3 More Primaris Space Marines Units Spotted For AUG

By Juan Lopez | July 30th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sm codex cover 2 HOR WALNext month’s White Dwarf is going to be out soon, but a few lucky hobbyists already have it, Come see the 3 new Primaris Space Marine releases.

Appearing on La Voz De Horus, images culled from various forums and other sources show what we can expect, release-wise, for the next wave of Primaris box sets, and a Grey Knight character. Let’s take a look at what has been seen thus far.

White Dwarf Aug 1

Multi-part Box of 10 Intercessors: €45 – Aug. 5 preorder, Aug. 12 release

White Dwarf August Intercessors

Multi-part Box of 10 Hellblasters:  €45 – Aug. 5 preorder, Aug. 12 release

White Dwarf August Hellblasters

Multi-part Box of 3 Inceptors: €40 – Aug. 5 preorder, Aug. 12 release

White Dwarf August Inceptors

Grand Master Voldus: €25 – Aug. 5 preorder, Aug. 12 release

White Dwarf August Grand Master Voldus

There is the latest that we know thus far about what is coming for the month of August. It looks like our predictions were right when it came to two more weeks of Space Marines.

We know there are more Space Marine releases out there, as we have seen five out of these seven items teased already:

  • Repulsor Tank
  • Apothecary
  • Chaplain
  • Inceptor Multi-part Squad (plasma options teasers spotted)
  • Hellblaster Multi-part Squad (teaser pics spotted)
  • Interceptor Multi-part Squad (no known images yet)
  • Overlord Flyer* (no known images yet)

Of course the Overlord Flyer has only been rumored in fluff* but it could very well be the second plastic model option for transporting Primaris Space Marines.

Most likely, these will be the vanguard of a two to three week release cycle, with pre-orders starting on the 29th of July, and releasing starting on the 5th of August.

Has this got you hyped for August? What are you hoping to see next month? Let us know in the comments below.

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