The Teenage Mutant Ninja Votann Alternatives!

With some great photoshopping, the world found out that the Leagues of Votann will make some excellent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles alternatives minis!

If you need some conversion/painting ideas for your new army, or just like a good laugh, then this is the one for you! These were sent in from Zokko Minis, and nearly the whole gang is here! Let’s first check out the battle box announced by GW, then get into the fun!

Be sure to check out all of these articles on the new Leagues of Votann 40k codex rules below:

Leagues of Votann Army Box

leagues of votann army set

The first wave of Kin includes Ûthar the Destined – who you can also build as a Kâhl – a formidable Einhyr Champion, three nippy Hernkyn Pioneers, and 20 Hearthkyn Warriors who can be taken as two squads of 10 to fill out a Patrol Detachment.

It’s the first place to acquire the 104-page Codex: Leagues of Votann – with an exclusive cover no less – alongside a pack of 50 datacards and two transfer sheets filled with the symbols and logos of the major Leagues. Everything in this set will be available separately later – except that exclusive codex cover.

The codex will arrive separately after the army box, so if you want early access, you’ll have to grab this release!

Leagues of Votann Make Great Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Alternatives!

casey_jones copieWhat’s scarier than one Casey Jones? A whole squad of them running you down with giant axes and mauls!

turtle_carHonestly, these colors could be a really cool paint scheme for the army.

splinter copieThis is just the best Splinter we have seen in a long time, and we all know if Splinter wanted to, he could easily make rocks float too.

TMNT LeaguesObviously, you need the boys themselves! They just work so perfectly that it almost seems like the exo armor was created for this.

TMNT LeaguesLast but not least, they have a heavy-duty ride in case things get tough!

turtle_famillyThis is just way too good! They pretty much have everything here including two versions of the Turtle Van! The only thing really missing maybe April, and perhaps Shredder and some Foot Ninjas to fight against!

If you love everything Squats, check out the latest on the new Leagues of Votann below.

Will you be painting your Leagues of Votaan like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and which one is your favorite? 

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