Behind the Scenes Q&A Reveals From GW’s Latest Preview

ork hor wal

Don’t miss a behind the scenes look at the latest GW fall preview with the latest Q&A reveals that Warhammer Community didn’t cover.

We saw a ton of previews already from GW for the 2018 release calendar and have been hearing a ton of rumors about possible new AoS armies, Daemon primarchs, and of course Orks as well.

Warhammer Community had a lot of new previews for us Wednesday Night, but we have the latest beyond their previews with the Q&A from the event.

Behind the Scenes Q&A Reveals From GW’s Latest Preview

Q&A reveals from our friends at Sepulchre of Heroes, and our own sources as well.

Hours Heresy wasn’t on the list of stuff they’re talking about.

Kill Team, WH Underworld (Shadespire), 40k, AOS, Middle EArth

New Release Development

Usually 18 months from concept to shelf
Resin is quicker. SoB decades. Squats children of our children.

Timeline – show stuff a month before it comes out.  If you haven’t seen it (model, book, etc) then it’s more than a month away.


Codex orks next
Before orks (codex?) speed freaks
Some sort of track ruler
Twisted metal with orks
War boss on trike

New ork codex and models “Not just speed freeks models”

Ghazkull may get a new kit

New ork kits- more than 3
Orks may move to new bases

Speed Freeks has everything you need for an Ork spearhead detachment except for a HQ.  

40k rules in the speed freeks box for the models in there

Speed freeks will likely have a campaign system

speed freek nova 2 Behind the Scenes Q&A Reveals From GW's Latest Preview speed freek nova 1 speed freeks game

Imperial Knights:

House Griffith transfer sheet
And other lesser houses
Sir canis rex next couple weeks

knight emblem transfer sheet

Sisters of Battle:

sisters chapter approved

9 heads
Beta codex in chapter approved 2018 xmas

Sisters “project is continuing” – showed heads, talked about other parts of the models (torso, etc).

sister of battle head bit

Warhammer Underworlds:

New Stormcast, mages
New Nighthaunts
Banshee with a rose whip
All new magic dice and magic mechanic
Bat squig

Magic system. “Night Vault”. “Really Soon”.  Over 100 new cards in box, whole new magic mechanic.  Completely compatible with all existing shadespire.

From Q+A – existing warbands aren’t going out of print – still available and supported.


nighthaunt warband stormcast warband

Age of Sigmar:


Realm of chaos wrath and rapture
Slaanesh voice over
Khorne and Slaanesh
For both game systems

More stuff for Nighthant models in the future.  Not specific if it would be different models altogether or just non-push fit versions of current models.


Middle Earth


Rebranding it
Gondor at war supplement 1st one
Narrative scenarios
New matched play
Gandalf and pippin on shadowfax
Pippin is removable

Middle Earth IP that GW can use is limited to the Hobbit and Fellowship trilogy (books + movies) – they can’t use other parts of the lore, Similiarian, etc.

Kill Team

New kill team rules coming

Kill Team “Command Roster” application “soonish” to build your kill teams

New types of units and rules for kill team “coming real soon”

No comment on inquisitor expansion for kill team. Possible multi part plastic inquisitor

Sisters kill team coming when there are models


Dont know when next primarch is coming back

Angelic Primarch – “He died”

Lehman Russ – “I don’t know”.  No idea on plans for any additional primarchs in 40k.

Even though Slaanesh was mentioned in the previous quote above, it looks like Fulgrim may be sitting back for a while after all.

Blackstone Fortress:

Warhammer quest: Blackstone fortress
First 40k Warhammer quest game

Blackstone fortress has 3 chaos marines in it

A Rogue Trader was talking in the Blackstone fortress video

3 new CSM models in Black Stone fortress box.  “Probably 7 more new models to make a new CSM boxed kit”.

Blackstone fortress loosely connected to a world as speed freeks and tooth and claw

Speed Freeks and Forgebane and Tooth and Claw all take place on the same planet.  Loosely connected to the story for Blackstone Fortress.


van saar wal

Necromunda one book all the rules… good idea for the future

Van saar getting weapons sets. Tips and tactics videos just a consequence of time

Arbites – they’re the “Gun to the head of the planetary governor, like seals and special forces – they would never go into the underhive, it would be like clubbing seals”.  Underhive enforcer gangs are “probably coming” instead.

Age of Sigmar:

Can beastmen take Marks. No answer

AoS transfer sheets? No current plans

General Warhammer 40k:

genestealer gunslinger New Genestealer Cult Models SPOTTED

New csm coming

Fortifications and terrain rules going to be updated for 40k

Campaign books… need to finish codicies. Something special coming

Genestealer cultist gunslinger model “coming real soon” with good rules

Something special coming up “Campaign wise” for 40k

Various Q&A Updates

Bought a new building for Forge World production

New building “will be filled with machines making models” – still under construction.

Fires of cyraxus– no answer

Spent time with a company that specializes in children’s development to make their products for kids like WA and SM heroes

Design goals for blitz bowl- more accessible for young people. Plan for more games that style. Sm one vs necrons, fellowship one


What do you think about the previews from the seminar? Do you have any thought of what we’ll see when Slaanesh or Khorne get the spotlight? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

Remember to check our coverage on YouTube & Twitch of the GW preview seminar for our expert hobby opinions on what was revealed.

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