Bandai Primaris Space Marines: On The Way Soon!

bnadai space marine starburstThe Bandai Primaris Space Marine may be coming soon! Check out the latest for when we could be seeing it ship to our doorsteps.

We’ve seen a lot on the Bandai Primaris Marine figure already. But to get you all caught up, we’ll be going over everything you need to know about it. Plus, after a little bit of port scrying, we might have just seen it hit the USA!

bandai primaris marine 1This fully-posable Primaris Marine might be the next hot thing to hit your hobby shelves. We knew that it was going to be pretty collectible considering that they were only going to make 9,000 and pre-orders were very short…

bandai primaris marine 2Bandai’s Marine hit 9,000 orders almost immediately and we had a pretty good idea production started a while back.

bandain space marine pricingWe also saw that it was a flat $100 USD on top of the exceptionally short pre-order timeframe. We also saw more pictures of the posable Bandai Marine and its packaging from hobby hero Scott Rubin on our Facebook Hobby Group.

Here are some close-up shots of the Bandai Marine as well as its packaging. Now we can get a better look at it all!

bandai intercessor 1Don’t worry about the awkward posing on the model. You can adjust him to however you want. You can even drop the weapons from his hands if needed.

bandai intercessor 2Similar to when all the pre-painted Funko POP! minis released and we saw people painting over them in their own colors, we’re sure we’ll be seeing the same thing happen for this guy as well. Let’s face it. Not everyone wants to be an Ultramarine.

bandai intercessor 3As for the packaging, it comes in a dope, fully enclosed packaging- perfect for storing it on the shelf keeping it in mint condition and watching it become a collectible.

bandai intercessor 4


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Bandai Primaris Marine Latest: Did They just Hit US Ports?

bandai primaris marine port scryingUsing a little port scrying, it looks like something from Bandai just hit US ports. Plus, the only time we’ve ever heard of Bandai working with Games Workshop is for the Primaris figure and chibis (but those have already been spotted on shelves for sale).

Advertised as only 9,000 made, its unclear if that means just the US/ North American market alone. The numbers may support that conclusion as 897 cartons look to have made their way to the US. It’s unclear though what the carton count actually is, but assuming it is ten, that would put roughly 9000 of these models arriving at the Memphis, TN warehouse shortly.

primaris bandai space marineThere is really no way to know the exact numbers arriving in the US or what allocation of models were available to consumers in each regional market back in October from GW.

Following the chart from above that said orders would ship in early-mid 2020, it seems like we’re right on schedule. However, we may see these ship out after GW opens back up from their shutdown perhaps in May.

So with all of this on the table, do you think Bandai might’ve made more than 9,000 Marines? Did they ship something else by surprise? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!