All the Warhammer 40k Leagues of Votann Models So Far

new-leagues-of-votann-miniaturesThere have been a ton of new Leagues of Votann models revealed for Warhammer 40k; check out everything we’ve seen so far!

It all started with a possible April Fools joke, and now the line is starting to flesh out, and hopefully, all this means we’ll be seeing the codex soon! Either way, we have a great idea of what everything will look like from months of amazing Leagues of Votann miniature previews!

How Big the Leagues of Votann 40k Models Size Are

How Big leagues of votann

The first thing you might notice is that they look a little squat compared to many other races in the galaxy. Measuring up at around 4ft (1.4m) on average, Kin are minuscule compared to the warriors of the Adeptus Astartes, but they can pack almost as much of a punch.

As you can see, they kept them reasonably small, but we also wish they had thrown an Imperial Guard model in there. However, from this comparison, they do appear to be still shorter than an IG model, which makes sense.

Leagues of Votann Army Box & Codex (Nova Open Preview August 31, 2022)

The first wave of Kin includes Ûthar the Destined – who you can also build as a Kâhl – a formidable Einhyr Champion, three nippy Hernkyn Pioneers, and 20 Hearthkyn Warriors who can be taken as two squads of 10 to fill out a Patrol Detachment.

It’s the first place to acquire the 104-page Codex: Leagues of Votann – with an exclusive cover no less – alongside a pack of 50 datacards and two transfer sheets filled with the symbols and logos of the major Leagues. Everything in this set will be available separately later – except that exclusive codex cover.

leagues of votann army setThe box looks like it will basically be a 500-point list. More or less a Combat Patrol, but with two HQs, so we’ll have to see if they just rebox it for a Combat Patrol or come with something new.

Leagues of Votann preview 3The Leagues of Votann Army box set will have a decent number of new models inside and just like they did the Beast Snaggaz, this will be released early with the codex.

So, if you want it, you better prepare to order it fast. Unless they hopefully do the MTO option once it sells out.

Leagues of Votann codexLastly, it also comes with a collectors edition of the new Leagues of Votann codex, with a unique cover for the army box. But a normal version along with a limited edition one will be sold later on afterward.

Einhyr Champion

Leagues of Votann preview 3They mentioned this Einhyr Champion will be the best melee unit in the army (well, armed the best), and actually has a jump pack to fly through walls, so will probably have some really nice bonuses on the charge. They also said it will be a multi-part kit in plastic as well.

Uthar the Destined

Leagues of Votann New Squats 1Next up, Uthar the Destined will be the only named character in the book, but could also just be modeled as a regular character as well. they didn’t say too much in the way of rules quite yet.

Mole Grenade Launcher

Mole LauncherThis is a bit of a throwback to the old-school tech the Squats used to have. This will launch a round into the ground and it can pop up and destroy the enemy!

Brokhyr Iron-Master

Iron MasterThe Iron Master is sort of like a Techmarine, and only the Ironkin model to the right is a thinking being. The other floating models are like servitors and will help him repair vehicles.




GrimnyrThe Grimnyr will be the Leagues of Votann psyker and has a second head option from the looks of it, as well as a female option for the kit. They are also the closest thing the Leagues have to priests, so they can also buff units around them.

Hekaton Land Fortress

Hekaton land fortressThe Hekaton Land Fortress is the biggest model in the line and will have plenty of firepower. They also mention how durable it will be, while also being a transport.

Think Hammerhead mixed with a Land Raider, so expect plenty of power from this. The top weapon is also basically a railgun equivalent (ignores invulnerable saves) and can wipe out squads simultaneously.

Previous Leagues of Votaan Models Revealed:

Leagues of Votann Kâhl

Leagues of Votann HQ Kâhl:

Appointed from among the Leagues’ most skilled and dependable warriors, these generals are the final authority over an individual Oathband. Subordinate only to their Kindred’s ruling Votannic Council, the Kâhls back up decades of hard-won experience with rigorously drilled combat skills, and the Leagues’ signature advanced weaponry.

You know this is a cool model because it has dual tactical rocks! Who could possibly beat this monster? Seriously though, it’s actually a really cool mini, and we’re excited to see what other HQ choices they grab.

Leagues of Votann Kâhl 2

On the tabletop, these stalwart HQ choices are the core around which the Leagues of Votann’s war machine revolves, directing assaults while smacking their foes with the business end of a plasma axe. Their most important role, however, is to cast the Eye of the Ancestors over their foes – marking out priority targets and ensuring the most dangerous enemies are the first to feel the wrath of the Kin.

This is a multipart kit with options for heads, weapons, and equipment, so you can tailor your commander to a particular battlefield role. We can’t say exactly what all the weapons do yet – but a volkite-and-power-fist combo can’t be bad.

It’s nice to get this as a multi-part kit, as more weapons are always better! Plus, the extra options look really cool, and that powerfist is awesome.

Leagues of Votann Kâhl 4

This is the first time we’ve seen a Kin in red armour.  He’s from the Ymyr Conglomerate, while that classic teal colour we’ve seen so far are from the Greater Thurian League. We’ll have more on these and the other sub-factions of the Leagues of Votann soon…

We haven’t seen much about subfactions, so it’s good to get a little more on the other options!

Leagues of Votann Hearthkyn Models!


These hardy clone warriors form the core of the Kinhosts, and unlike the Adeptus Astartes, they are not bred solely for war. These soldiers are citizens drawn from the populace of the Holds, regardless of gender, job, or social role. They’re Kin who have undergone rigorous martial training, yes, but they also have fulfilling lives outside of war. 

Hearthkyn 3As you can see, they have a ton of weapon options, and GW mentions they can have up to 20 models in a unit. So that means we would expect these to be in boxes of ten.

Hearthkyn 4

Hearthkyn Warriors are often engineered with particular cloneskeins that allow them to specialise in combat – heightened senses, improved stamina, and the ability to see better in the dark, to name but a few. In contrast, others augment their bodies for battle with mechanical limbs and synthetic organs. Held in equal status in League society, Ironkin also fight shoulder to shoulder with their flesh-and-blood comrades – Kin are Kin, even in war.

They have some decent stats and with the wording above, you might be able to upgrade units with special augments.

Hearthkyn 5

These units work effortlessly in conjunction with one another, regardless of their specialization. Some are tasked with sundering the defenses of heavily-armored opponents with ion blasters and HYLas auto-rifles, while others capture battlefield objectives and lay down a hail of saturated fire with their Autarch-pattern bolters.

We’ll have to see how you can arm them, but it looks like you can make the units fairly specialized.

Weapon & Theyn Options


Each unit of Hearthkyn numbers 10 to 20 strong, and is led by an experienced Theyn. These doughty squad leaders have the honour and responsibility of commanding their fellow Kin – and are able to arm themselves with a variety of hand-to-hand combat weapons, including brutal concussion gauntlets and vicious plasma axes.

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Theyns are actually pretty strong with 2 Wounds and what looks to be plenty of wargear!

The Leagues of Votann believe that nothing is worth doing unless it is done well, and they wage war as methodically as any other pursuit. If the cost of the fight cannot be justified, they’ll retire from the battle in good order. Every commander, from Theyns to the grand leader of an Oathband, will ensure no Kin lives are wasted in the pursuit of victory.

Squats Leagues of Votann Exo-Armour is Back!

Exo Armor Votann

When it comes to protecting their all-important Ancestor Cores, the Leagues of Votann demand no less than the very best weapons and armour around. The honoured warriors who wield them are true elites, wading into battle clad in servo-assisted exo-armour, carrying a name that commands respect from all Kin – the Einhyr Hearthguard.

It looks like they will add a serious combat punch to your army while hopefully having enough wounds and armor to make it there!

Exo Armor Votann 2

Like Hearthkyn Warriors, Hearthguard are dependable fighters, but their experience and inch-thick battle plating take the Kins’ natural durability to a whole new level. Crack units of Einhyr Hearthguard can be trusted to hold the line and inspire their fellows to stand firm even in the face of untold horrors.

Exo Armor Votann 3

They aren’t all take and no give, either. Each Einhyr is equipped with a Volkanite Disintegrator and a shoulder-mounted grenade launcher, laying down a solid curtain of fire as they advance. Once the Einhyr Hearthguard join the melee, they’re just as formidable, lashing out with devastating concussion gauntlets. 

They look to have some serious shooting as well with a shoulder-mounted grenade launcher and disinigrator. They will most likely be quite expensive points-wise, but we imagine they’ll have the power to back it up!

Exo Armor Votann 4

Exo Armor Votann 5


These marvels use ancient technologies to increase the mass of a warrior’s fist as they swing, turning an already burly uppercut into an earth-shattering blow that can lift a hulking Ork right off their feet. Those who prefer the deftness of a sword over the raw power of their gauntlets can fit a thrumming plasma blade to their wrist, perfect for slicing and dicing the galaxy’s less damage-resistant dangers.

Exo Armor Votann 6We assume they will be similar to Power Fists, but with a few extra rules for the bladed ones. Either way, this could add some nice combat punch to the army!

Leagues of Votann Brôkhyr Thunderkyn

We’ve seen plenty of awesome Leagues of Votann technology already, from nimble Sagitaurs to thundering Einhyr exo-armour, but we’ve only scratched the surface of the ingenious Kin that create it all. It’s the job of the Brôkhyr to toil in forges, and when the Oathbands head to battle, they strap into powerful exo-frames to become the mighty Thunderkyn.

Interestingly, GW said they just scratched the surface of what the Leagues can create. This could easily be them just saying they can create all kinds of stuff, or maybe we have more reveals coming than we expected.

The powerful suits they wear are adapted from rugged engineering rigs and allow the Brôkhyr Thunderkyn to heft the heaviest man-portable weapons the Leagues can muster with ease. Hordes of enemies fall before bolt cannon salvos, while heavy infantry find themselves pierced by the unstoppable lances of SP conversion beamers. 

The suits are interesting for sure, and it looks like they will be able to be outfitted for either anti-infantry or anti-armor. They also mention they aren’t super armored, meaning they might not have a very good armor save.

The rigs themselves are rough and workmanlike, a far cry from the Kâhl’s beautifully ornamented armour, but they get the job done – and the Brôkhyr would have it no other way. Their advanced engineering equipment also helps out, with omni-visors able to pick out the telltale signs of enemy units through dense terrain.

Leagues of Votann Chthonian Berserks!

Cthonian Berserks


Cthonian Berserks 2

The courageous warriors of the Cthonian Mining Guilds represent some of the most heavily augmented Kin – unreasonably brave souls who have enhanced the physical capabilities of their cloneskeins with cybernetic upgrades, all the better to extract precious minerals from rad-plagued nebulae, explosive asteroids, and fathomless ocean depths. 

Also, if you didn’t know, Cthonia is Horus’ homeworld and was mainly a mining world. However, it was destroyed, so this is an interesting way to bring that lore into 40k, with them mining the leftover asteroids. Especially considering in the lore, it also says they had mine works already set up everywhere.

Cthonian Berserks 3


Cthonian Berserks 4

Boosted by the cyberstimms that flood their systems, the Berserks can keep battling through life-or-death situations. They eschew the high-tech STC weapons wielded by the rest of the Kin, using robust mining equipment such as heavy plasma axes and concussion mauls.

They don’t give much in the way of rules, but with giant weapons, we expect them to hit very hard, and maybe the cyberstimms will give them more toughness or, more likely, an FNP. Either way, this is an interesting way to incorporate a melee-only unit into the army.

Cthonian Berserks 5


Cthonian Berserks 6

In the muscled (or mechanical) hands of Cthonian Berserks, these tools become weapons that can penetrate heavy armour or alien carapaces just as easily as stubborn rock and stone. 

We’re not done with the Leagues of Votann – there are even more surprises to extract from the mantle below.

They even say this is not the last unit either, so expect to see even more reveals before the faction drops!

Leagues of Votann Sagitaur ATV Vehicle

Sagitaur ATV

Designed for surveying inhospitable alien terrain, the Sagitaur is a rapid-response ATV suited to scouting operations and lightning-fast armoured offensives alongside Hernkyn Pioneers. Its armoured carapace is durable enough to shrug off everything from rockslides to plasma blasts, making it an ideal spearhead for any League-sponsored colonisation effort.

They gave this a rover look for exploring, and it has a distinct look compared to many other Warhammer 40k vehicles.


Sagitaur ATV 2

Sagitaurs usually operate in pairs – they’re remarkably heavily-armed for their size, with a nose-mounted twin bolt cannon complemented by a swivelling turret weapon, such as a HYLas beam cannon, L7 missile launcher, or MATR autocannon. 

Mentioning they work in pairs gives us a big look into how you can run them. Probably something like running two will only take up one slot, or you might have to take two when you look at the rules they mention below.

Sagitaur ATV 3

Once they’re right up in enemy lines, they disgorge their ornery cargo – a full squad of infantry, which can be split between the two vehicles. These hardy warriors pop out, engage enemy units with their superior weaponry, and claim vital objectives – while the Sagitaurs speed off to deliver their heavy firepower wherever it’s needed.

So, they will be troop carriers, and we’re not exactly sure how splitting up the units will work, but maybe that means each can only carry five models?

Leagues of Votann Squats Trike Hernkyn Pioneer

We’ve seen a few models for the Leagues of Votann, and we wished for more! Well, this is a totally different style than we’ve seen and pretty cool for sure with the retro vibes!

Leagues of Votann New Squats 1

You’ve heard of flying pigs – well, what about a flying hog? For anyone who hasn’t been following the Leagues since parachute pants and giant shoulder pads were in fashion,* here’s the kind of trike the Kin were riding around in the 1980s.

Leagues of Votann New Squats 1

Leagues of Votann 4

Though the old Squat Trikes were noticeably less airborne, you can see a number of key design cues that carried over to the Hernkyn Pioneer… as well as a few places where the technology of the Leagues of Votann has clearly diverged from the Imperium. There’s no mistaking this for a Space Marine bike!

Overall, this is a pretty sweet model, and it’s cool to see them keep with that old Squats trike miniatures aesthetic for the new Leagues of Votann.

Leagues of Votann 3

And check out the tough-and-testy triker holding the handlebars of the Hernkyn Pioneer! It’s our first look at a female Kin, clad in a coat and goggles worthy of any aviating outrider. In the Leagues of Votann, when the clan-family calls, everyone answers.

Leagues of Votann New Squats 1We’re all for Squats, so any miniature or vehicle kit previewed for them is exactly what we want to see!

Leagues of Votann Trikes Hernkyn Pioneers

Hernkyn pioneers

Armed to the teeth with practical, yet high-tech weaponry, the Leagues dispatch Oathbands and Prospects to roam the galaxy seeking out fresh resources and mounting aggressive defense of their Holds. Roving before these expeditions are the Hernkyn Pioneers – hardy outriders dispatched for days or weeks at a time to scout ahead of the main force.

These are super cool (even though they took the wheels off) and look to have all kinds of weapon options.

Hernkyn pioneers 2

“In a lot of factions, bikers are shock troops, swift hunters, or even (in the case of Orks) just marauding speed-crazed loons,” Andy explains. “By comparison, the Hernkyn Pioneers serve as armoured cavalry. They are extremely sturdy, highly mobile, and pack a tremendous amount of firepower – which to my mind makes them a more central and powerful element of the main Kin battle lines than some other factions’ bikers.

From the sounds of it, you might have to include these as they will be super tough and have all kinds of firepower, which the guy above points to!

Hernkyn pioneers 3

Their magna-coil bikes are fast and manoeuvrable, even over the most difficult terrain or bodies of water, which might confound more conventional bikes with wheels. What’s more, they have some seriously big guns, and with their multiwave comms arrays and pan-spectral scanners they have all the supporting tech needed to operate as intelligence-gathering assets

While we love the old trikes, this fits in more with the new 40k aesthetic of floating vehicles.

Hernkyn pioneers 4

Their hand-held weaponry is similarly prosaic, with bolt pistols and shotguns, and big plasma knives. On the other hand, the bikes themselves mount weaponry that employs some of their more advanced technologies. Their variant uniforms and weaponry give a contrast to the more armoured Kin, adding texture to the range and a distinctive image to an important element of Kin society.

Hernkyn pioneers 5

Their armour style has a rounded, almost muscular feel, with additional layers and countersunk bolts that are reminiscent of the Kastelan Robot used by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Some of the Imperial weapon types usually described as ‘relics’ are more commonplace in the Leagues, and they also possess better versions of most Imperial technologies – even common ones like las weapons. Just look at the HYLas rotary cannon that can be mounted on a Hernkyn Pioneer – HYLas is short for High Yield Laser.

While we haven’t seen a ton of weapon profiles, they are giving themselves the option to put out some cool old weaponry.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Votann Alternatives!

If you looking for inspiration on how to paint your own Leagues of Votann, one hobbyist has an idea for you:

With some great photoshopping, the world found out that the Leagues of Votann will make some excellent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles alternatives minis! Read More

leagues of votann all models

So, for now, at least, we have “seen” lots of new models and some rules for the upcoming Leagues of Votann Squats army!  While Games Workshop says it will be a few months before we see them all, the first are set to arrive in September of 2022.

Meanwhile, we’re sure there will be teasers and lore articles galore in the meantime!  If you love everything Squats, check out the latest on the new Leagues of Votann below.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about the return of Squats er the Leagues of Votann and their new models for Warhammer 40k?