Perfect Fit: Re-Formatted 10th Edition 40k Index Cards for Hassle-Free Printing

40k-index-card-print-outs-downloads-datasheers-data-10th-EditionHere are all the new Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Index Cards Datasheets formatted better for printing either Magic card size or two per page!

GW confirmed the actual size of the cards is 190 x 126mm, which is bigger than the existing AoS warscroll cards and is the actual print size of the free pdf downloads (roughly one per standard printer paper size). This means printing out your entire army of cards will take up all kinds of paper and ink and may be hard to carry around!

With over 100 cards for certain armies (we’re looking at you, Space Marines), the existing sizes from GW could make this worse than carrying codexes around! 

Luckily, some folks have re-formatted the new Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Index cards datasheets for hassle-free printing in either Magic card or two per page size!

10th Edition Warhammer 40k Index Cards Datasheets Formatted to Better Sizes for Printing!

The Magic-sized cards come from Jonathan Lee (aka Grot_Guard), and they did an amazing job making them!

10th Edition Index Datacards Formatted for PrintingAll the Warhammer 40k index data cards are formatted to a standard Magic size, meaning if you have sleeves lying around, you can pop them in right away! Plus, if you go with the clear plastic sleeves, or top loaders, you can just use dry-erase markers to mark changes (because we already know there will be plenty of changes).

You don’t have to use sleeves if you don’t have them, but it seems to make things much easier overall to sort through! If you want to download all the Magic-sized Index Cards for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition, you can here!

10th Edition Index Datacards Formatted for PrintingThis is the stack of just Imperial Guard cards! Imagine having to carry this around as one full page per unit; it would be just as big or more than the codex. If you want to play something like Space Marines, this is about half the amount you would need.

Not to mention if you play a specific chapter, like Blood Angels, then it could get even crazier!

10th Edition Index Datacards Formatted for Printing 2You’ll have to do a little work and cut them out yourself, but it’s much easier than what we currently have from Games Workshop.  However, if you want them a little bit bigger, there is a set of downloads for that too.

Click Here to Download the Magic Sized Cards

10th Edition 40k Index Datacards Formatted Two Per Page

You can also make your own from the Warhammer 40k Datasheet PDF Converter, which lets you upload the index PDF and convert them to a printable two or four-page format.
10th Edition Index Datacards Formatted for Printing 3If the Magic card size is too small, this two and four-per-page format is also available. While they won’t fit in sleeves as efficiently, they are bigger and easier to read.

This might not be a bad option if you’re playing one of the smaller armies. Something like the Chaos Knights index is condensed down to only ten pages.

Click Here for the Two or Four Per Page

If you’re looking for the original ones from Games Workshop still, use the links below for the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k index card datasheet rules!


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    Will you download any of these smaller sizes to print your 10th Edition 40k index cards?