The 40k Kill Team Chalnath box, Adeptus Titanicus, and Citadel tools are hitting the shelves soon- check out the lineup and pricing!
Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these pre-orders from Games Workshop on Saturday, October 30th, 2021.
40k Kill Team Chalnath & More Games Pricing CONFIRMED
They made a promise to do these as MTO if they sell out of the initial stock. However, the price is a little higher than we expected, still, if you want it, you’ll be able to get it.
40k Kill Team: Chalnath $170
The T’au Empire and Adepta Sororitas clash in a series of violent running battles in the Vedik System with this new expansion for Kill Team – which comes complete with two full teams and a bunch of Imperial ruins to fight over.
This new box pits the Greater Good versus some of the emperor’s finest, but which one do you want to “win”?
The all-new Adepta Sororitas Novitiates kit is a team of 10 fresh-faced Sisters of Battle eager to prove themselves worthy of induction into the main ranks. Against them stands a T’au Pathfinder Squad which includes an upgrade sprue full of new options to kit out your team of 10, plus three drones.
All of these new models look pretty sweet, not to mention Xenos players are always looking forward to receiving more love from GW!
Kill Team: Chalnath also contains terrain, a double-sided gameboard, and a rules manual that contains new lore and rules that let you play out battles set in war zone Chalnath. Like many of our recent releases, we’ll be running a Pre-order Weekend Promise – so if you pre-order during Saturday or Sunday you’re guaranteed a box.
Just like some of the other recent big box releases, GW is trying to combat scalpers by using its Pre-order promise, which essentially makes the release a semi-MTO. That means if you place an order, you will get one (eventually).
However as we saw with Dominion, and the Black Templar Army box, interest in these paywall-type releases may be waning as hobbyists continue to vote with their hobby dollars about what’s important to them.
Kill Team: Chalnath Adepta Sororitas and T’au Empire Dice $35 Each
As with most major releases, you’ll be able to pick up some thematic dice to go with whichever side of the box you want to devote your effort to.
Adeptus Titanicus: Traitor Legios $50
Strike fear in the hearts of the Loyalists with a book that includes everything you need to assemble and marshal a Titan Legion fighting for the Dark Gods. It contains background and rules for 11 Titan Legions, 12 Traitor Knight houses, and a glut of maniple formations and Stratagems, ideal for stomping and smashing in the name of the Warmaster.
Get The New Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!
Another new Titanicus supplement is one the way! If you play chaos in Titanicus, this is a great supplement, of course, there are also rules for loyalist houses inside as well.
Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan $160
Towering above almost every other Titan, wielding a chainsword the size of a hab block and your choice of a Krius Siege Drill or Grav Imploder, the Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan is the last word in god-engine close combat.
Along with a new supplement, there is also a new titan model joining the fray, and this one is BIG.
Thunderhawk Gunship $42
Yours to hold, and finally in plastic, this faithful recreation of one of the Adeptus Astartes’ most iconic vehicles is bristling with details. It’s the perfect painting project – just ask the lovely folk in Warhammer Community, who recently painted a squadron or two up a storm.
While this might not be the Plastic Thunderhawk everyone wanted, a new option for Aeronautica players is great for those who want it.
Fire Raptor Squadron $42
According to Warhammer Community:
If the Thunderhawk Gunship is too big for you – if such a thing is even possible – then perhaps a Fire Raptor squadron is more to your taste. Based on the Storm Eagle, these little fighters eschew transport space to fit in more ammo and bigger guns, making them perfect for vicious aerial dogfights.
Of course, the Adeptus Astartes are also getting some more firepower in the skies for Aeronautica, giving you two fresh new options to field.
Citadel Painting Handle XL $18
The new XL Painting Handle has the biggest double-sliding grip yet, designed to hold bases up to 170mm in width, meaning you can go hands-off with even the largest miniatures in your collection.
The other painting handles have been great, so this one is sure to be another fine addition to available tools.
Citadel Colour Assembly Stand $27
If you need to glue some pieces in position while getting on with other parts of construction, or waiting for a strong bond to form, the Assembly Stand has got you covered with two articulated arms that end in clamps to hold objects in place. You can even use this with a painting handle or the XL Painting Handle, which is compatible with the arms, so you’re able to use them to hold larger pieces in place while painting.
Sometimes the clamp arms are a little weak, but each iteration makes them better, so this one might be close to perfect.
Citadel Colour Sub-assembly Holder $12.50
Tired of working on hard-to-reach pieces while painting? The sub-assembly holder contains 44 part holders made from the same plastic as Citadel miniatures, so you can easily glue small pieces like heads and weapons onto them for comfort while you’re painting, then clip them off and glue them to the model. They also come with two fluted bases that work perfectly with Citadel Colour painting handles.
This new tool is more interesting and encourages us all to take time to do sub-assemblies. The most annoying part of that process is finding a way to hold the piece while painting it! Luckily, that’s exactly what this aims to address.
Citadel Colour Spray Stick $23
According to Warhammer Community:
The latest version of the spray stick rotates, so you can quickly get total 360-degree coverage of your models while priming, without having to perform any Harlequin-esque contortions.
Spray sticks are nice because they help you prime your models quickly without coating your fingertips in paint!
All the Newest GW Model Previews For NOV & Beyond
Are you excited about these Kill Team, Aeronautica, Titanicus releases this week? How about the hobby tools?
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