20 Year Old Paint, Will It Work? Citadel Retro Review

By Drago | June 4th, 2020 | Categories: 40k Flashback, Games Workshop, Videos

old paints 2Cleaning out the hobby cupboards and storage can occasionally bring about some amazing finds, like this retro Games Workshop paint set, new in package.

Will these paints work? We open the plastic on this box from the early 1990’s and reminisce on the golden days of the hobby.

The 1994 Citadel Paint Set came complete with paint guide, ten paints, a brush, and two miniatures. This dates around 5th Edition for Warhammer Fantasy and 2nd Edition for Warhammer 40k. Going over the box, as well as the old catalogue, gives a great glimpse into how much Games Workshop has grown since the early 1990’s, including the fact that there were only two stores in the US at this time!

The guide talks about the equipment needed for painting, how to prepare the models, and how to mix the paints prior to applying to the model. Then, a step-by-step guide on how to paint each color up for the Space Marine and Chaos Warrior, starting with the undercoat, base coat, and the finished model with details added and what paints were used. The guide goes through the different models, as well as how to base your models and a guide to the different citadel paints (including the old colored metallics like Glistening Green and Amethyst Purple).

Also included in the set was one of the old synthetic Starter Brushes, a plastic easy-to-build Space Marine (not quite multi-part), and a Chaos Warrior (single piece) with square slotted base.

old paints 3

The paint set includes Flesh Wash, Mithril Silver, Enchanted Blue, Skull White, Blood Red, Chaos Black, Snakebite Leather, Sunburst Yellow, Bronzed Flesh, and Goblin Green. Unfortunately, the pigments separated too much in the silver and painting with this was unsuccessful. However, the Skull White did work! Chaos Black did work a bit as well. The Flesh Wash, however, was sealed pretty tight and was unable to be opened to test.

This 1994 Citadel Paint Set is quite a surprising, amazing find to bring back some great memories. For its time, this was a great little kit to get started in the hobby. To check out this retro paint set and relive those nostalgic moments, press play on the video below!