All The New 40k Points Changes In Chapter Approved 2022

chapter-approved-2022-nachmund-grand-tournamentAll the new Chapter Approved 2002 Warhammer 40k points changes are here that were favorable to Necrons and not so much to the Orks…

It looks like the new Warhammer 40k missions and secondary objectives revealed at the American US Open Tournament finale were a sign of what’s to come soon.  All the new 40k points changes from the Chapter Approved 2022 book that hits store shelves on January 29th, 2022 are here!

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Chapter Approved War Zone Nachmund Grand Tournament Pack and Munitorum Field Manual 2022

Keep in mind before July of 2020 the Chapter Approved book was published in December of each year, so technically hobbyists already bought TWO Chapter Approved books within 6 months of each other from Dec 2019 to July 2020.

That was a potentially dangerous precedent for our wallets, that GW is now looking to duplicate each year now…

Chapter Approved Grand Tournament 2022 Points Changes

With the first season starting soon GW has revealed their top picks of the 40k Chapter Approved Points Changes.

They broke these down into four sections, with each one having a lot of point changes. Three of the sections are all point deductions, with only a single panel of points increases.

Points Changes

Whether you’re a fan of trundling tanks or agile aircraft, points are going down. The Balance Dataslate may limit the number of Flyers units you can include, but they’ll all now take up a smaller chunk of your army. And if you love tanks, crawlers, walkers, half-tracks, bikes, or buggies, it’s easier than ever to bring a few more Gladiators or Leman Russ Battle Tanks to the table.

It looks like they want some of the less used vehicles to see more play, which we’re totally fine with! We’ll have to see if these changes are enough to push them into the meta.

Necron Changes

Necrons Points Changes

Necrons were one of the biggest winners in the latest Balance Dataslate. The Crypteks worked hard to upgrade a whole bunch of units with the shiny [core] keyword, resulting in more tactical options for your Overlord. Now they’ve also figured out the alarm clock settings for their tomb worlds, which means more mechanical horrors waking up in time to hit the table.

It’s a good day for Necrons as they not only grabbed all these drops but also the ones above as well. With this many changes, we’ll have to see how much more you’ll be able to fit into your lists.

Space Marine Changes

Space Marines Point Changes

Costs are creeping down on iconic units for some of the most recognisable Space Marine Chapters – particularly Blood Angels Death Company squads, Ravenwing Dark Talons, Thunderwolf Cavalry, and the Corvus Blackstar.

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We expect there will be more changes than this, but it looks like they are trying to focus on the big chapters. Again, just a couple of changes may not make a huge difference, but getting that one or two extra minis might make all the difference.

40k Chapter Approved Points Increases

points changes 2

Part of the ebb and flow of Warhammer 40,000 is that units have ups and downs. Everyone loves to play with their favourite, fightiest toys, but some are a little overtuned at present. Points increases for a handful of units should see them maintain their power – but give others a chance to torment tables.

Orks are getting hit pretty hard this time around on their most useful units, which you can see below.

Orks 40k Points Changes in Chapter Approved 2022

Let’s check out the 40k Orks Points changes for Chapter Approved 2022 first since we’re here.  These make sense as the overperforming units are getting NERFs and some of the underperforming ones are grabbing buffs.

There are a couple that sting, but that’s just how it goes sometimes.

  • Beastboss on Squigosaur +30 (+21%)
  • Kommandos + 2 (+20%)
  • Meganobs -5 (-14%)
  • Scrapjets +10 (+11%)
  • Squigbuggy +20 (+22%)
  • Battlewagon -15 (-13%)
  • Bonebreaka (-9%)
  • Gunwagon (-9%)
  • Kannonwagon (FW) -20 (-12%)
  • Kill rig +20 (+11%)
  • Killa Kans -5 (-13%)
  • Lootas -2 (-12%)
  • Mek gunz -5 for all versions except mega kannon (-11%)

The Kill Rig was performing pretty well, so that makes sense to get an increase. The Beastboss on Squigosuar was also super powerful, but a 21% increase is pretty big honestly if true. We’ll have to see how that really affects lists in the long run.

Kommandos going up two points a model might be the one that hurts the most honestly. They are good at a lot of things and this just makes the unit so much more expensive.

Then for reductions, the Mek Gunz and Meganobs going down is a bit of a surprise, but not an unwanted one! If you play a Kill Kan heavy list, you probably are loving that change. There are a lot of reductions overall, so hopefully, it gives more variety to Orks Army lists moving forward!

Adeptus Custodes Chapter Approved 40k Points Changes

adeptus custodes points changes chapter approved 2022

So the new Blade Champion looks like a fantastic option for his points and his raw melee power. He’s basically only 5 points more than a Shield-Captain now once you give them a shield. Trajann going down 10 points is huge, considering he lost a large chunk of his survivability. Still, we’ll have to see if he is worth the points while losing some of his perks.

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Additionally, while a lot of popular units didn’t go up or down by much, Custodes getting access to super cheap Sister of Silence models without breaking battle forged is huge, since it lets you spam more of the best units, and have to waste less point on filling obligatory detachment slots with expensive Custodes. Plus it makes performing actions a tad more efficient.

Custodes Points 2We were hoping they would put the Agamatus points down, but at least they didn’t go up. The Orion and Ares both went down 50 points each, so we might see more of them on the tabletop.

Lastly, it also looks like the Telemon went down 20 points, so pretty surprising and decent there. There are some increases and drops, but nothing too insane overall for Forge World stuff.

Adeptus Custodes Codex Points Changes

  • Blade Champion +10

  • Shield Captain -5

  • Allarus Captain -10

  • Valerian -10

  • Allarus Terminators -5 per model

  • Vertus Bikes -5 per model

  • Land Raider -20

  • Trajann -10

  • Bike Captain -10

Forge World Adeptus Custodes Points Changes

  • Telemon -20
  • Aquilon Terminators -5 ppm

  • Orion & Ares -50
  • Coronus Grav-carrier -30

Misericordia’s for free on everyone except Sagittarum Guard.

Overall Chapter Approved 2022 Points Changes

There are a bunch of new Warhammer 40k points changes from the new Chapter Approved book. These were transcribed from the French Wargame Studio Video already which clearly showed the points changes written out in the margins of the book.

Space Marines

  • Primaris chaplain on bike 115-125 +10
  • Redemptor Dreadnought 175-185 +10
  • Storm Speeder hailstrike 135-125 -10
  • Storm speeder hammerstrike 155-145 -10
  • Storm speeder thunderstrike 160-150 – 10
  • Centurion Devastator from 70-55 -15
  • Gladiator Lancer 180-165 -15
  • Gladiator reaper 210-195 -10
  • Gladiator Valiant 230-215 -10
  • Chief Librarian Mephiston 155-140 -15
  • Death Company Marines 22-20 -2
  • Death Company Intercessors 24-22 -2
  • Ravenwing 40-35 -5
  • Nephilim Jetfighter 190-175 -15
  • Ravenwing Dark Talon 210-195 -15
  • Wulfen 22-20 -2 (thunder hammer goes 16-10 and frost axe 8-5)
  • Thunderwolf Cavalry 45-40 -5
  • Corvus Blackstar 180-165 -15

Grey Knights

  • Grandmaster in Nemesis Dreadknight 150-160 +10
  • Brotherhood Terminator 42-40 -2
  • Paladin 47-45 -2
  • Interceptor 26-24 +2
  • Nemesis Dreadknight 120-130 +10

Adepta Sororitas

  • Morvan Vahl 165-180 +15
  • Celestian Sacresancts 14-16 +2
  • Paragon Warsuits 240-210 -30
  • Dominion 12-14 +2
  • Castigator 160-150 -10
  • Exorcist 150-140 -10
  • Immolator 120-110 -10

Astra Militarum

  • Banewolf variant 110-100 -10
  • Deathstrike 150-120 -30
  • Leman Russ 140-130 -10
  • Manticore -145-155 +10

Chaos Space Marines

  • CSM 14-12 -2
  • Warp Talons 23-20 -3
  • Obliterators 105-95 -10
  • Lord of Skulls 435-450 +15

Death Guard

  • Poxwalkers 5-6 +1
  • Blightlord Terminators 40-42 +2
  • Deathshroud Terminators 50-55 +5
  • Foul Blightspawn 75-90 +15
  • Myphtitic Blighthauler 140-130 -10
  • Plagueburst Crawler 165-150 -15

Chaos Daemons

  • Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage 250-240 -10
  • Lord of change 290-300 +10
  • Nurglings 22-25 +3
  • Flamers 23-20 -3
  • Flesh Hounds 18/28-16/26 -2
  • Seekers 18-16 -2
  • Soul Grinder 175-160 -15


  • Flayed Ones 13-10 -3
  • Skorpekh Destroyers 35-30 -5
  • Ophydian Destroyers 35-30 -5
  • Canoptek Doomstalker 140-130 -10
  • Doomsday Ark 170-160 -10
  • Lokhust Destroyers 50-45 -5
  • Lokhust Heavy Destroyers 60-55 -5
  • Doom Scythe 200-180 -20
  • Night Scythe 145-130 -15
  • Monolith 360-330 -30
  • Obelisk 370-330 -40
  • The Silent King 450-420 -30
  • Tesseract Vault 500-450 -50


  • Beastboss on Squigosaur 145-175 +30
  • Mozrog Skragbad 170-185 +15
  • Kommandos 10-12 +2
  • Meganobz 35-30 -5
  • Megatrakk Scrapjet 90-100 +10
  • Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies 90-110 +20
  • Battlewagon 120-105 -15
  • Bonebreaka 175-160 -15
  • Flashgitz 27-25 -2
  • Gunwagon 165-150 -15
  • Kill Rig 190-210 +20
  • Killa Kans 40-35 -5
  • Lootas 17-15 -2
  • Mek Gunz 45-40 -5


  • Haruspex 170-155 -15
  • Hive Guard 35-40 +5
  • Exocrine 170-155 -15
  • Tyrannofex 170-155 -15

Forge World

Not covering it all, but the highlights are

  • Relic Contemptor Dread, same points but the twin volkite now costs 15 instead of 5
  • For Imperial Knights, the Questoris Knights Magaera goes up to 500 points from 480. I didn’t know that was the model that was causing problems, but fair enough.
  • Both of the Drukhari Lords of War take drops, the Tantalus going down to 280 from 310.
  • Most of the Orks go down in points by quite a lot, including the Squiggoth and gargantuan Squiggoth.
  • Much sadness for the Tau as no point changes, poor manta.
  • And finally, the army using all the Forge World, the Tyranids with the Dimachaeron going from 255 to 280.

One of the biggest changes may be to Contemptor Dreadnoughts armed with Volkite Culverins that went up 20 points total! This is a big deal just based on the fact of how many people take this combo in their lists lately.  It feels like almost every marine player runs these!

Overall it looks like Orks got the most of NERF bat, and the Necrons probably benefited the most from Chapter Approved 2022.

Editors Note: Personally, we are not down for buying two Chapter Approved books a year (if that is even a thing GW is trying to implement) when the points changes themselves should be free as we have in theory already bought and paid for the models and rules once.

Sure new updates for tournament play has value and we here at Spikey Bits are down to pay for them, but twice a year seems a little much.

But again always vote with your hobby dollars!

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

What do you think about all of these Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved 2022  points changes?

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