40k Orks Release Date & Product Shortage Rumors

speed freeks orks GW's Fall Release Roadmap? Grots, Orks, Rogue Trader & Primarchs

Don’t miss the latest on possible Ork release dates, and the model kits that may go out of stock Day 1 from Games Workshop.

GW was recently spotted possibly getting their retail stores ready for Orktober with some curious removals of key products from their shelves.

We’ve just heard that Warhammer stores are shipping back some Orky models to GW headquarters. But that’s not all! Employees at GW stores aren’t allowed to take off certain days in October…

We’re not quite a week into Orktober and at this point, the community is waiting with baited breath to see what Orks are going to be bringing to the tabletop in 8th edition. Although Games Workshop has been a little on the quiet side in terms of Ork previews, something is going on.

 40k Orks Release Date & Product Shortage Rumors

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Models Being Sent Back to GW Headquarters

All of these models that are being sent back are Ork related. So far, we’ve heard these units are the ones being shipped:

  • Battlewagon
  • Trukk
  • Boyz
  • Warbikes

We don’t know why these models are being sent back. But as far as Ork Boyz go, they might be getting some bigger bases and GW wants to put the updated size in the boxes for customers.

32 mm orks 40k Orks Release Date & Product Shortage Rumors

Look really close at the size of the bases in this picture that was recently showcasing some of the new Speed Freeks models. Those Boyz are standing on 32mms! Maybe they decided to go one step further this time and update the boxes already on the shelves instead of doing what they did in AoS 2.0.

For the longest time, people would buy Sigmar models well after they announced that everything was going to round bases and people were forced throw out the square bases in the box and search for some round ones that fit. It was just another level of annoyance that could’ve been avoided.

As for the other models being sent back, we honestly have no clue. Could certain models like Warbikes and Trukks be getting bigger bases/bases of their own? Battlewagons haven’t been previewed or mentioned in any kind of update so what could GW be doing with that model?

One theory that some store managers have mentioned, is that some of these units will be going on direct order. If that’s the case, order up what you need, while you can. Just remember, we don’t know the real reason why GW is doing this as it is just as likely they could appear back on shelves again in a few weeks with a new box design and bases inside.

GW Store Employees Can’t Take Off Certain Days in October

gw store shot wal hor

To pile more on more information, we’ve also been hearing that GW store employees reportedly aren’t allowed to take off October 13th and 20th. What could be happening on those days? Could Speed Freeks be dropping on the 13th and finally, the Ork codex on the 20th? We can make some educated guesses but for now, we don’t know for sure.

One thing to remember is that historically, GW doesn’t allow their store employees to take the day off on the days that big releases drop. It sounds like we’ve got some exciting things ahead in Orktober!

Why do you think these models are being sent back to GW? What do you think will be happening on those days in October? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.