlfangs sprue 2

Rippa’s Snarlfangs Dice & Card Sleeves

Snarlfangs Accesories

WHU: Champions of Dreadfane Box Set

Champion of dreadfane



Dreadfane sprue 2


Dreadfane sprue 3


Dreadfane sprue 4

Ironsoul’s & Lady Harrow’s Warband Card Sleeves

Dreadfane sleaves

Sisters of Battle Army Set

One of the most anticipated releases of 2019 looks to be the Sisters of Battle Army Set. While we’ve already gotten an official word at what’s inside the box, People that buy this might be sitting with under a thousand points of new Sisters for a while with no other releases in sight for 2019. You may want to grab a couple of these boxes while you can.

Sisters of battle


sisters of battle army set

Sisters of battle sprue 1


Sisters of battle sprue 2


Sisters of battle sprue 3

New Chaos Marine Sorceror

New sorceror csm 40k


Chaos space marine sorcerer sprue

Start Collecting! Space Marines

Vangaurd sm

This is just a re-release of the Space Marine half of Shadowspear if you only wanted one half, now is your chance (minus the captain and librarian)!

Start Collecting! Chaos Space Marines


new csm start collecting

Just like the space marine half above, these two Start Collecting sets are just Shadowspear’s Box Set cut in half. This is the second time around we’ll be able to get our hands on these models.

Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury

Faith & Fury

Are you excited about the new Sisters release? Or maybe you want to get your hands on the new rules in Psychic Awakening? Either way, lots of new things on the way for 40k!

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