Why Fritz Was Banned, & Protect Your YouTube

By James Rodriguez | November 10th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Wargamer Fritz is pretty well known in the community, and recently his YouTube Channel was shut down out of nowhere. We may finally have an explanation why.

A lot of people in the Warhammer community were completely in shock when they tried to get to Wargame Fritz’s Youtube channel and it was no longer their. Even Wargame Fritz himself posted he didn’t know why this had happened.

Google shut down my YouTube account for violation of TOS. Exactly what and why they won’t say and I can’t talk to anybody real about. All the stuff with my google account is gone- g+ my blogger stuff and my youtube channel. I’m trying to find out more but from googles help section and talking to a few other youtubers I know who had this happen I’m not feeling so good.

Well, it looks like we’re getting a little bit of an explanation today courtesy of a video on IDIC Beer 40k, around the 3:50 mark

So apparently he had his account shut down for violating the TOS agreement because of a Paramount science fiction movie (Star Trek?) that was playing on the TV behind him in one of his videos from 2009.

It appears he was ultimately removed for “pirating” because of this. This is an easy mistake anyone could make, but it is preventable if you don’t record anything copyright protected in your videos.

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According to the video YouTube has a “3 strikes” rule for this kind of protected content, and that this was Frtiz’s first offense, so we can imagine it was definitely a surprise for him.

Wargame Fritz still has his blog up and running, you can head over to The Warmaster 40k Forum and check it out, and he’s also posting podcasts and updates on the Wargamer Fritz website.

What do you think about the news regarding Wargamer Fritz? Was the punishment too harsh for the “crime”? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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