All the Xenos Factions 10th Edition 40k Rules: Datasheets & Index Cards

Necrons,-Dark-Eldar-(Drukhari),-Eldar,-Orks,-Genestealer-Cults,-Tau,-&-Leagues-of-Votann-10th-Edition-40k-Rules-Datasheets-&-Index-Cards-DownloadsAll the Xenos 10th Edition 40k index datasheet card rules downloads, including Tau, Tyranids, Necrons, Dark Eldar, and more, are here!

These new Xenos 10th Edition 40k index datasheet card rules downloads for the Tau, Tyranids, Necrons, Dark Eldar, etc., include everything other than the points, but it is enough to see what special rules each army has and what each unit does now.

With new army-wide rules, more datasheets, weapon profiles, and new stratagems, the picture of how some of the favorite factions will work in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k is more evident now.

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Click the links below for the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k index card datasheet rules!


10th edition year 1 roadmapFrom the looks of it, just a few of these Codex releases are still a ways off (at least not in 2023 or early 2024). With actually a lot of Xenos books hitting soon.

Tyranids, Necrons, Orks, and Tau are getting a book early on, but for the others, we know they won’t be on the way until at least the summer of next year. So, let’s hope the index rules are reasonable and will hold you over until their books drop. 

Now, let’s jump into the new rules!

Necrons, Dark Eldar (Drukhari), Eldar, Orks, Genestealer Cults, Tau, & Leagues of Votann 10th Edition 40k Rules Datasheets & Index Cards Downloads

The new Xenos Warhammer 40k faction index card rules downloads for Necrons, Dark Eldar (Drukhari), Eldar, Orks, Genestealer Cults, Tau, and Leagues of Votann are located on Warhammer Community.

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules

The galaxy is crawling with xenos threats who are quite happy to take advantage of the Tyranid attack on the Imperium in order to press their own agendas. The T’au, the Aeldari, and the rest are all making their play, whether that be for conquest or sheer survival.

T’au Empire 10th Edition 40k Rules

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 2In a thematic shift, this new set of spotters and shooters makes for an interesting system! Getting +1 to BS and Ignoring Cover are also great bonuses for nearly your entire army! That being said, straying from your target and getting -1 BS is enough of a downside to creating tough decisions.

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 3Sustained hits are bonus hits on 6s, meaning tons of Tau will get two extra hits on 6s after the third round, from the sounds of it.  If their opponent is lucky, a lot of their army will hopefully be dead by then. Otherwise, things may escalate quickly from there…

You can download all the Tau 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free from Warhammer Community here!

Aeldari 10th Edition 40k Rules

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 4From how this works, you might as well keep re-rolling until you get as many 6’s as possible, considering you want to roll high for everything now. It might be an annoying mechanic for your opponent, as before the game starts, you could technically have 12 dice rolls.

Plus, if you manage to roll twelve 5’s and 6’s, this will be pretty strong. Even some 4’s thrown in there wouldn’t be too bad.

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 5Re-rolling is always strong, and getting to re-roll for your whole army is fantastic, especially since it is for hits and wounds. Then, if you’re playing Dark Eldar or Ynnari, you can include different units from the other factions, Harlequins, or Anhrathe.

You can download all the Eldar 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free from Warhammer Community here!

Drukhari 10th Edition 40k Rules

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 6

Power From Pain is being changed quite a lot. However, it might be easier to remember all the effects now, but losing Feel No Pain for such a lightly armored army might be pretty harsh. Now, you can use the tokens to re-roll advance, charge moves or get full hit re-rolls.

This is pretty cool, but losing the FNP might be huge.

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 7With how the new detachments work, you can more or less take anything you want, so you do get some advantage for fielding all three of these units.

You can download all the Dark Eldar 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free from Warhammer Community here!

Necrons Datasheets & Index Cards

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 8It’s nice to see this stay with the army, as it’s been a staple for quite a while. Now you can regain D3 wounds, but they are getting a book early on, so maybe the shenanigans will increase soon.

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 9This is pretty huge, as this is on top of the other buffs! It looks like Necrons will rely heavily on having a decent number of characters, as you might be able to get some serious buffs across the board.

You can download all the Necrons 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free from Warhammer Community here!

Genestealer Cults Datasheets & Index Cards

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 10Well, this is super strong, as you can get all your battleline units back on a 2+! Just be sure to put them far enough away from enemies that they can’t move to within 9″ of them as you set them up after the enemy’s movement phase. 

This means they will also have another turn to be shot at again, but they can just come back again. It’s nice to still be able to include Imperial Guard units in your armies, and with tanks getting better, you might as well grab a few to bring to battle!

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 11It makes sense as your army arrives from the depths; they would be better at fighting as they just joined the fray and took the enemy by surprise!

You can download all the GSC 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free from Warhammer Community here!

Orks Datasheets & Index Cards

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 12This is now at the start of a battle round, so if you’re going second, as they say, you can actually call this down on the first turn to save your army from an alpha strike list.

Then use it on your turn to either get stuck in faster and give your entire army more strength and attacks!

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 13For Orks, this is huge because you’re going to have a ton of attacks, and getting two hits for every six in combat is just always awesome!

You can download all the Orks 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free from Warhammer Community here!

Leagues of Votann 10th Edition 40k Rules

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 14There are also other special rules to give Judgement Tokens (like below), but if a unit gets two put on them, you should be able to blast them off the table!

Xenos 10th Edition 40k Rules 15This is very interesting, where you have to balance how hard of a unit to destroy you want to give the tokens to. If you put them on the biggest, baddest unit from the enemy, you’ll have a much better shot at destroying them. However, it might take a lot longer, and you’ll get fewer CP.

You can download all the Leagues of Votann 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free from Warhammer Community here!

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the new Xenos Warhammer 40k faction index card rules downloads for Necrons, Dark Eldar (Drukhari), Eldar, Orks, Genestealer Cults, Tau, and Leagues of Votann?

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