10th Edition 40k Index Card Rules Errata & Changes LATEST

Index-cards-warhammer-40k-updates-downloads-faqBIG NERFS are here for top Warhammer 40k armies with the latest 10th Edition index card errata of their free PDF downloads.

In a bit of a silent update, GW published Errata for the 10th Edition 40k Space Marine index cards- check out what’s changing!

If you want to review the first set of changes,  we have that for you here in this article.

Warhammer 40k 10th Edition: Index Card Errata 1.3 (December, 7th 2023)

Some Space Marines characters needed some updates in terms of what squads they could join, and it seems like Games Workshop is realizing it. So, if you’ve been upset about what units your characters can join (they updated  BA, DA, DW, and SW), this might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Perhaps even better, you can spot the changes quickly from version 1.2, as GW put them in red this time.

Space Marine Index CardsStarting with the Blood Angels, the special characters gain access to a lot more units. This makes sense, as they were super limited before. You can now also take Assault Intercessors to add a Chaplain to Death Company.

Space Marine Index Cards 2Again, these are just some quality-of-life changes, but this could make a big difference.

Space Marine Index Cards 3The Dark Angels get something similar, so special characters can actually join a decent number of units. Many of these make sense, so it’s great to see GW doing it.

Space Marine Index Cards 4 Space Marine Index Cards 5

The Corvus Blackstar is one of the non-character changes, and you can now take Centurions in it. Other than that, they can now make more use of Sternguard Veteran Squads.

Space Marine Index Cards 6This might be the biggest change, as you can’t take any Apothecaries in the army now. However, you are still allowed Assault Intercessors.

Space Marine Index Cards 7Again, most of this is just updating what characters can join who, but the Grey Hunters get their Grav-Gun updated to damage 2. We’re pretty sure that it was supposed to be that the whole time.

Click Here to Download All the Changes!

Either way, these changes overall are some good quality-of-life buffs for them, and fixing some stuff that should have been like this from the beginning.

NERFS Are Here as GW Drops Huge 10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 1.2 (July, 26th 2023)

The free Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Index Card Errata 1.2 download comes from Warhammer Community.

Index Card ChangesThe good thing is they already updated the 40k app, meaning if you go through and update it, these should all be in there.

They also released a document of all the changes, so you can see all the changes quickly, which we have also summarized below:

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata

Well, something you’ll see a lot in this is adding close combat weapons to profiles and adding firing deck 2 to all kinds of Rhinos. So we won’t really mention them going forward.

Ad Mech, Custodes, and Sisters also really don’t get any major changes.

However, Aeldari gets maybe the most changes. This is just the tip of the iceberg with Reaper Launcher going to damage 1, Autarch’s wargear changes, and added CC weapons.

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 2Solitaires get a slight change to their blitz, Spiritseers can only return models on your command phase, and Wave Serpents get two shots with the Starcannon and can only do the once-per-battle ability in your shooting phase now.

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 3The Sword Brethren number was changed to be correct; they added a bunch of keywords, and any number of Neophytes can now change their weaponry.

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 4

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 5CSM had a lot of little issues with profiles. Hopefully, this clears most of them up and giving the Terminators the correct Invulnerable is a good thing.

Death Guard also got a lot of changes to wording and keywords, but also gave the Daemon Prince deepstrike, as it should.

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 6

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 7Well, the Knights get some big hits, with now only receiving a single hit re-roll and wound re-roll “officially.”

However, with the Code Chivalric bonus, they can exceed the max CP per round gained.

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 8The GSC rule needed some clarifications, so it’s good they did it. Then, Grey Knights get some corrected movements. Gravatic Pulse isn’t useful if you go second, at least how they worded this; it means if you go second, and the turn ends when your opponent goes to move, they are not impeded.

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 9


10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 10Orks and Space Marines had a lot of typos, so they have a lot of changes, but almost all are corrections.

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 11As we said, there are a lot of issues with the options…

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 12Wolf Guard can take one storm shield, and the venerable dread has its profile updated to be correct.

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 13Tau gets a ton of AP changes, weapon options, and Stealth Suit changes.

10th Edition 40k Index Card Errata 14Last but not least, the T Sons get some keyword changes, along with correcting their weapon profiles.

Overall the Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Index Card 1.2 Errata seems to focus more on NERFs than buffs, meaning the lower-tier armies should be intrinsically a little better.

Click Here to Download all the Changes!

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    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the changes so far to the index cards? Were you hoping for bigger balance updates?

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