Custom 40k Imperial Knight Bits You Have To See: Taro Modelmaker

Custom 40k Imperial Knights Bits You Have To See Taro ModelmakerCheck out Taro Modelmaker’s awesome selection of Knight upgrade bits that you really have to see to appreciate fully!

Taro Modelmaker has some striking alternative Knight weapon options to Games Workshop.  If you’ve been looking for the last little detail for your Knight kit, they may have just the right thing for you! Let’s check it out.

Knight armThe first bits Rob showed us was the right fist. This stuff is high quality, each piece fits together seamlessly. There is also an armor bit and extra bits if you wish to attach the Taro shield as well!

Battle cannon bitAnother bit is for the battle cannon. The tolerances are actually so close Rob almost didn’t have to glue it on! However, it’s good to keep in mind that this bit is perfect for magnetizing.

Buzzsaw bitThis intense buzzsaw bit is another awesome option that you can spin it with your finger even! This attaches directly onto the same piece that the knight chainsword uses. If you don’t have an extra though, you can order one from Taro as well.

Knight sheildLastly, we have the giant shield! This blast shield is massive! You can see it next to the knight fist for comparison (and in the header image). It also comes with a bunch of bit options like power feed cables, and shield extenders so you can use it with both the Questoris and Cerastus classes as well.

Here’s looking at you Knight Lancer!

If you want to see Rob check out these bits watch the video below and be sure to check out Taro’s website for all these Knight bits and more!

Bits provided for promotion & review