A New Ad Mech Miniature Hidden In Plain Sight For 2017?

By Rob Baer | December 6th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

admech wlapaper

Did we all miss the writing on the wall for this picture Games Workshop teased us with recently. Come see what may be a future Ad Mechanicus Release.

Hot on the heals of lasts weeks teaser image, GW dropped this photo on us last Wednesday:

Source Warhammer Community

It’s Wednesday, and that means another mystery from the Rumour Engine… can anyone unlock the secret this week?


Now a lot of folks chimed in that this was something Tzeentchian, or perhaps AoS related. But let’s go CSI Robbie B and break this down slowly.


First off checkout this symbol at the bottom of the key… is that a cog?

Now checkout those digits, are they claws or Robot Fingers?

The elbow joint appears to be a flared interface between the two sections with a circular joint in between the upper and lower arm as well.

And last but not least the shoulder joint itself is a hemisphere socket configuration.

So what does all that add up to? Well I can think of one EXISTING model that combines all of these elements:


Compare the above picture and all the things I just pointed up above with the bits for the Dominus Model from the Adeptus Mechanicus range below:


(Picture Credit : HOB)

All of the elements we just pointed out on the shaded rumor image are present on the bits above for the Dominus!

That is a very compelling comparison that last weeks teaser is not anything to do with Chaos or Age of Sigmar, but perhaps the rumored Adeptus Mechanicus releases that we’ve been hearing about for the last 6 months or so!

So what say you, robots, or something… else?

Think you can solve the last two teasers? Click the link below to find out!


Rumor Engine Picture Latest

Special Thanks to Joshua Dunkerly for this contribution to this article.