All of the 40k Space Marines Heroes Miniatures Series So Far

space marine wal hor wideWe’ve seen four-ish waves of the Warhammer 40k Space Marines Heroes Miniatures so far- here’s a look back at all those releases!

What we mean by four-ish, is that the newest ones are basically a rerelease of the first wave we saw, but this time they are in red plastic and not blue. Plus, if you missed out on the first wave, it’s nice to see them come around again for people who missed out.

We’ll start out with the first wave and move up from there!

All the Space Marines Heroes Miniatures so Far- Series 1

Japan Space Marine Heroes

The first box came with 24 individual “mystery” boxes, and there were 12 different models in the series, and each model cost around 600 Yen or $7 USD. So back then (2017), the price wasn’t too bad for each mini. Considering these maybe weren’t as big in the states, as they were first released in Japan, people may not have grabbed them.

Either way, the first wave was just really cool to unbox. Check out Rob’s video on it below, or click here to read more from our coverage back in 2017,

Space Marine Heroes Series 2

SM heroes 2 paint 2

These were available at stores that don’t normally carry Warhammer 40k minis but also at local stores. This time around, they went to terminators who were also in red plastic, so obviously meant to be Blood Angels, just sans the icons. They even supposedly put out a manga for them, which was cool to see but was very hard to get.


So maybe the next time Games Workshop does a release like this, we’ll get another one. Click here to read more about them from our unboxing.

Death Guard Space Marines Heroes Series 3

Death Guard comparisonAfter two loyalist iterations, hobbyists finally got some Chaos! The 3rd wave was some really cool Death Guard minis, and while, like the other two waves, they were released in Japan first, they eventually came to the USA for a normal price.

These were super easy to build, and they might have been the coolest of all the series. Be sure to check out Rob’s video or click here to read more from our unboxing.

Space Marine Heroes Series 4 (Kind of)

Space Marine heroes 6

The packs are pretty cool but fairly expensive for what you get. As an $8 Firstborn mini really isn’t too exciting, but it is fun to open the pack not sure of what you’re going to get, and they are different sculpts than the normal tactical squad. So might be worth it as far as that goes…

Plus, you get the card and a textured base.  However, nothing is different from the first wave, and there isn’t even any Blood Angels iconography on the models, other than the decals the painting team threw on.

So while they are red plastic, they are identical to the set put out basically five years ago… Either way, if you want them now or didn’t score them back then, they are back for a limited time…

Did you get any of the first three waves of Space Marines Heroes? Will you be picking the 4th series up?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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