32mm Gregor Eisenhorn Mini Spotted In February WD?

By Juan Lopez | January 28th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Gregor Eisenhorn

Today we’re seeing a new image of what looks to be a 32mm scale Gregor Eisenhorn miniature coming our way. You’re not going to want to miss this!

We’re getting a look at a new Gregor Eisenhorn miniature from what appears to be next month’s White Dwarf. The following image is courtesy of +FRATER DOMUS+ on Dakka Dakka.


Though there is nothing legible that confirms it is, in fact, Eisenhorn, it’s hard to believe it could be anyone else. A recent rumor also claimed that his rules would be included in the box. This isn’t the first model we’ve seen that has rules in the box, but not listed in a book.

Sly Marbo Art

The recent release of Sly Marbo also came with the rules in the box and wasn’t listed in any codex. Sly Marbo was only available in Games Workshop and Warhammer stores in the UK on Boxing Day, December 26th.

Editor’s note: the signage and wall shelves in the background seem to indicate this image was taken in a Games Workshop Store

Sly Marbo Front Sly Marbo Back

The front of the box definitely has the Guard look about it, but the back of the box is where you get a little entertainment value with a full transmission talking about the type of soldier Sly Marbo is and eventually recommending that he be approved for deployment. There’s still no word when Sly Marbo will be available for the rest of the world.

So from the latest image, it looks like we’ll be finding out more on a Gregor Eisenhorn miniature in next month’s White Dwarf.

This will mark the third time Gregor Eisenhorn will have a miniature from Games Workshop as they released 54mm scale one for their Inquisitor Line back in the early 2000’s, and a 32mm scale that was part of a diorama as a redemption from Black Library as well back in 2005.

Eisenhorn, Inq54, Inquisition, Inquisitor, Ordo Xenos, Warhammer 40,000

Painted by Januine Vision Live on Twitch

Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates, we’ll be putting them out as soon as we get them.

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About the Author: Juan Lopez