New Engine War Adeptus Mechanicus 40k Rules Datasheets

admech-wlapaperHere are all the new Adeptus Mechanicus 40k rules Datasheets that are coming our way in Psychic Awakening Engine War, which will be in stores June 6th.

Warhammer Community dropped some of the new 40k rules coming inside Engine War for Adeptus Mechanics earlier in the week, but here’s everything else that’s coming our way on June 6th that was spotted on multiple Facebook groups

New Engine War Adeptus Mechanicus 40k Rules Datasheets

From the Table of Contents, we knew we were getting Stratagems, name generators, datasheets, updated points, customizable Forge World/Knight Households, and more. It was a little difficult to tell what some things were based on their title below, but the new rules are here now!

engine war table of contents

For starters, Engine War is going to be the Psychic Awakening Book with the most amount of points printed yet. We’ve seen Primaris characters make their way to Blood of Baal and Ritual of the Damned, but Ad Mech is getting a handful of new units with all their points. That means for the Ad Mech players wanting to use their new toys, this book is going to be pretty important.

It also looks like they’re getting two pages worth of Warlord Traits and Stratagems as well as maybe some kind of update to the Canticles of the Omnissiah.

Adeptus Mechanicus: The Biggest Support Wave Yet

archaeopter stratoraptor transvector adeptus mechanicus 40k open dayFor the Adeptus Mechanicus, they’re getting a batch of fresh rules on top of a handful of new kits. This is by far the biggest support wave we’ve seen GW give anyone in Psychic Awakening as the Adeptus Mechanicus got a ton of new 40k datasheets.

Tech-Priest Manipulus

Looks like there was no change to the “shhhhh-er”, as no datasheet has been spotted so far, and he’s still clocking in at 65 points in Engine War.

Tech-Priest ManipulusFirst seen in Kill Team Theta-7 Acquisitus box, these Tech-Priests are now available on their own. Their bodies are bloated with bizarre machinery, allowing them to bend the Motive Force to their will. They float across the battlefield, enhancing nearby troops and unleashing baleful energies with magnarail lances and transonic cannons. 

Serberys Sulphurhounds

Serberys Raiders and Sulphurhounds 1


sulphurhounds sheetThe pistol is a pretty unique weapon the Sulphurhounds are getting. It’s essentially a -1 AP flamer that ignores cover but can also be shot while in melee with the enemy. Not something that’s necessarily game-breaking. However, your opponents will have to take into account any prolonged combat with them. Especially in a bigger unit where you can get 3D6+ auto hits.

admech serberys pistoleers

Shooting pistols at non-vehicle units at -1 Toughness after advancing may also be pretty clutch in certain cases as well. Don’t forget they have a 6+ INV and there is a way to get them a 6+ FNP as well for Graia <Forge World> units.

Serberys Raiders

Serberys Raiders and Sulphurhounds 2


serberys raiders sheetWe saw earlier that the leader of the squad has an Archeo-Revolver which is enough to blap a regular Primaris in the face. The only downside is that you can only have one in a squad. At least, that’s what it’s looking like still perhaps?

admech eye of serberysThis is pretty sick. Adeptus Mechanicus are getting a fast cavalry unit that can also force characters to keep their heads down. You’ll be able to run on an objective while slapping a character a few ranks back in the enemy’s deployment.

These guys also get a 6+INV (and potentially 6+ FNP), and while they cant advance and shoot, the do get a free move at the start of the game.

“Jump” Units Statlines & More Revealed

Both the Skystalkers and Sterilyzors are going to share the same basic statline. We’ve got another 2-wound unit hitting the field making autocannons and stalker bolt rifles look better and better. Honestly, those weapons will be these guys’ worst nightmare. The Pteraxii are only T3 but have a decent save and some nice movement. On top of that, they’re S4 and will be hitting on 3’s. This is probably going to be a unit that you don’t expect to take a ton of punishment. But if left ignored, can do a decent amount of work.

pteraxii talonsWe had thought both units will also come equipped with Pteraxii Talons. However, it looks like they are only on the Sterilyzors.

Pteraxii Sterylizors

Pteraxii Sterylizors and Skystalkers 1


strylizorsThe flamer variant of the Skystalkers, the Sterilyzors are getting the same kind of weapon the Sulphurhounds have.  It’s just a longer range and counted as an assault weapon. The best part about this is that these are looking to be 12″ deepstriking flamers.

The Sterilyzors will also be getting +1 Strength and attack on the charge, through Swooping Strikes and the trait on their Ptraxii Talons.

On a turn in which they charge, each Sterylizor will be rolling three attacks at Strength 5…

So it appears they can jump out of the battlefield at the bringing of the movement phase, and come back in at the end, more than 9″ away from any enemy. A pretty neat ability that I am sure will see play in some form when things get back to normal.  They also have a 6+ INV like the new ground guys.

No one tell the Eldar Swooping Hawks Cawl stole their mojo…

Pteraxii Skystalkers

Pteraxii Sterylizors and Skystalkers 2


skystalkersNext, let’s look at what the Skystalkers are getting. The Flachette Carbine is baller right here- a 24″ assault 5 gun is fantastic. On top of some flying models that’ll be able to move 12″, this will give you a massive threat bubble. Especially against cheap units that try to be ignored all game and sit on objectives.

pteraxii arc grenade clusterThe Skystalkers are also getting some Grenade Clusters. Where this rule will shine is if you’re able to bring a unit of ten and move over something like a Dreadnought or Impulsor. In that circumstance, you’ll be rolling ten dice looking for a 3+ for each mortal wound. That’s plenty of potential to make a nice dent in a vehicle or finish something off.

They are clearly the shooty version of the Sterilyzors, and can jump and come back as well- they just won’t get their grenade pack ability to use unless they fly across a target it looks like.

Three Flyer Options In One



Archaeopter detail

Archaeopter Transvector

transvector sheet

The unique aspect of the Transvector is its heavy weapons. You can advance and shoot the heavy weapons, however, you will be at -2 to hit rolls. 36″ range with 12 shots at strength 4 and 1 damage isn’t amazing, but on top of this thing’s utility, it’s acceptable. This is the most generalistic loadout, but it will always be able to shoot at something.

Plus this is the transport version, that can hold most of the infantry including some of the resin Forge World Secutarii models as well!

Archaeopter Stratoraptor

Stratoraptor sheetThe Stratoraptor is the most heavily kitted of the options with two Heavy Phosphor Blasters and Twin Cognis Lascannons. That’s a total 6 shots ignoring cover at 6 strength, -2 ap, 1 damage, and 2 shots at 9 strength, -3 ap, D6 damage respectively. A massive improvement in firepower over both of the other loadout options.

Archaeopter Fusilave

Fusilave sheetThis is the bare-bones loadout, with only the stubber, this is the cheapest to field if you only want it to take advantage of its utility benefits such as Command Uplink.

Archaeopter Universal Traits

admech archaeopter command uplinkFor rules, we’ve got the Command Uplink. This probably isn’t going to come up in very many games. But at least if you NEED it, you can give your dudes on the frontlines a higher leadership. Although with 9th Edition on the way there may be more of an emphasis on this!

admech archaeopter chaff launcherThe Chaff Launcher is going to shut down Autocannons, Stalker bolt rifles, Avenger Gatling Cannons, Burst Cannons, etc. that are normally used to chip wounds off of armor. Way more useful than the command uplink.

All of the Point Values

admech points

This is just the tip of the iceberg for all the new rules coming inside Psychic Awakening’s Engine War for Ademech, we’ll have the rest for you shortly!

What do you think about the new 40k rules datasheets that the Adeptus Mechanicus got in Engine War?

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