How to Paint Chaotic Red Themed Bases

Painting Chaos bases with red tones and fire themes is absolutely classic and easy to do. Building those fires on a static structure can sound daunting but is, in fact, secretly easy.

Creature Caster has an amazing Lord of Malice model with a striking Chaos base. To bring out the amazing aspects of this model, the base should be painted to enhance whatever you do to the main event. Take a look at this way to paint up this Chaos base with a classic red theme. Be sure to scroll down and press play on the video below to see the entire process and final product!

lord of malice base start

The base is primed with Army Painter Chaotic Red, which is a fantastic mid-tone red. To start off the process of building colors, Mephiston Red by Games Workshop is combined with Vallejo Flow Improver in the airbrush to build up highlights. Evil Sunz Red is added next to build up more of an orange tone on the red highlights. Vallejo Model Air Black is added to lightly spray contrast into the shadows. The black needs to be sprayed on thin and light, keeping speckling down to give an almost burnt appearance.

lord of malice chaos base washed

Soft Body Black by Secret Weapon Miniatures and Liquitex Matte Medium are mixed together to create a dark wash for this base. The wash is applied all over, pushed into all the crevices. Be sure to prevent all washes from pooling, or they will stain in negative ways. Once the wash is dry, the reds are built back up very thinly and carefully over the tips of the spikes.

lord of malice base fire

Troll Slayer Orange by Games Workshop is added to add another layer of highlights, building the red into the fire spectrum. To that is added Cygnus Yellow by P3, getting that fire glow. The yellow is built again on its own. Mixing first with the orange helps create a smooth transition and, on its own, the yellow starts to pop. Finally, a little white is added into the yellow and dusted onto the tips to create that fiery glow. You can go to pure white on the tips, if desired, to create that white-hot feel.

lord of malice highlights

The Soft Body Black was is applied thinly to some areas to add more contrast. Using a small detail brush and the yellow-white paint mixed previously, a light edge highlight is applied. There are many hard edges on this base that are easy to apply edge highlights to since they require tracing along the edges. You can bring the highlights down onto the lower part of the formation as well, lightly following cracks and along lighter parts of the wall to give character.

There you have it, easy ways of building up red Chaos fire onto a fantastic base. Be sure to catch the live show and VODs on Twitch to see the Lord of Malice and how amazing he looks on this base! Be sure to press play on the video below and see the entire process of painting this fantastic base!