Full Sisters of Battle 40k Army Box: Sprues, Contents & Value

GW Raising Sisters of Battle Prices Substantially For US Customers? wal horIf you’re dying to know what’s coming inside the new Sisters of Battle 40k army box for this holiday season, you’ll definitely want to see this!

Warhammer Community just revealed the sprue layout of the units coming inside the Sisters of Battle Army Set. With this piece of the box revealed, it might be a good idea to check out all there is to know about the Army Set before it drops!

Sisters of Battle Army Set Unit Contents Announced

sisters of battle army setAfter taking multiple educated guesses and spotting clues around the web, we’ve finally got the official contents revealed being:

  • 1x Canoness
  • 10x Battle Sisters
  • 5x Seraphim
  • 1x Repentia Superior
  • 4x Repentia
  • 3x Arco Flagellants
  • 1x Penitent Engine

sisters codex

  • Exclusive Edition of Codex: Adepta Sororitas
  • 1x Warhammer 40,000 Core Rules booklet
  • 1x Adepta Sororitas Transfer Sheet
  • Adepta Sororitas Datacards
  • 12x Dice

The Army Set Value of Playable In-Game minis

Sisters of battle army set

These prices aren’t exact. We’re going off of the recent price jump noticed across all GW products as well as the usual price increase for a new sculpt. Adding up all of the best guesses for the new minis, which we know what they value the Battle Sisters squad at $60 because of their recent giveaway.

  • 10x Battle Sisters $60
  • 1x Canoness $35 (preview figure on separate sprue)
  • 5x Seraphim  $35 (1/2 box price of the GW $60 price point)
  • 4x Sisters Repentia $50 A squad of 9 Sister Repentia plus a Mistress of Repentance are sold for $60 in the metal form currently. 
  • 1x Repentia Superior $30 If she won’t be included in a boxed kit of Sister Repenria later down the line, she’ll probably remain as an independent clam shell character. Being T3 and unnamed, she’ll probably be a little cheaper than the named Primaris characters running for $40
  • 1x Penitent Engine  $60
  • 3x Arco Flagellants (A squad of three old models goes for $25). With updated sculpts and the 5-10% price jump for GW products, we may see three valued around $35
  • Codex Sisters of Battle $40
  • Sisters Datacards  $15

Total MSRP: $400 (ESTIMATED)

Army Set Retail Price: $210 Potential Savings: $190 

Sisters Army Set Sprues Revealed

sisters of battle army set sprues


sisters of battle army set sprues 3

First off, it looks like every kit is going to be a monopose build. Similar to Shadowspear and Dark Imperium, this Box Set will be somewhere between ETB and multi-part. Basically, we’ll have a limited number of unique poses between each unit and they’ll only come with certain wargear.

Looking above at the highlighted jump pack bits for the Seraphim, there are two identical sprues with one jump pack on a larger, separate sprue. The four on the left are going to be the normal Seraphim while the one on the sprue by itself is the Sergeant.

sisters seraphim squad

You can see what we mean by the Seraphim squad fully assembled. The two boxed in red are the same pose with different head options. The same exact theme stands for the models boxed in green.

sisters battle sister squad

The Battle Sisters Squads are the exact same way. The only difference between these models is their headgear.


sisters of battle army set sprues 2

You can get a better look at the sprues here as well. You’ll be getting two of the same sprue on the left with one large sprue on the right.

sisters of battle cannoness


How Big Is The Preview Sister of Battle Canoness? 40k Unboxing & Build

And lastly, the Canoness model that was handed out at the 2019 NOVA Open.  It’s still the exact same sprue.

Jumping back into the Army Set retail price of $210, that’s comparatively cheap considering we’re also getting a codex, dice, etc. Think Shadowspear plus a supplement $160 + $40 + $15 datacards =$215

Whereas the Blood of the Phoenix Box Set was sitting at $230 for JUST models and a thin campaign book. The main difference between these two boxes aside from a codex and dice is that these Sister units are monopose. The Blood of the Phoenix minis were more customizable with extra bit options. With that said, GW has put a cheaper price on kits that don’t have any real customization options.

All in all, what are your thoughts about the Army Set Box? Which Sororitas ruleset will you be using? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!