5 Things GW Should Release in 2019

hor of space marine and chaos

GW has been steadily pumping out new material for the tabletop since the start of 2018. As 2019 is getting closer, here’s what else we’d like to see.

We’ve had a few ideas of things we’d like to see GW put some focus towards in the new year. Let’s take a look at 5 things that we would love to become a high priority for them.

1. More plastic Horus Heresy Kits

horus heresy world eaters

Horus Heresy has seen a resurgence in players recently. Whether its the current state of 40k or the lack of interest towards AoS, 30k has been getting more and more popular. With that being said, Forge World also jacked their prices way up. This actually acts as a deterrent for people trying to get into a new game.

GW should see this and come out with a small “Getting Started” kit with Marines of older power armor. Maybe even include something like a Consul or a simple Praetor so a nice little 500 pt. game can be played from it.

Betrayal at Calth was the most popular thing for a while until they all got bought up. They’re still a great deal but you can’t find them anywhere.

2. Gue’la for Tau


Lorewise, we know that the Tau treat their human counterparts better than the Imperium does. All they have to do is devote their lives to the greater good. With that being said, they’re also expected to serve in the military.

Some Gue’la (human) auxiliary units would be sweet to see on the table!

3. Free Peoples in AoS 2.0

free people

Free Peoples were the Guardsman of AoS. Sadly, they basically died off in the end times. They seem to be on the backburner for GW right now…Or are they?

rumor engine 10-23-18

This fancy feather was a part of a recent rumor engine that just so happens to look an awful lot like the Free Peoples feathers. What do you think? Are they bringing them back?

4. Updated Characters

mephiston Top 5 40k Marine Characters That Need Updated Models

You can honestly look at any 40k faction and find a character that is WAY behind on model quality. GW should sweep through and convert the old metal models to newer, better-posed plastic kits. Characters are a huge role in the 40k meta as of right now. They’d most definitely sell!

5. Primaris Transports

Primaris marines

As it stands, Primaris have absolutely no way of getting up the board fast and cheap aside from Deathwatch. There is the Repulsor but you have to pay such an absurd amount of points just to unlock the ability to transport your units. A cheap, fast transport would be exactly what this force needs to become more competitive. It would definitely be a step in the right direction.

rumor engine 9-4-18

Some people seem to think this rumor engine might be the hull of that cheap transport we were just talking about. What are your thoughts?

All in all, it’s been a busy year for GW as they’ve been slinging products off the assembly line as fast as they could. They still have more releases to get through too. What do you think about these five things that GW could potentially put on the shelves?

Would you like to see in 2019? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.