Angelic Inheritors New Blood Angels 40k Detachment Explained

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Enhance your Blood Angels force in Warhammer 40k with the Angelic Inheritors Detachment rules to strike hard, adapt quickly, and embody the legacy of Sanguinius in your battles.

The Angelic Inheritors Detachment captures everything we love about the Blood Angels—elegant fury, heroic moments, and devastating combat prowess. This new Warhammer 40k detachment gives you the tools to strike hard, adapt quickly, and tap into the legacy of Sanguinius himself.

From soaring Jump Pack heroes to precise melee assassins, the Angelic Inheritors rules let you craft a force with December’s Grotmas Calendar rules that shines brightest when the situation looks most dire. You can download the full rules here.

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Core Detachment Rule – Legacy of the Angel

an image of the angelic inheritors Blood Angel Detachment 40k rule

What It Does: At the start of the first battle round, pick two Angelic Legacy abilities for your Adeptus Astartes Character units:

  • Sanguinary Grace: Units can shoot and charge even after Falling Back.
  • Carmine Wrath: Re-roll Hit and Wound rolls of 1.
  • Their Appointed Hour: Re-roll Advance and Charge rolls.

This rule gives you insane flexibility right out of the gate. Whether you want to dominate the movement phase with Their Appointed Hour or turn your Characters into precise melee machines with Carmine Wrath, there’s something here for every strategy.

Imagine a Jump Pack Captain leaping back from danger, blasting an enemy unit, then diving right back in—classic Blood Angels flair.

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Enhancements – Honoring the Legacy

an image of the enhancements for the angelic inheritors Blood Angel Detachment 40k rules

  • Prescient Flash (20 pts): Grants Scouts 6” to the bearer’s unit for early-game positioning.
  • Troubling Visions (15 pts): Lets the bearer’s unit activate all three Angelic Legacy abilities for one turn.
  • Blazing Icon (20 pts): Prevents enemy Overwatch against the bearer’s unit.
  • Ordained Sacrifice (25 pts): The bearer can resurrect once per game with 3 wounds remaining.

These Enhancements pack a ton of utility and cinematic flair. Troubling Visions is incredible for unleashing a unit’s full potential in a crucial turn—imagine a Sanguinary Guard squad that re-rolls everything while leaping across the board.

Ordained Sacrifice makes your key Character practically unkillable, ideal for high-risk, high-reward plays. These upgrades let you balance tactical precision with those heroic, Primarch-inspired moments.

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Stratagems – Unleashing the Angelic Wrath

an image of the Angelic Inheritors Blood Angel Detachment 40k rules stratagems

  • Armour of Contempt (1 CP): Reduces incoming AP by 1 for a unit being targeted.
  • Focused Fury (1 CP): Grants Lethal Hits to melee weapons (and Lance for Character units).
  • Instant of Grace (1 CP): Turns a non-Character model into a temporary Character for a phase.
  • Strike Now for Glory (1 CP): Adds Sustained Hits 1 to ranged attacks.
  • In the Shadow of Great Wings (1 CP): Limits enemy targeting of a Character unit to within 18”.
  • Unto the Burning Skies (1 CP): Lets a Jump Pack unit enter Strategic Reserves at the end of a Fight phase.

These Stratagems add an incredible mix of defensive tools and explosive offense. Focused Fury is a melee powerhouse, especially when paired with Carmine Wrath for devastating precision. Meanwhile, Unto the Burning Skies is perfect for pulling out a Sanguinary Guard or Jump Pack Captain to set up another strike.

For defensive plays, Armour of Contempt combined with In the Shadow of Great Wings ensures your Characters stay alive just long enough to pull off those game-winning moves.

Blood angels Combat Patrol 6

Competitive Builds and Synergies

  • Sanguinary Guard Blitz: Combine Troubling Visions with Focused Fury to make a Sanguinary Guard squad devastating in melee. Use Their Appointed Hour for reliable charges and repositioning.
  • Resilient Heroes: Equip a Jump Pack Captain with Ordained Sacrifice for a near-immortal centerpiece. Use In the Shadow of Great Wings to limit incoming fire while positioning for a counterattack.
  • Tactical Scouts: Pair Prescient Flash with Strike Now for Glory to push an early-game squad into an advantageous shooting position.
  • Jump Pack Ambushers: Use Unto the Burning Skies to vanish a Jump Pack unit after combat, then reappear later to secure objectives or support a critical flank.

The Angelic Inheritors detachment thrives on mobility and precise timing. By combining the durability of Armour of Contempt with the devastating offense of Focused Fury, you can turn a tight situation into a game-changing moment. Add in the synergy of Troubling Visions and Sanguinary Grace to create a fast, flexible force that can overwhelm opponents with coordinated attacks.

Sample Warhammer 40k Army List

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  • Jump Pack Captain (Warlord) – 105 pts, Character, provides leadership and buffs for jump-pack units
  • Enhancement: Prescient Flash (20 pts) – grants the Captain’s unit the Scouts 6″ ability, allowing for strategic movement in the first turn.
  • Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack – 105 pts, Character, provides healing and buffs for nearby units, especially Sanguinary Guard and Death Company
  • Enhancement: Troubling Visions (15 pts) – allows the Priest’s unit to have all Angelic Legacy abilities active for the duration of the battle, instead of just two, making the Priest even more potent in supporting your jump-pack units.
  • Lemartes (Death Company Chaplain) – 110 pts, Character, supports Death Company units with re-rolls to hits and additional buffs
  • Sanguinor – 140 pts, Character, boosts nearby Blood Angels units, especially jump pack units, with powerful buffs and extra attacks


      • Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (5 models) – 90 pts, Battleline, support unit for holding objectives or providing additional assault power
      • Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (5 models) – 90 pts, Battleline, support unit for holding objectives or providing additional assault power
      • Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (5 models) – 90 pts, Battleline, support unit for holding objectives or providing additional assault power

Other Datasheets

      • Outrides (6 models) – 160 pts, fast moving units to help pressure your opponent quickly
      • Stormraven Gunship – 240 pts, Other, transports key units like Sanguinary Guard and Captain across the battlefield
      • Death Company Dreadnought – 180 pts, Other, powerful close combat unit to provide both ranged and melee support for jump-pack units
      • Sanguinary Guard (10 models) – 260 pts, Other, elite melee damage dealers with Angelic Inheritors’ support
      • Death Company with Jump Packs (10 models) – 240 pts, Battleline, aggressive melee unit to be used as shock troops
      • Death Company with Jump Packs (10 models) – 240 pts, Battleline, aggressive melee unit to be used as shock troops

This army is all about speed, mobility, and getting the right buffs at the right time. With Jump Pack Captain and Sanguinary Priest boosting your Jump Pack units, you’ve got support to keep your forces running smoothly. The Sanguinary Guard and Death Company are the heavy hitters, and they’ll benefit from all the buffs, making them hard to stop.

The Angelic Inheritors detachment shines here, with its ability to activate Angelic Legacy abilities that benefit your units. You can choose two abilities at the start, and things like Carmine Wrath and Sanguinary Grace (to charge after falling back) make your Jump Pack units really flexible, allowing them to keep pushing forward or escape tricky situations.

Overall, this list plays on the strengths of Blood Angels’ speed, close combat power, and the Angelic Inheritors’ synergy. However, the points are ever-changing in Warhammer 40k (and just changed again), so be sure to check out the Field Munitorum for all the current points! 

Soaring to Glory with the New Blood Angels Detachment 40k Rules

The Angelic Inheritors Detachment embodies everything iconic about the Blood Angels. Where it’s speed, fury, and the ability to turn the tide of battle when it matters most. With flexible Angelic Legacy abilities, cinematic Enhancements like Ordained Sacrifice, and potent Stratagems like Focused Fury, this detachment delivers a fast and ferocious playstyle.

Whether you’re crashing into your opponent with Sanguinary Guard, pulling off heroic saves with your Jump Pack Captain, or setting up perfectly-timed ambushes, the Angelic Inheritors rules ensure you’ll fight with the grace and savagery of Sanguinius himself.

See All the New 40k Detachment Rules Here

What do you think about the new Blood Angels Angelic Inheritors 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Detachments rules from the first Grotmas Calendar?