All The GW New Releases Available Through February 12th, 2025

warhammer logo wal hor store GW shots of product on shelves and store sign new releases

Don’t miss all these new Games Workshop Warhammer releases from mid-January till now that may be available across platforms with the links to find them.

Games Workshop’s latest releases offer exciting additions for gamers and hobbyists alike. From rulebooks to miniatures, the new offerings have something for everyone.

However, if you see anything you want that is still available online, you may have to act fast and purchase it!

new Death Korps or krieg pre-order warve two art warhammer 40k releases

Latest Warhammer Releases From Mid-January 2025

Most of these Games Workshop releases are orderable, but they might already be low on stock or higher in price on the secondary market. So be sure to check out all the offerings and pick up anything you might want for your army while they are still available.

If you’re still waiting on something to hit pre-order, check out the latest Warhammer new release Roadmap article for 2025


Games Workshop New Releases For January 18th

New Warhammer Age of Sigmar Pre-Order Releases

aos banner age of sigmar logo games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap new battletomes 2024 2023 2025 Orruk Warclans Pre-Order

The Wait is over! The latest Warhammer Age of Sigmar pre-orders have arrived, and they’re as epic as a Stormcast Thunderstrike!  

How to Order Warhammer Age of Sigmar:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: Get 15% Off or More

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games| The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games |Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks | Frontline Gaming

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK)|Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

You can save even more with our exclusive list of redeemable discount codes from some of the best hobby retailers and miniature manufacturers out there!  

This is your updated guide to the top miniatures, hobby, and Age of Sigmar retailers across various regions to help you secure your next order easily with fast shipping close to you. If you want to know where and how to buy used Warhammer and tabletop miniatures and save big, check out this page!

Battletome Orruk Warclans Pre-Order $60 CAD$70 €47.50 £37

Gamers Edition Battletome Orruk Warclans Pre-Order $80 CAD$100 €65 £50

Battletome Orruk Warclans Orruk Warclans Pre-Order

Click Here To Buy Yours

The Mortal Realms are in a right mess, thanks to Archaon and the Great Horned Rat stirring the pot. The Orruk Warclans, however, are thrilled—nothing like a bit of cosmic turmoil to justify cracking some skulls. Gorkamorka would approve.

The new Battletome: Orruk Warclans is a 128-page ode to brute strength and sneaky tactics. It’s got lore galore, rules for the brawny Ironjawz and the crafty Kruleboyz, and everything you need to bring da Waaagh! to life. Both factions get their own Battle Traits, Heroic Traits, magical gizmos, and all that jazz, with the Ironjawz scoring an exclusive Prayer Lore.

There are 16 warscrolls for Ironjawz and 17 for Kruleboyz, plus a shiny new Spearhead—the Ironjawz Big Mob. Fancy mixing raw power with clever trickery? The Big Waaagh! Army of Renown lets you smash these forces together.

Or, you can stick to your favorite flavor with bespoke armies for each side. On top of that, the Anvil of Apotheosis system lets you cook up your own legendary hero, and Path to Glory offers fresh campaigns for conquest. Oh, and don’t miss the Gamer’s Edition with reference cards—it’s a handy grab while it lasts.

Hobgrot Slittaboss: $35 CAD$42.50 €26 £20.50

Hobgrot Slittaboss Orruk Warclans Pre-Order

Click Here To Buy Yours

These nasty little leaders boss around Hobgrot bands and are as vicious as they come. While they’ll work for anyone, they have a certain camaraderie with the equally shady Kruleboyz. The kit includes two head options—because sometimes you just want a different vibe.

Bossrokk Tower and Skaregob Totem: $62.50 CAD$75 €51.25 £40


Bossrokk Tower and Skaregob Totem Orruk Warclans Pre-OrderClick Here To Buy Yours

The Orruks may not care much for architecture, but they know a good shouting platform when they see one. These imposing structures let the boss on top channel the Waaagh! energy and bark orders with style. Build either a Bossrokk Tower or a Skaregob Totem—your choice.

Orruk Warclans Manifestations Pre-Order: $58 CAD$67.50 €44 £34


Orruk Warclans Manifestations Orruk Warclans Pre-OrderClick Here To Buy Yours

The Waaagh! magic isn’t just for smashing—it can also conjure wild magical manifestations. From the roaring Gork-Roara to the stomping Foot of Gork, these chaotic powers bring a lot of flair to the battlefield.

Both Kruleboyz and Ironjawz armies can use them, and they don’t cost a thing. How very orrukish.

Spearhead: Ironjawz Big Mob Orruk Warclans Pre-Order: $145 CAD$170 €115 £87.50


Spearhead Ironjawz Bigmob Orruk Warclans Pre-OrderClick Here To Buy Yours

Charging into the Spearhead game mode, the Ironjawz Big Mob is here to smash everything in its path. Led by a hulking Megaboss, this formation includes three Brute Ragerz, five Brutes, and ten Ardboyz—all armored up and ready to rumble.

Killaboss with Stab-grot: $40 CAD$50 €32.50 £25 (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Killaboss with Stab-grot Orruk Warclans Pre-Order

Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot: $40 CAD$50 €32.50 £25 (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Swampcalla Shaman with Orruk Warclans Pre-OrderThe sneaky leaders of the Kruleboyz are all about trickery and bossing others around. These minis, previously exclusive to the Dominion box, are now available separately. Whether it’s the Stab-grot taking hits or the Pot-grot stirring up trouble, these are must-haves for Kruleboyz commanders.

Warscroll Cards: $35 CAD$41 €26 £20.50

Warscroll Cards orruk warclans Orruk Warclans Pre-OrderClick Here To Buy Yours

Keep your gaming smooth with a set of 43 warscroll cards covering everything in the new Battletome. Quick reference, less page-flipping—what’s not to love?

Path to Glory Ravaged Coast: $60 CAD$70 €47.50 £37 

Path to Glory Ravaged Coast Orruk Warclans Pre-OrderClick Here To Buy Yours

The Ravaged Coast is the latest battleground in the Realm of Fire, featuring Skaven invasions, Emberstone rushes, and epic clashes. This narrative expansion packs in lore, heroic paths, unit upgrades, and battleplans. Plus, you can craft your own Emberstone-infused weapons. Fancy.

New Blood Bowl Pre-Order Releases

Blood Bowl banner icon games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap aos new releases age of sigmar new battletomes pre-order

This week’s new Blood Bowl pre-orders are here, and they’re ready to kick-off in style, and the pitch has never looked more exciting. 

How to Order Blood Bowl:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: Get 15% Off or More

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games| The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games |Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks | Frontline Gaming

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK)|Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

You can save even more with our exclusive list of redeemable discount codes from some of the best hobby retailers and miniature manufacturers out there!  

This is your updated guide to the top miniatures hobby and Blood Bowl retailers across various regions to help you secure your next order easily with fast shipping close to you. If you want to know where and how to buy used Warhammer and tabletop miniatures and save big, check out this page!

Spike! Presents: 2024 Almanac Blood Bowl Pre-Order: $45 CAD$55 €35 £28

Spike! Presents 2024 Almanac! Blood Bowl Pre-OrderClick Here To Buy Yours

The Spike! team is back at it, cramming all the good stuff from issues 16, 17, and 18 into one convenient package. This Almanac is bursting with everything Vampire, Gnome, and Chaos Dwarf teams need to hit the Blood Bowl pitch in style.

Expect a healthy dose of rules, commentary, and regular columns like Chat With The Rat and Dirt From The Dugout. Hardcover or ePub? Your call—pre-orders open next week.

Anqi Panqi: $36 CAD$45 €29 £23 (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Anqi Panqi Blood Bowl Pre-Order

Lustrian Superleague squads are rolling out the welcome mat for this stoic Temple Guardian. A pro at knocking opponents flat with his Savage Blow ability, Anqi is your go-to Blocker for shutting down enemy plays.

Guffle Pusmaw Blood Bowl Pre-Order: $36 CAD$45 €29 £23 (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Guffle Pusmaw Blood Bowl Pre-Order

What’s in a name? Well, for Guffle, everything. This Favoured of Nurgle Catcher uses his, uh, unique tongue skills to grab the ball—or snatch it from the hands of an unsuspecting rival. Gross but effective.

Jeremiah Kool Blood Bowl Pre-Order: $36 CAD$45 €29 £23 (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Jeremiah Kool

The self-proclaimed greatest Blood Bowl player ever isn’t ready to hand over his crown just yet. With agility, experience, and a streak of pure nastiness, he’s here to remind everyone why Elven Kingdoms teams keep calling his number.

Rashnak Backstabber Blood Bowl Pre-Order: $36 CAD$45 €29 £23 (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Rashnak Backstabber Blood Bowl Pre-Order

Chaos Dwarfs love a good underhanded trick, and Rashnak delivers. Armed with a poisoned dagger and years of venom-tweaking practice, this Hobgoblin assassin prefers sneaky eliminations to boring old touchdowns.

Rowana Forestfoot Blood Bowl Pre-Order: $36 CAD$45 €29 £23 (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Rowana Forestfoot Blood Bowl Pre-Order

Gnomes love their animal companions, but Rowana takes it to the next level—charging onto the pitch on the back of a stag named Flashhoof. Speedy, daring, and a little bit wild, she’s a game-changer.

New Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis Pre-Order Releases

Legions Imperialis banner games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis Pre-Order

The latest pre-orders for Horus Heresy: Legions Imperialis are here, and you’ll once again be commanding iconic legions and seriously devastating war machines- all on an epic scale!

How to Order Legions Imperalis:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: Get 15% Off or More

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games| The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games |Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks | Frontline Gaming

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK)|Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

You can save even more with our exclusive list of redeemable discount codes from some of the best hobby retailers and miniature manufacturers out there!  

This is your updated guide to the top miniatures hobby and Legions Imperialis retailers across various regions to help you secure your next order easily with fast shipping close to you. If you want to know where and how to buy used Warhammer and tabletop miniatures and save big, check out this page!

Mechanicum Battle-Automata Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis Pre-Order: $52 CAD63 €41 £31.50


Mechanicum Battle-Automata Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis Pre-OrderClick Here To Buy Yours

This set of 24 models (split across 12 bases) is packed with everything from Vultarax Stratos-Automata to Castellax Battle-Automata. These machines can crush foes for both the Mechanicum and Dark Mechanicum factions.

Mechanicum Infantry Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis Pre-Order: $52 CAD63 €41 £31.50


Mechanicum Infantry Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis Pre-OrderClick Here To Buy Yours

110 miniatures spread across 32 bases give you all the foot soldiers you need, from imposing Archmagos Primes to the cannon-fodder Adsecularis Tech-Thralls.

Mechanicum Triaros Squadron Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis Pre-Order: $52 CAD63 €41 £31.50


Mechanicum Triaros Squadron Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis Pre-OrderClick Here To Buy Yours

The Triaros Armoured Conveyor is the Mechanicum’s go-to transport tank. Tough, heavily armed, and loaded with 394 transfers, this set of four tanks is all business.

New Warhammer 40k Pre-Order Releases:

9th warhammer 40k banner logo

Reinforcements are en route, as the latest releases for Warhammer 40k pre-orders have just hit the scene! These factions have new products that are locked, loaded, and ready for action. 

Seraptek Heavy Construct with Synaptic Obliterators: $385 CAD$480 (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Seraptek Heavy Construct with Synaptic Obliterators

The Necrons’ Seraptek Heavy Construct is here to crush dreams and enemies alike. This colossal machine moves with an eerie, insect-like grace, all while blasting foes with synaptic obliterators and transdimensional projectors.

Rules for this beast are available online, and the model is crafted from Forge World resin.

New White Dwarf Pre-Order

white dwarf banner

The latest issue of White Dwarf is up for pre-order, and it’s hotter than a plasma gun on overcharge! Packed with exclusive lore, stunning miniature showcases, and tips that will level up your hobby game, it’s like hobby Christmas came early.

How to Order Your White Dwarf Magazine:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Games Workshop’s Store

White Dwarf 508: $11 CAD$14 €9 £6.99

White Dwarf 508

January’s edition of White Dwarf comes packed with Warhammer goodness.

Highlights include: The grand finale of Flashpoint Lethis, the first battle report for the new Warhammer Underworlds edition, two fresh kill teams: Strike Platoon Gorgonne VI (Tempestus Scions) and Mindflenser’s Murder Court (Necrons), painting guides for Warhammer: The Old World Dwarfs, courtesy of the ’Eavy Metal team, and player-vs-environment missions for Kill Team.

New Black Library Pre-Order Releases

new from black library banner new new black library siege of terra pre-order

The latest Black Library pre-order titles are here; they’re hotter than a Salamander’s forge! Whether you’re into far-future battles, mysterious quests, or tales of heroism, there’s usually something for everyone.

How to Order Black Library:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Games Workshop’s Store

The Primarchs Collection Visions of Glory and Despair: $140 CAD$160 (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

The Primarchs Collection Visions of Glory and Despair

This stunning art collection celebrates the iconic Primarchs with 20 A3 prints featuring all 18 known figures, plus the Emperor and a very menacing Horus. Packed in a fancy display box, these prints are perfect for sprucing up your hobby space—or just showing off your impeccable taste in Warhammer art.

Games Workshop New Releases For January 25th

New Warhammer 40k Pre-Order Releases:

9th warhammer 40k banner logo

Reinforcements are en route, as the latest releases for Warhammer 40k pre-orders have just hit the scene! These factions have new products that are locked, loaded, and ready for action. 

How to Order Warhammer 40k:

Here is the answer to the question, “Where to buy Warhammer miniatures and new releases near me!”  Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going. 

Quick Order Links: Get 15% Off or More

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games | The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games | Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks | Frontline Gaming

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK) | Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

You can save even more on your purchase by using our exclusive list of redeemable discount codes from some of the best hobby retailers and miniature manufacturers!  

This is your updated guide to the top miniatures hobby and Warhammer 40k retailers across various regions to help you secure your next order easily with fast shipping close to you. If you want to know where and how to buy used Warhammer and tabletop miniatures and save big, check out this page!

Death Korps of Krieg Army Box Set Pre-Order: $230 CA$275 £140 €180

Death Korps of Krieg Army SetClick Here To Buy Yours

Life on Krieg is all about grit, sacrifice, and relentless warfare. These folks don’t mess around. The Death Korps of Krieg Army Set brings that grim vibe to your tabletop with 18 fresh plastic miniatures. Leading the charge is the indomitable Lord Marshal Dreir, astride his trusty Krieg steed, backed by a cavalry of 10 Death Riders, heavy artillery, and a team of Combat Engineers equipped with a remote mine—because subtlety isn’t their strong suit.

To top it off, this set premieres the Codex: Astra Militarum, a 168-page masterpiece packed with lore and rules to crush your enemies in Warhammer 40,000. Throw in a deck of 68 tactical cards and a transfer sheet with 803 decals, and you’ve got everything you need to march into battle with style. 

Before you Pre-Order the new Death Korps of Krieg Army Box Set check out our contents, values, and pricing post to see how much you’ll save with this.

Battlefield Trophies: $38 CAD$48 £24 €31.50

BattlefieldTrophies box


Battlefield TrophiesClick Here To Buy Yours

If your battlefield doesn’t look like chaos walked through and left its junk, are you even playing Warhammer? The Battlefield Trophies set is here to mess up your bases with 288 pieces of glorious debris, from shattered servo-skulls to battle-worn helmets of all kinds.

Want a half-dead Space Marine on display? It’s in there. The only limit is your imagination—or how gruesome you’re willing to get.

New Middle Earth Battle Strategy Game Pre-Order Releases:

lotr banner

The latest Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game releases are almost here! Packed with stunning miniatures, powerful heroes, and enough tactical options to keep you strategizing for days, these pre-order goodies are the perfect way to kick off your next adventure in Tolkien’s legendary realm. Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

How to Order Lord of the Rings:

Here is the answer to the question, “Where to buy Warhammer miniatures and new releases near me!”  Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going. 

Quick Order Links: Get 15% Off or More

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK) | Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games | The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games | Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks | Frontline Gaming

You can save even more on your purchase by using our exclusive list of redeemable discount codes from some of the best hobby retailers and miniature manufacturers!  

This is your updated guide to the top miniatures hobby and Warhammer 40k retailers across various regions to help you secure your next order easily with fast shipping close to you. If you want to know where and how to buy used Warhammer and tabletop miniatures and save big, check out this page!

Haleth™ & Háma™, Princes of Rohan™ $52 CAD$63 £31.50 €41


Haleth™ & Háma™, Princes of Rohan™Click Here To Buy Yours

Two princes, two vibes: one’s the action-hero soldier, the other’s a sensitive poet. But when Rohan’s under threat, they’re both suiting up to defend their homeland. This plastic kit includes mounted and on-foot versions of each prince, along with a choice of bare heads or helmets. Fancy options, eh?

Héra™, The Bride of Death: $30 CAD$37 (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Héra™, The Bride of Death

Tragedy meets courage in the story of Héra, The Bride of Death. Her final stand is the stuff of legends, and now you can recreate her tale with a stunning Forge World resin model. Choose between a standard shield or one that’s seen better days—because nothing says “epic” like a battered shield.

Wulf™ & General Targg™ $52 CAD$63 £31.50 €41

wulf genereal targ box


Wulf™, High Lord of the Hill Tribes & General Targg™Click Here To Buy Yours

Wulf’s got a grudge against the King of Rohan, and he’s spent years building an army of Hill Tribesmen to settle the score. Joining him is General Targg, a no-nonsense warrior with a chip on his shoulder the size of a mountain. This plastic kit features mounted and on-foot versions of both, so you can plot their revenge however you see fit.

Shank & Wrot, Orc Scavengers $74 CAD$90 (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Shank & Wrot, Orc Scavengers

Meet Shank and Wrot, two Orcs who’ve turned looting into an art form. When they stumble across the battlefield of the Hornburg, they don’t waste time picking through the spoils—especially with a handy Snow Troll on call to scare off any would-be meddlers. Perfect for adding a touch of chaos to your army.

Returning Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game Miniatures (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Returning Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game Miniatures 1

Old favorites are back! Legendary heroes like Bard the Bowman, Galadriel, Celeborn, and Thranduil are ready to lead your armies once again, alongside heavy hitters like the Gondor Battlecry Trebuchet and Iron Hills Ballista. On the baddie side, you’ve got monsters like the Cave Troll, the Goblin King, and the terrifying Watcher in the Water, plus plenty of Orcs, Uruk-Hai, and evil artillery.

Returning Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game Terrain (Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Returning Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game Terrain

Set the scene for your epic battles with new Rohan terrain. Build out your battlefield with Rohan Houses, Watchtowers, and Palisades, or go big with the Rohan Stronghold set, which includes enough pieces to transform your table into a miniature version of Edoras itself.

New Black Library Pre-Order Releases

new from black library banner new new black library siege of terra pre-order

The latest Black Library pre-order titles are here; they’re hotter than a Salamander’s forge! Whether you’re into far-future battles, mysterious quests, or tales of heroism, there’s usually something for everyone.

How to Order Black Library:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Games Workshop’s Store

Leontus: Lord Solar $21 CAD$25

Leontus Lord Solar hc

When a battle against Orks takes a bad turn, the legendary Lord Solar Leontus lands smack in the middle of the action—and he’s not here to just survive. He’s here to win. With roving Ork forces and enslaved populations in his way, this story is a wild ride through courage, strategy, and sheer determination. Pick it up in hardback, eBook, or audiobook formats.

Soldiers of the Imperium: $21 CAD$25

Soldiers of the Imperium

Get ready for a triple dose of action with Death World, Kasrkin, and Witchbringer, all packed into one omnibus. Add in four short stories, and you’ve got a front-row seat to the chaos of the Imperium’s most legendary human warriors. Jungle fights, war zones, and psychic mayhem—it’s all here.

Renegades Lord of Excess: $17.99 CAD$21.99

Renegades Lord of Excess

Follow the twisted path of an Emperor’s Children warlord in Renegades: Lord of Excess, now in paperback. It’s a brutal, no-holds-barred look at Fulgrim’s legion that’ll leave you questioning what it means to truly seek glory.

Requiem Infernal: Only Available Directly From Games Workshop

Requiem Infernal

When Astra Militarum survivors show up at a quiet Adepta Sororitas convent, they bring more than just trouble—they bring chaos. Requiem Infernal is a gripping tale of faith, betrayal, and the darkness that lies within.

The Imperial Infantryman’s Handbook $40 CAD$45

The Imperial Infantryman’s Handbook

Your guide to life as a Guardsman is back, complete with everything you need to survive—and avoid punishment—in the trenches. Curious about the penalty for not owning the Uplifting Primer? Let’s just say it’s not worth finding out the hard way.

Games Workshop New Releases For February 1st

New Warhammer Horus Heresy Pre-Order Releases

Horus Heresy banner 2023 white games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

New pre-orders are here for The Horus Heresy Age of Darkness, bringing a tidal wave of excitement for all 30k players out there!

How to Order Horus Heresy:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links Get 15% Off or More:

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming (West Coast US) | The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games | Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK) | Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

You can save even more with our exclusive list of redeemable discount codes from some of the best hobby retailers and miniature manufacturers out there!  

This is your updated guide to the top miniatures hobby and Warhammer The Horus Heresy retailers across various regions to help you secure your next order easily with fast shipping close to you. If you want to know where and how to buy used Warhammer and tabletop miniatures and save big, check out this page!

Boreas-pattern Deredeo Dreadnought: $84 CAD$100 €67.50 £52.50

Boreas-pattern Deredeo Dreadnought box


Boreas-pattern Deredeo DreadnoughtClick Here To Buy Yours

Packing the biggest guns in the Legiones Astartes arsenal, the Boreas-pattern Deredeo Dreadnought arrives ready to handle anything you throw at it. Whether you’re equipping it with volkite Falconets or Arachnus heavy lascannons, this beast brings heavy artillery to the party.

Boreas-pattern Deredeo Dreadnought weapons packs: $30 CAD$35 €22.50 £18

(Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Boreas-pattern Deredeo Dreadnought weapons packs

And if you want to mix and match, individual weapon packs are available too—because who doesn’t love a bit of customization?

Arvus Lighter: $84 CAD$100 €67.50 £52.50

Arvus Lighter box


Arvus Lighter 1Click Here To Buy Yours

Finally, the much-loved Arvus Lighter gets a plastic makeover! This iconic troop transport can ferry 12 soldiers straight to the action, complete with an optional multilaser for cover fire. With a detailed design and a massive Division Aeronautica transfer sheet, this kit is a must-have for Solar Auxilia fans.

Malcador Infernus: $110 CAD$130 €85 £65

Malcador Infernus box


Malcador InfernusClick Here To Buy Yours

Flamethrower enthusiasts, rejoice! The Malcador Infernus rolls in with an inferno gun capable of clearing out enemies, minefields, and just about anything else in its path. Loaded with sponson and pintle weapon options, it’s as versatile as it is fiery. Plus, it comes with a hefty 180-piece transfer sheet for that extra flair.

Valdor Tank Hunter: $90 CAD$110 €72 £58.50

Valdor Tank Hunter box



Valdor Tank HunterClick Here To Buy Yours

For those moments when a tank needs a serious wake-up call, the Valdor is here with its devastating neutron laser. This tank destroyer has all the upgrades and weapon options you’d expect, plus a transfer sheet to tie it all together. Say goodbye to enemy armor, one shot at a time.

New Warhammer The Old World Pre-Order Releases:

warhammer the old world banner

Gather ’round and ready your wallets because it’s time to revisit the battle-scarred world of Warhammer: The Old World! These new products may be your golden ticket to glory.

How to Pre-Order Warhammer The Old World:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going. 

Quick Order Links Get 15% Off or More:

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming (West Coast US) | The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games | Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK) | Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

You can save even more with our exclusive list of redeemable discount codes from some of the best hobby retailers and miniature manufacturers out there!  

This is your updated guide to the top miniatures hobby and Warhammer Old World retailers across various regions to help you secure your next order easily with fast shipping close to you. If you want to know where and how to buy used Warhammer and tabletop miniatures and save big, check out this page!

Empire State Troops: $85 CAD$100 €70 £54

Empire State Troops box


Empire of Man State TroopsClick Here To Buy Yours

Greatswords: $85 CAD$100 €70 £54

Greatswords box


Empire of Man GreatswordsClick Here To Buy Yours

Flagellants: $80 CAD$100 €65 £50

Flagellants box


Empire of Man FlagellantsClick Here To Buy Yours

For those who like variety, the Empire’s infantry lineup has something for everyone. Regular State Troops (30 soldiers strong) offer flexibility with halberds, spears, or shields. Greatswords bring the heavy-hitting action with two-handed weapons and full plate armor. And then there are the Flagellants—wild-eyed zealots armed with flails and Frenzy to match. Each kit includes plenty of command group options and a whopping 290 transfer decals.

Missile Troops: $85 CAD$100 €70 £54

Missile Troops box


Empire of Man State Missile TroopsClick Here To Buy Yours

Archers: $62.50 CAD$75 €51.25 £40

Archers box


Empire of Man State ArchersClick Here To Buy Yours

Need some range? State Missile Troops (30 in total) come armed with crossbows or handguns, perfect for picking off enemies from a distance. Prefer a more nimble option? The Archers (20 strong) excel at skirmishing and harassing the foe. Both kits offer customization options, including Hochland Longrifles for Sergeants and champions for the Archers.

Helstorm Rocket Battery: $38 CAD$47 €31.50 £24

Missile Troops box


Empire of Man Helstorm Rocket BatteryClick Here To Buy Yours

Things are about to get explosive. The Helstorm Rocket Battery can rain destruction across the battlefield or transform into a Helblaster Volley Gun for rapid-fire mayhem. Meanwhile, the Steam Tank is a mobile fortress powered by steam and sheer intimidation. Both kits come with tons of options for customization, including battlefield accessories and cosmetic tweaks for the crew.

All of the items below for The Old World are Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop

General Hans von Löwenhacke: $38 CAD$47

General Hans von Löwenhacke

Meet General Hans von Löwenhacke, a reluctant mercenary who’s somehow become one of the most reliable generals in the fractured Empire. This dashing fellow, with his splendid moustache and flashy full-plate armor, is equal parts battlefield commander and walking fashion statement. He’s crafted from Forge World resin, because only the finest will do for such a noble figure.

Harald Gemunsen, Grand Master of the Knights Panther: $64 CAD$79

Harald Gemunsen, Grand Master of the Knights Panther

As the big boss of one of the Empire’s largest Knightly Orders, Harald Gemunsen doesn’t waste time with petty squabbles. His mission? Protect the Empire’s soul and shield its people from doom. Clad in Forge World resin, he’s here to keep things noble and knightly, one sword swing at a time.

The Wizards Three $42 CAD$52 Each

The Wizards three

Abracadabra! Three new spell-slingers are entering the scene: a Battle Wizard, an Elementalist, and a Necromancer. Each comes with a cheerful little familiar to lighten the mood while they hurl spells and annihilate foes. Forget formal wizard colleges—these folks are self-taught and deadly. Forge World resin brings their magic to life, and you can grab each one separately.

Captain of the Empire & Engineer with Hochland Longrifle $32 CAD$36

Captain of the Empire, and Engineer with Hochland Longrifle

Get ready for heroics with this dynamic duo. The Captain is mid-duel, expertly wielding a massive flamberge, while the Engineer tweaks his telescopic contraption to line up the perfect shot. These kits offer customizable details like extra head options for the Captain and a new-fangled gadget for the Engineer. Both come with fancy moulded bases that fit snugly on 25mm square bases included in the pack.

Steam Tank: $80 CAD$95

Empire of Man Steam Tank

The Grand Masters Three: $30 CAD$35 Each


The Grand Masters three

The Knightly Orders of the Empire are back in full force, with the leaders of the Knights Panther, Knights of the Blazing Sun, and Knights of the White Wolf riding into battle. These iconic figures, originally from the early ’90s, return to inspire armies once more, each paired with a plastic steed.

Warrior Priests of Sigmar: Single- $32 CAD$36 Set of Three- $45 CAD$55

Warrior Priests of Sigmar


Warrior Priests of Sigmar 2

Priests of Ulric: $45 CAD$55

Priests of Ulric

For spiritual warriors, there’s a range of options: a solo Warrior Priest of Sigmar, a trio of Sigmarite priests, and two bearded Priests of Ulric. For a touch of flair, one Ulrican even rides into battle on a mount.

Witch Hunters: $15 CAD$18

Witch Hunter

And for those who prefer rooting out heresy, the Witch Hunters are here, impeccably dressed and ready to rid the land of evil.

Sir Cecil Gastonne, the Wyrm Slayer: $38 CAD$47

Sir Cecil Gastonne, the Wyrm Slayer

From the realm of Bretonnia comes Sir Cecil Gastonne, a knight so heroic he’s slain a dragon and lived to brag about it. Now, he’s itching to tackle undead threats and can even gain the Terror rule if he’s taken down something monstrous. This chivalrous legend is made of Forge World resin.

Burlok Damminson: $42 CAD$52

Burlok Damminson

A young Burlok Damminson is here, armed with his inventive spirit and experimental weapons. While he might get on the nerves of his fellow engineers, his presence is invaluable to ranged units on the field. Another Forge World resin creation, he’s all about firepower and ingenuity.

Frydaal the Chainmaker: $49 CAD$60

Frydaal the Chainmaker

Chaos has a new champion in Frydaal the Chainmaker, a marauding raider spreading ruin across the northern coast. Her barbaric settlements and allegiance to the Dark Gods make her a fearsome opponent. This menacing figure is sculpted in Forge World resin.

Galrauch the Great Drake: $85 CAD$100

Galrauch the Great Drake

Galrauch, the original Chaos dragon, is a two-headed nightmare of claws, spells, and pure terror. Occasionally, the noble drake within battles for control, but make no mistake—this beast is all about destruction. Galrauch returns in his original metal form to strike fear into the hearts of all.

New Blood Bowl Pre-Order Releases

Blood Bowl banner icon games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap aos new releases age of sigmar new battletomes

This week’s new Blood Bowl pre-orders are here, and they’re ready to kick-off in style, and the pitch has never looked more exciting.

Blood Bowl Classics Made to Order:

(Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

blood bowl mto Humans

Dust off your nostalgia goggles because some vintage Blood Bowl teams are making a limited-time comeback. Humans, Halflings, and Chaos Dwarfs are up for grabs, complete with their original metal miniatures. They’re available to order from January 18th to January 27th—just be prepared for a wait, as these classics could take up to 180 days to ship.

New Black Library Pre-Order Releases

new from black library banner new new black library siege of terra pre-order

The latest Black Library pre-order titles are here; they’re hotter than a Salamander’s forge! Whether you’re into far-future battles, mysterious quests, or tales of heroism, there’s usually something for everyone.

Red Tithe (Special Edition): $75 CAD$85

(Store Special Order & Direct Order From Games Workshop)

Red Tithe (special edition)

Looking for a gripping tale to sink into? Red Tithe is back with a special edition that’s as beautiful as it is brutal. Follow the Night Lords and Carcharodon Astra as they battle through the prison world of Zartak. Featuring a signed and numbered copy, embossed cover, ribbon bookmark, and a bonus short story, this is a collector’s dream.

Grombrindal: Ancestor’s Burden 

Only Available Directly From Games Workshop


Grombrindal Ancestor’s Burden

The legendary White Dwarf returns in Grombrindal: Ancestor’s Burden. This hardback (also available in eBook and MP3 formats) combines six short stories and a new novella about ancient curses, epic battles, and the Gloomspite Gitz. If you’re a fan of epic dwarf lore, this one’s for you.

The Dark Coil: Damnation

Only Available Directly From Games Workshop

The Dark Coil Damnation

Peter Fehervari’s Dark Coil collection offers a mind-bending journey through the grimmest corners of the galaxy. This omnibus features seven short stories and two novels that weave an intricate web of war, survival, and the strange touch of the Warp. Available in paperback and eBook, it’s the perfect read for anyone craving a deeper look at the Warhammer 40k universe.

Games Workshop New Releases For February 8th

New Warhammer 40k Aeldari Pre-Order Releases:

9th warhammer 40k banner logo

Reinforcements are en route, as the latest releases for Warhammer 40k pre-orders have just hit the scene! These factions have new products that are locked, loaded, and ready for action. 

How to Order Warhammer 40k:

Here is the answer to the question, “Where to buy Warhammer miniatures and new releases near me!”  Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going. 

Quick Order Links Get 15% Off or More:

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming (West Coast US) | The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games | Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK) | Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

You can save even more on your purchase by using our exclusive list of redeemable discount codes from some of the best hobby retailers and miniature manufacturers!  

This is your updated guide to the top miniatures hobby and Warhammer 40k retailers across various regions to help you secure your next order easily with fast shipping close to you. If you want to know where and how to buy used Warhammer and tabletop miniatures and save big, check out this page!

Codex Aeldari Pre-Order $60 CAD$70 €47.50 £37

Codex AeldariClick Here To Buy Yours

The long-awaited clash of the Aeldari and Chaos is finally here with the release of Codex: Aeldari, packed with everything an Aeldari fan could ask for. This 192-page book is brimming with lore, covering their tragic past and legendary exploits. With eight different Detachments to represent their varied styles of combat—including Harlequin and Ynnari forces—this Codex is a one-stop guide for commanding the Aeldari warhost.

It even includes Combat Patrol and Crusade rules, not to mention datasheets for every unit. For those who want to go all in, there’s a fancy collector’s edition featuring exclusive cover art, teal foil page edges, and a stylish black ribbon bookmark—but it’s only up for grabs while supplies last.

Aeldari Dice & Datasheet Cards Pre-Order

Dice: $33.50 CAD$38.00 €24 £19, Cards: $35 CAD$41 €26 £20.50

Aeldari dice and datasheet cardsClick Here To Buy Yours

Why leave victory to chance when you can have a little more control with a set of 71 reference cards? They cover key rules, datasheets, and Combat Patrol essentials, keeping everything handy for battle. And let’s not forget the stylish gem-effect orange dice, featuring black pips and the faction icon proudly displayed on the six face—ideal for any Aeldari commander looking to make their mark on the battlefield.

Lhykhis, the Whispering Web: $45 CAD$55 €35 £28

Lhykhis, the Whispering Web box


Lhykhis, the Whispering WebClick Here To Buy Yours

This enigmatic figure strikes from the shadows with lightning speed and surgical precision. Armed with the Brood Twain, a pair of deadly carapace-bound death spinners, and the Spider’s Fangs, dual monofilament injectors that rival the infamous Harlequin’s kiss, Lhykhis is a force to be reckoned with. She moves through the Warp like a phantom, appearing just in time to lend a hand—or strike terror into enemies.

Warp Spiders: $62.50 CAD$75 €51.25 £40

Warp Spiders box


Warp SpidersClick Here To Buy Yours

These warriors embody the same stealth and swiftness as their Phoenix Lord, zipping through the battlefield thanks to their advanced jump generators. Their death spinners ensnare enemies in an inescapable web of destruction.

The new plastic kit offers a range of customization options, including helmetless heads and a variety of Exarch gear, such as death spinners, powerblades, and more. It even comes with an Aspect Warrior shrine statue and an Aeldari transfer sheet packed with 378 transfers.

Baharroth, the Cry of the Wind: $45 CAD$55 €35 £28

Baharroth, the Cry of the Wind box


Baharroth, the Cry of the WindClick Here To Buy Yours

Baharroth doesn’t just arrive—he makes an entrance, especially with the new Aeldari Pre-Order. Wielding the Fury of the Tempest, he strikes from afar before diving into combat, cutting down foes with his Shining Blade. Known as a symbol of impending victory, his presence alone lifts the spirits of Aeldari forces.

Swooping Hawks: $62.50 $75.00 €51.25 £40

Swooping Hawks box



Swooping HawksClick Here To Buy Yours

Soaring high above the battlefield, these aerial warriors unleash precision lasblaster fire and well-placed grenade drops to disrupt enemy formations. The new plastic kit includes various customization choices, like different head options and a full Exarch loadout with weapons ranging from a sunpistol and power sword to a scatter laser. Plus, it features a shrine statue and a comprehensive transfer sheet.

Fuegan, the Burning Lance $45 CAD$55 €35 £28

Fuegan, the Burning Lance box


Fuegan, the Burning LanceClick Here To Buy Yours

The Fire Dragons owe their fiery discipline to Fuegan, the master of close-range combat. Equipped with Searsong, his devastating firepike, and the Fire Axe, a weapon with deep ties to Aeldari history, Fuegan brings the heat—literally.

He’s not just a leader; he’s the one who’ll rally his fellow Phoenix Lords when the end times roll around.

Fire Dragons: $62.50 $75.00 €51.25 £40

Fire Dragons box


Fire DragonsClick Here To Buy Yours

Precision and discipline define these warriors. They channel their relentless focus into expertly wielding their Dragon fusion guns to obliterate armored foes with pinpoint accuracy. Their new plastic kit offers helmetless head options, various Exarch gear, and, of course, an Aspect Warrior shrine statue and transfer sheet.

Asurmen, the Hand of Asuryan: $45 CAD$55 €35 £28

Asurmen, the Hand of Asuryan box



Asurmen, the Hand of AsuryanClick Here To Buy Yours

As the original Phoenix Lord and founder of the Aspect shrines, Asurmen carries the weight of Aeldari legacy on his shoulders. Armed with the Bloody Twins—wrist-mounted shuriken catapults—and the very first diresword ever crafted, he is both a brilliant strategist and a lethal combatant.

New Aeldari Pre-Order: Wave Serpent $65 CAD$80 €49 £37.50

Wave Serpent box



Wave SerpentClick Here To Buy Yours

This swift troop carrier is a battlefield staple, rushing Guardian Squads and Aspect Warriors to where they’re needed most while laying down covering fire. This updated kit includes parts to build either a Falcon Grav Tank or a Wave Serpent, complete with a transfer sheet.

Aeldari War Walkers: $80 CAD$100 €62.50 £47.50

Aeldari War Walkers box


Aeldari War WalkersClick Here To Buy Yours

Built for speed and firepower, these nimble walkers are perfect for flanking maneuvers and scouting enemy positions. Armed with a diverse selection of heavy weapons, they strike from unexpected angles with devastating results.

This updated box includes two (up from one in recent years) War Walkers and, naturally, an Aeldari transfer sheet.

Games Workshop New Releases For February 15th

New Warhammer Age of Sigmar Pre-Order Releases

aos banner age of sigmar logo games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

The wait is over! The latest Warhammer Age of Sigmar pre-orders have arrived, and they’re as epic as a Stormcast Thunderstrike!  

How to Order Warhammer Age of Sigmar:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links Get 15% Off or More:

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming (West Coast US) | The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games | Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK) | Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

You can save even more with our exclusive list of redeemable discount codes from some of the best hobby retailers and miniature manufacturers out there!  

This is your updated guide to the top miniatures, hobby, and Age of Sigmar retailers across various regions to help you secure your next order easily with fast shipping close to you. If you want to know where and how to buy used Warhammer and tabletop miniatures and save big, check out this page!

Gitmob Army Box Set Pre-Order: $230 CA$275 £140 €180

Gloomspite Gitz Gitmob Army SetClick Here To Buy Yours

Not all grots are fans of the dark. Some have had to get used to life under the blistering rule of the Glareface Frazzlegit, and they’ve even figured out how to turn that relentless shine into magical weaponry. This army set packs in everything needed to make mischief, featuring the wolf-riding boss Droggz da Sunchompa, a couple of Snarlpack Cavalry units, and a pair of Sunsteala Wheelas.

On top of that, the new Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz debuts here, loaded with lore, rules, and a flashy cover starring the Evil Sun itself. Players also get warscroll cards, faction rules, and all the bits needed to cause some serious mayhem.

Be sure to check out our article on this release, including a pricing and value breakdown of the new Gitmob army box set pre-order!

Orruk Warclans Dice Set: $33.50 CAD$38.00 £19 €24

Orruk Warclans Dice SetClick Here To Buy Yours

Gear up for some proper Waaagh! energy with a fresh set of themed dice. Green with yellow pips and the Orruk Warclans logo on the six, these dice are a must-have for any follower of Gork (or possibly Mork).

New Warhammer Warcry Pre-Order Releases

Warhammer Underworlds Banner games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap aos new releases age of sigmar new battletomes

The wait is over; these new Warhammer Underworlds releases bring fresh mechanics to the game’s thrilling arena. These pre-orders are packed with everything you need to start building your ultimate deck and crushing your foes.

How to Order Warhammer Underworlds:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links Get 15% Off or More:

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming (West Coast US) | The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games | Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK) | Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

Borgit’s Beastgrabbaz: $44 CAD$55 £27.50 €35

Borgit's Beastgrabbaz box


Borgit's BeastgrabbazClick Here To Buy Yours

While the Gitmob Army Box Set Pre-order zooms across the land, their damp-skinned cousins are sneaking through the tunnels under Embergard. Borgit Wolf-killa and his crew are on the hunt, tracking down anything fleeing the Skaven invasion of Aqshy. Along with his Troggoth buddy Uglug and a couple of grots disguised as a pet squig, Borgit’s Beastgrabbaz warband brings a crafty playstyle that’s all about sneaking and ganging up on the biggest threats.

Edge of the Knife Rivals Deck: $30 CAD$35 £18.50 €22.50 

Edge of the Knife Rivals DeckClick Here To Buy Yours

For those who like to live dangerously, the Edge of the Knife deck offers a thrilling balancing act. It’s all about calculated risks and strategic plays, perfect for warbands that thrive under pressure. Thanks to the tempered mechanic, larger warbands will find this deck especially handy.

New Warhammer 40k Necromunda Pre-Order Releases

necromunda banner 2024

It’s time to put your creds where your mouth is; more new Necromunda is here! Take a look at the latest and greatest pre-order offerings for the gang-infested hive world of Necromunda! 

These Necromunda Release Are Only Available Directly From Games Workshop via

House Ko’iron Ministorum Delegation

House Ko’iron Ministorum Delegation necromunda pre-order

House Ko’iron likes to think of itself as the epitome of Imperial devotion, but as always in Necromunda, appearances can be deceiving. Their delegations often team up with House Cawdor, sending out a Prima Materis and a couple of heavily armed Frateris Bodyguards to spread the “light”—and maybe skim some profits off the top.

Whether joining Cawdor or striking out as an Outcast gang, these Forge World resin minis pack plenty of presence.

House Ty Onmyodo Coven

House Ty Onmyodo Coven necromunda pre-order

House Ty doesn’t just dabble in psychic stuff—they’re practically swimming in it. The Onmyodo Covens operate in pairs, with Telepath and Null working in perfect sync to carry out their shadowy assignments. These figures bring a lot of intrigue to the underhive and can form the core of an Outcast gang.

Heretek and Servo Skulls, Cadaver Merchant and ‘Narker

Heretek and Servo Skulls, Cadaver Merchant and ‘Narker necromunda pre-order

Need a little extra firepower or some, uh, corpse-related business opportunities? Two new sets of Hangers-on are hitting the scene. The Heretek and his Servo Skulls bring cutting-edge upgrades to the table, while the Cadaver Merchant and ‘Narker are all about turning unfortunate losses into cold, hard cash.

Abyssal Ferrymen

Abyssal Ferrymen

Madryc Helbane and Lugrun aren’t just your average boatmen—they’ll get gangs across the Secundan Abyss and into all kinds of trouble. They’re handy in a fight too, and they come with a free Medical Escort action during campaigns.

Servant of the Silent Ones: 

Servant of the Silent Ones

This creepy creation is a House Agent for House Delaque, supposedly made from memory, plasteel, and genetic odds and ends. Whatever it is, it’s not something you’d want to run into in a dark alley.

New Warhammer The Old World Pre-Order Releases

warhammer the old world banner
Gather ’round and ready your wallets because it’s time to revisit the battle-scarred world of Warhammer: The Old World! These new products may be your golden ticket to glory.

These New MTO Releases Are Only Available Directly From Games Workshop


Empire of Man Made to Order

Empire of Man Made to Order: Reinforcements are rolling in with a lineup of classics ready to take the battlefield. The War Wagon is back with upgraded details and new horses, while the Empire’s commanders, engineers, and standard bearers are all making a triumphant return in metal. These nostalgic kits will be available for a limited time and could take a while to arrive, so patience is key.

For the complete lineup of new Warhammer the Old World Empire releases, be sure to check out this article.

New Black Library Pre-Order Releases

new from black library banner new new black library siege of terra pre-order

The latest Black Library pre-order titles are here; they’re hotter than a Salamander’s forge! Whether you’re into far-future battles, mysterious quests, or tales of heroism, there’s usually something for everyone.

How to Order Black Library:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Games Workshop’s Store

Verminslayer: $30 CAD$35


Gotrek’s fiery rune is on the fritz, and he’s taking his frustrations to Greywater Fastness. With a cabal of Skaven Warlocks scheming in the depths, there’s bound to be trouble brewing. David Guymer’s Verminslayer is coming soon in hardback, eBook, and audiobook formats.

Games Workshop New Releases For February 22nd

New Warhammer 40k Pre-Order Releases:

9th warhammer 40k banner logo

Reinforcements are en route, as the latest releases for Warhammer 40k pre-orders have just hit the scene! These factions have new products that are locked, loaded, and ready for action.

How to Order Warhammer 40k:

Here is the answer to the question, “Where to buy Warhammer miniatures and new releases near me!”  Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going. 

Quick Order Links Get 15% Off or More:

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming (West Coast US) | The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games | Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK) | Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

You can save even more on your purchase by using our exclusive list of redeemable discount codes from some of the best hobby retailers and miniature manufacturers!  

This is your updated guide to the top miniatures hobby and Warhammer 40k retailers across various regions to help you secure your next order easily with fast shipping close to you. If you want to know where and how to buy used Warhammer and tabletop miniatures and save big, check out this page!

The front lines are heating up, and the Death Korps of Krieg are charging in with a wave of standalone releases. If you’ve been holding off on picking up the Army Box Set, now’s your chance to assemble your own grim, gas-masked forces without the full box commitment. And yes, there’s even more firepower to go around. Let’s break it all down.

Codex: Astra Militarum Pre-Order: $60 CAD$70 £37 €47.50astra-miliatrum-codex-pre-order cover images

Buy Yours Here

The Codex: Astra Militarum is back in a glorious 168-page hardcover, packed with faction lore, miniatures galleries, and everything you need to command the might of the Imperium. It includes:

  • Five specialized Detachments with unique Enhancements and Stratagems
  • Combat Patrol rules for streamlined play
  • Datasheets for every Astra Militarum unit, including the fresh Krieg releases
  • Collectors Edition is Only Available Directly From GW

If you’re looking to add a bit of prestige to your shelf, the Collector’s Edition features foil-effect text, alternate artwork, and a ribbon page marker—because sometimes, a little extra goes a long way. Heads up: the collector’s edition is only available directly from Games Workshop.

Lord Marshal Dreir: $60 CAD$70 £37 €47.50

Lord Marshal Dreir box


Lord Marshal Dreir pre-order painted image of the miniaturesBuy Yours Here

The Death Korps aren’t known for individual glory, but Lord Marshal Dreir is an exception. This battle-hardened commander prefers the thick of combat, much to the dismay of his superiors. And if you’re wondering how he stays in the fight, his loyal steed, ES819, has been rebuilt countless times to keep him on the move.

Death Korps of Krieg Command Squad: $45 CAD$55 £28 €35

Death Korps of Krieg Command Squad box


Krieg Command Squad pre-order painted image of the miniaturesBuy Yours Here

Leadership in Krieg isn’t about charisma—it’s about discipline. The Krieg Command Squad includes:

  • A Lord Commissar to keep morale (and casualties) in check
  • A Prefectus Militant in training
  • Four veteran guardsmen with communications and medical gear

When you need a squad that values duty above all else, this is the one to call.

Death Riders: $62.50 CAD $75 £40 €51

Death Riders box


Death Riders pre-order painted image of the miniaturesBuy Yours Here

Death Riders aren’t just a stylish throwback; they are a force to be reckoned with. Their genetically modified steeds ensure they hit the enemy with terrifying speed, while their explosive-tipped frag lances create absolute devastation. And once the charge is done? Power sabres come out for brutal melee combat.

Astra Militarum Dice: $33.50 CAD$38 Datacards: $35 CAD$41

Astra Militarum Dice Set and Datasheet Cards pre-order product shot Buy Yours Here

No army is complete without the right tools, and the Astra Militarum is getting a stylish set of dice and datacards to match their battlefield presence. The dice set features a striking blue swirl design with white pips and the Death Korps of Krieg icon on the six face—because rolling in style makes every shot count.

The datacards are a must-have for keeping track of unit abilities and stratagems during the heat of battle. With quick-reference cards covering all key rules, they streamline gameplay and ensure you never miss a crucial move. 

Death Korps of Krieg Infantry Squad: $52 CAD$63 £31.50 €41

Death Korps of Krieg Infantry Squad box

Death Korps of Krieg pre-order painted models astra miliatrumBuy Yours Here

Every great army needs a solid core, and the Death Korps of Krieg Infantry Squad is exactly that. These disciplined soldiers form the bulk of any Imperial force, armed with reliable lasguns and a never-back-down attitude. Their sheer numbers allow them to hold the line, capture objectives, and overwhelm enemies through sheer determination.

Each squad comes with a variety of special weapon options, from grenade launchers to plasma guns, allowing commanders to tailor their forces to the battlefield. Whether they’re advancing in ranks or dug into fortified positions, these troopers are the heart of every Astra Militarum army.

Krieg Combat Engineers: $45 CAD$55 £28 €35

Combat Engineers box


Krieg Combat Engineers pre-order painted image of the miniaturesBuy Yours Here

Siege warfare calls for specialists, and Krieg’s Combat Engineers are designed for exactly that. Armed with short-range weapons and a remote mine designed to punch through vehicles and fortifications, these troops thrive in the most unforgiving battlefields.

Krieg Heavy Weapons Squads: $52 CAD$63 £31.50 €41


Krieg Heavy Weapons Squad pre-order painted image of the miniaturesClick Here To Buy Yours

If sheer firepower is your game, the Krieg Heavy Weapons Squad delivers devastating support. These squads are armed with:

  • Lascannons for tank-busting
  • Twin autocannons for sustained fire
  • Flamers to clear enemy trenches

With their ability to lay down punishing ranged attacks, these squads ensure infantry advances are well-supported.

Krieg Artillery Teams: $62.50 CAD $75 £31.5 €41

Krieg Artillery Teams box


Artillery Team pre-order painted image of the miniaturesBuy Yours Here

Krieg’s Artillery Teams bring powerful indirect fire options to the battlefield. These teams use:

  • Rocket barrages to wipe out infantry formations
  • Siege cannons capable of tearing through armored targets

True to Krieg’s relentless combat doctrine, a Fire Coordinator keeps these weapons firing, even when operators fall in battle.

Combat Patrol Astra Militarum Pre-Order: $170 CAD$200 £100 €130

Combat Patrol Astra Militarum box


Combat Patrol Astra Militarum pre order new box set content paint minis Buy Yours Here

The new Combat Patrol: Astra Militarum takes a different approach, swapping sheer numbers for specialized warriors.

This box includes:

  • Kasrkin – Elite sharpshooters with pinpoint accuracy
  • Rough Riders – Thundering cavalry charges to break enemy lines
  • A Cadian Command Squad to issue orders and inspire troops

Be sure to check out the value and pricing for this new release here in our Combat Patrol: Astra Militarum breakdown.

Warhammer 40k Crusade Nachmund Gauntlet: $60 CAD$70 £37 €47.50

Warhammer 40,000 Crusade Nachmund Gauntlet pre-order book art cover Buy Yours Here

The fight for the Imperium Sanctus intensifies as Abaddon’s forces push deeper into Imperial territory. This new expansion includes:

  • 15 missions for narrative-driven campaigns
  • Rules for Surgical Deep Strikes and the Sangua Terran War
  • A stunning Collector’s Edition with gold foil and printed edges

New White Dwarf Pre-Order

white dwarf banner

The latest issue of White Dwarf is up for pre-order, and it’s hotter than a plasma gun on overcharge! Packed with exclusive lore, stunning miniature showcases, and tips that will level up your hobby game, it’s like hobby Christmas came early.

How to Order Your White Dwarf Magazine:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Games Workshop’s Store

White Dwarf 509 – A Mix of Hobby and Warfare $11 CAD$14

white dwarf 505 pre-order magazine cover

The latest White Dwarf brings Combat Patrol rules for Imperial and Chaos Knights, stunning galleries, battle reports, and a unique Warhammer Car Show featuring custom-built kitbashed street racers.

For those who enjoy diving into the rich lore of Warhammer 40K, several novels are making their way onto shelves. These releases include both fresh tales and celebrated classics, giving fans plenty to read between battles.

New Black Library Pre-Order Releases

new from black library banner new new black library siege of terra pre-order

The latest Black Library pre-order titles are here; they’re hotter than a Salamander’s forge! Whether you’re into far-future battles, mysterious quests, or tales of heroism, there’s usually something for everyone.

How to Order Black Library:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Games Workshop’s Store

Carcharadons: Outer Dark (Special Edition): Only Available Directly From Games WorkshopCarcharadons Outer Dark Special Edition pre-order image book cover black library

The Space Sharks, one of the most enigmatic Space Marine Chapters, face an overwhelming Tyranid hive fleet. This limited-edition hardback includes a soft-touch cover, silver foil details, and an exclusive ribbon marker.

Double Eagle: $35 CAD$40Double Eagle pre-order image book cover

Dan Abnett’s aviation-focused novel returns, chronicling the Phantine Air Corps as they take on Chaos forces in the skies over Enothis. A gripping blend of aerial combat and military drama.

Interceptor City: $35 CAD$40Interceptor City pre-order image book cover

The long-awaited sequel to Double Eagle brings back Bree Jagdea, now reluctantly rejoining the fight as Chaos threatens the hive city of Vesperus. The stakes are higher, the missions deadlier.

Siege of Vraks: $17.99 CAD$21.99Siege of Vraks pre-order image book cover

A new take on the legendary campaign that saw the Death Korps of Krieg locked in brutal warfare for 17 years against a heretic fortress world. This novelized version brings an infantryman’s perspective to one of Warhammer 40K’s most grueling conflicts.

Hopefully, you’re now armed with enough knowledge to dominate your next gaming session or miniatures hobby purchase! If that’s not enough for you, don’t miss these other new releases, top hobby products, and cheap deals:

New Warhammer Releases Roadmap For 2025

What will you pick up with all these new Games Workshop releases that are mostly available now?